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Broker Rant
Sept. 15th Meeting
North County Cancer Fitness
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To educate our membership, represent consumer interests, influence legislation and promote fair and ethical business practices through the association of health and disability insurance professionals.
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Bill to Alert Consumers of 'Unreasonable' Health Plan Rate Hikes Heads to Governor

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                         September 2016

BROKER RANT                                   By: Barry Cogdill
The summer month's pass so quickly. I am penning these thoughts on the flight home from Cancun. Whether an effect of the low pressure tropical lifestyle, the distance from the states, or the quality of the tequila, health insurance has not been on my mind. That is, only a little on my mind, as I have perused articles over the internet about our country, and our state, and think about the transition to the dreaded 4 th quarter.

I am doing my best to put this process off until after Labor Day, but the work actually started prior to this vacation trip, strategizing my December group clients, certifying for Medicare Advantage and Part D, and staying tuned into the ACA market changes.

So, what has happened in my brief absence? HHS has sent out a new slew of regulatory changes for the individual market, trying to stem the adverse special enrollment issues with carriers, and reconsidering risk corridor payments to protect those same insurers from losing too much money.  Read more.

Demystification of the Healthcare Exchanges
Chris Patton
Covered CA SHOP
Michael Payton
CHOICE Administators

Chris and Michael will be sharing their thoughts regarding state ofexchanges in California, updates on how Covered California for Small Business is doing, 4th quarter anticipation and beyond, focus on multi-carrier choice in the marketplace (agents role and technology). 

Event Details
Thursday, Sept. 15th
Handlery Hotel
950 Hotel Circle North
San Diego 92108

Cost to Attend:
Member or First Time Guest: $20
Non-Member: $45


Exercise - A Vital Component of Cancer Recovery
North Cou nty Cancer Fitness (NCCF) promotes wellness and strength  for those who are newly diagnosed, undergoing treatment, recovering from treatment, and/or living with cancer. Our program of fitness, education, referral and support is designed to improve how you feel, help you deal with treatment and practice a healthier lifestyle.

Designed for both women and men, their cancer fitness program focuses on those in treatment as well as cancer survivors. Whether you have been active in the past or are just beginning, physical activity can help you feel better in many ways. Their cancer fitness program is safe and it is tailored especially for you. Medical studies show that a fitness program helps cancer survivors feel better,
lead healthier lives and reduces the risk of recurrence.

North County Cancer Fitness, located in North San Diego County, CA, is here to help. Find out more about NCCF's approach to cancer fitness.

Tel: (858) 883-2486 |
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