The TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program is powered by the

North Tahoe business community. Thank you to the business owners

who contribute to the Tourism Business Improvement District. 

NTCA's Annual Report Published

NTCA remains focused on reinvesting revenues generated by tourism into impactful initiatives that address community priorities and benefit residents, local businesses and visitors. In total, over $25M was allocated last year through the TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program to make progress on workforce housing, traffic flow and transportation, trails and recreation improvements, litter and human impacts, accessibility, and community enhancement.

2024-25 Annual Report

TOT-TBID Dollars At Work Funded Project Highlights

Annual Grant Cycle Update

The 2024-2025 Annual Grant Cycle application review is underway! This cycle received a total of 22 applications. Committee members will begin reviewing applications at the end of September. Applicants that have been selected for presentations will be notified by October 3.

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Sierra Community House Helps Local Workforce Households

In the second quarter of their three-year sponsorship grant through the TOT-TBID Dollars At Work Program, Sierra Community House helped attain and sustain housing by providing case management services, legal assistance, and direct payments to landlords, utility companies and other housing-related costs.

  • $78,517 in TOT-TBID funds were paid directly to landlords/utility companies on behalf of 53 households
  • SCH Advocates provided 13 households with legal services related to a landlord-tenant matter
  • SCH Advocates leveraged $3,161 from Southwest Gas utility assistance partnership to help 13 households maintain gas service
  • SCH Advocates provided resource navigation services related to stabilizing housing for 191 households
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Lease to Locals Continues to Expand

This past quarter, Lease to Locals continued to support the local workforce by unlocking 11 new homes, providing housing for 23 local workers and five children. Of the 19 homes that recently completed their lease periods, 15 are either renewing with their current tenants or welcoming new long-term residents.

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NTCA Updates

Meet the Candidates

"Meet the Candidates" provides a forum for candidates running for elected office to introduce themselves and their platform to our community. Hear from and ask questions of candidates running for elected positions in races including Placer County Supervisor, 5th District; Member of State Assembly 1st District; United States Representative 3rd District; and Tahoe City Public Utility Director. Don't forget to register to vote!


NTCA Board Endorses Cindy Gustafson

The NTCA Board of Directors voted to formally endorse Cindy Gustafson for Placer County District 5 Supervisor in the upcoming election. Gustafson, a 40-year resident and active community member, has been a staunch advocate for sustainability and stewardship in the region and has consistently supported the reinvestment of locally generated funds to allow the community to thrive on its own terms.

Read the Endorsement
CalTravel Summit Coming to North Lake Tahoe in 2025

North Lake Tahoe Wins Bid to Host 2025 CalTravel Event

CalTravel recently announced that North Lake Tahoe was selected to host next year’s annual Summit in October 2025! Each year, the Summit brings together 400+ travel and tourism leaders from destinations, hotels, attractions, airports, transportation companies, marketing agencies, industry associations, universities, and other organizations around the state. With a focus on stewardship and industry advocacy, this forum provides an opportunity to highlight North Lake Tahoe’s efforts to drive off-peak season visitation and encourage stewardship behaviors. It also helps to drive business in our local community during a slower time of year.

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Road Construction Updates

Several projects are occurring in the region that will improve and repair infrastructure but impact traffic and transportation between Incline Village and Tahoe City. Check out the NTCA road construction blog for weekly updates.

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Community Headlines

Over $190,000 in Grant Funds Awarded to TTUSD

The Excellence in Education Foundation is proud to announce the awarding of $190,748 in grants to support 60 educational projects across the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District. This year, key themes among the funded grants are literacy, math, and science. Grant highlights feature Anatomage Tablets for high school science classes, offering access to digital cadavers and anatomy videos, along with new music production software and climate action robotic kits. These grants will enhance learning experiences for students at all levels.


Starting September 20th, the Excellence in Education Foundation is launching a fund drive to raise $20,000 for even more classroom and district-wide grants. Every donation—whether $10, $100, or $1,000—brings us closer to our goal and impacts students' lives.


Mountaineer Adds to Winter On-Demand Transit Services

After record-breaking ridership last winter and in response to the most recent passenger survey, Mountaineer, the service that offers free, on-demand winter microtransit in Olympic Valley and Alpine Meadows, will expand its operating schedule for the 2024-25 season.

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