Jan. 28, 2024

It's a new year!



As many of you likely know, our budget each year is approved by the congregation at the annual business meeting in November. That approval is not just a casual "thumbs up." It is a covenant that our members make with God and with this church community to meet the needs of ministry at Peters Creek Baptist Church. The budget not only provides salaries for church personnel, but it funds outreach events like THE WAY and the Community Picnic, it purchases new music for worship, curriculum for Bible and Life, access to Right Now Media and Dwell apps: it works our audio and live stream systems, provides for heat and light and water. It subsidizes adult and youth mission trips and children's VBS. the list goes on and on. Your Tithes and offerings are investments into the extraordinary --the life-changing, truth-affirming, and soul-saving work of ministry.


In 2023, your giving was tremendous--99.0% of budget! Make 2024 a year of extraordinary investment into ministry--though your giving, yes--but also through your involvement, your support, and your commitment to connection and serving in the church.




Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:18-19

Baby Bottle Campaign


Now through Sunday, February 11


Sunday, January 21, we will be kicking off our Baby Bottle Campaign for

CHOICES Pregnancy Services. Donations will go toward the important work that CHOICES does in protecting the Sanctity of Human Life and also meeting the physical and spiritual needs of their clients. On January 21st, take a bottle or a few and fill them, then return them to the designated drop box on Sunday mornings during the campaign. Bottles are available in the foyer.







Sunday, February 11

If interested, contact Pastor Lora

llewis@pcbc.church or 412-833-6111

Mark Your Calendars!

Prep days and rehearsals for THE WAY are scheduled.

Prep Days:

Saturday, February 24th, 8:00am

Saturday, March 9th, 8:00am

Saturday, March 23rd, 8:00am


Sunday, March 17th, 4:00pm

Sunday, March 24th, 4:00pm

Wednesday, March 27th, 5:00pm

Sign-ups will begin next week!

Thursday, March 28th


Friday, March 29th

We invite you to join us outdoors as we experience Jesus' journey to the cross.



Dinner Served 5:15 - 6:15

Adults $7.00

Children 6-17 $3.00

Children 5 and under Free

Family Maximum $25.00


Roasted Pork Loin

Baked Apples

Mixed Vegetables

Salad Bar

Stuffed Pepper Soup

Gluten free option available



Learn how to apply the principles found in Ephesians 6 to your daily life.

Facilitator: Pastor Dusty

Room 203

Learn how the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to save, change and unite God's people.

Facilitator: Pastor Josh

Room 204


A GriefShare support group is a safe welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13 week group, you'll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what's "normal" in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you'll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability--and gain solid support each step of the way.

Facilitator: Pam Hart 6:30-7:45 PM Room 201


6:45-7:45 PM

High School

Middle School

Meet in the MPR/Room110


6:45-7:45 PM



Meet in the Preschool Department


Grades 1-5

Meet in the Social Hall, Room 111

In January , the Diaper Panty served 120 families!

There are several ways to be a part of this vital ministry to the community.

*Volunteer to work on distribution day (once a month) or on the Thursday before distribution days.

* Buy diapers and drop them off in the church office or have them delivered here to the church.

We are currently in need of size 4, 5, 6 and 7 diapers. *Monetary donations can be made to the Diaper Pantry online or on Sunday Mornings.

MIDWEEK Kitchen and Take Down help needed!

We are in urgent need of Kitchen and Take Down help for our MIDWEEK program. If you are willing to help, please follow the link and fill out the form provided.

Sign Up Here

Tuesday Morning

Study Group


Social Hall


by Angie Smith

Join Angie Smith in this 8-session search for truth as she unfolds the story of our matchless Savior - His mission, miracles, and messages. Through her signature wit and accessible style, Angie unpacks Scripture in a way that is easy to understand, regardless of how long you have been studying the Bible (a great option for new believers!). This study will deepen your understanding of Jesus through Biblical, historical and cultural insight and help you see Him less as an iconic figure and more as an intimate friend.


Tuesday Evening

Study Group

7-8:30 pm

Room 204


Living for Christ

by Lydia Brownback

The book of Philippians describes the pain the apostle Paul endured as a follower of Christ. Writing to the church in Philippi, he declares that nothing-not even imprisonment-will stop him from rejoicing in the Lord. That's because Jesus was Paul's reason for living. Philippians, perhaps more than any other New Testament epistle, anchors believers in joy and a contagious passion for Christ.

Join Lydia Brownback as she walks chapter by chapter through the book of Philippians. Paul's letter demonstrates the abundant joy that is possible through unity in Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. By understanding Philippians, believers learn how to find contentment in God, even during difficult times.

Monday Study:

Systematic Theology by R.C Sproul

8:00 pm, Social Hall

Utilizing resources from R.C Sproul, this study is intended to lay a solid foundation for believers who seek a better understanding of who God is and why He is worthy of our praise.

Tuesday Study:

1 Thessalonians by Ben Stuart

7:00 pm, Room 100

What is God's will for our lives and why is it important to know? In this eight-session series, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us that Jesus calls us to live our faith openly letting the world see our allegiance to him. When we are being faithful, pressing against culture, others can't help but notice. As we live confident of our good future in God's kingdom, we show the world where--and in whom--their hope lies.


Your access to over 20,000 Bible Studies


Listen to God's Word effortlessly


Bible and Life groups happen every Sunday from 9:45-10:30 am. Have you found your group yet? If not, check out this handy guide to our adult classes!

Join us on Friday mornings at 7:30 am as we pray together for those stricken with illness and hardship, especially those who have been diagnosed with cancer.

For more information, contact Lynn Martin at lynns4osu@gmail.com


Give securely via our online portal. You can give a one-time gift or set up a weekly, monthly or even annual recurring gift.

You can also pay for Morning Stop purchases, Midweek Dinner charges, or book and study journal purchases, all from one convenient platform!

Start Here!