Maria Shaw’s

Starscopes Newsletter 

November 20-24, 2023

Thanksgiving Forecast!

2024 Zodiac Sign Readings for Only $22

Many free offers!

Free December Webinars

Winter Solstice Wishing Webinar

Get ready for the Winter Solstice with Maria Shaw

This is a free 30 minute webinar with information to help you prepare, indulge and benefit from the winter solstice

that arrives December 21, 2023.

Each season of the year, an astrological chart is made up. We call it an event chart. Just like someone getting married or opening a business, a chart is made for the exact moment a couple says I do or the doors open for a business. A chart is made for the exact moment that fall turns into winter; the winter solstice.

Inside this chart, we get a look at what the following three months will bring the world; what the winter will look like.

From an individual perspective, the winter solstice will being each zodiac sign something new to focus on and work on and manifest.

From a collective, the solstice will bring planetary shifts, specific luck and challenges, weather patterns and an overall theme.

We are going to cover what you can do to bring forth the winter energy into your life.

I will also reveal the 2024 Divine Order Dates.

Register here for free

Our Annual

Christmas Time Webinar

Sunday December 3

7p.m. central

Join us from anywhere in the world

Free Registration here!

-Holiday Predictions

-Gift Giving Ideas for Each Zodiac Sign

-Stocking Sale

 - Santa Sing-a-long. 

See if you made the Naughty or Nice list this year!

2024 Forecasts - Only $22

All of the zodiac signs have opportunities in the new year uner some auspicious astrological and numerology aspects. Aries and Taurus stand to gain the most financially but there are good aspects in so many other areas for everyone!

Find out about your successes as well as 10 other areas of your life, in my just released zodiac sign year long forecasts.

These cover 8-10 areas of your life (at least).This is a very affordable way to get a forecast based on your zodiac, by yours truly.

From money, to love, lucky periods, career, home, challenges, your overall theme, travel and so much more, these readings are worth much more than the $22 I am charging. They come to your email to download and save.

Order yours here

All 12 zodiac signs are available here now

You can order, any number or all 12. If you order the Special 12 Bundle, you can forward them to as many friends as you wish for holiday gifts. There's no limit!

Many businesses order the bundle and send them to their employees as a fun holiday gift. I even have other psychics buy them to send to their clients as a thank you for supporting their business over the year.

When you order all 12 signs, the price is only about $8 per forecast.

Order your rising sign and moon sign too for even more in-depth info.

2024 Moon Calendars

Order your calendars here!

10, 15, 30 and

60 minute appointments.

Phone readings are

available this week through Thanksgiving weekend

Smaller readings include 2 to 3 questions. Larger ones include 5 to 10 and a general overall reading for the next 6 to 12 months.

Book here

Need just 1 or 2 questions answered quickly?

Order 2 and get a 3rd for free

Need quick answers? I will record your answers and send them back via email for you to listen to. Ask one question or two. If you order the two question option, you will get a third questions for free.

Order here

We had a great “Astrology of Death” class in New Orleans on Saturday. This was not a class to that revealed when people would die. It was a class that revealed information, in our astrology charts, about who would be there on the other side to help us cross over, what karma we need to work on now, so it won’t follow us into the next lifetime, perhaps the experience of our transitions and if we will reincarnate again and what that lifetime is likely to look like. 

There’s a wealth of information in our astrology charts about our past, present, future and even our afterlife and future lives.

This class is best taught in small groups. I cannot teach it with large groups because we work with everyone’s chart individually as examples. But I received this letter on Sunday and it inspired me to offer a 1 question reading for anyone who is interested in this topic.

Dear Maria;

"My best friend took your DEATH and ASTROLOGY class Saturday in New Orleans and LOVED it! I would LOVE to hear what you say about my info on the same subject". Maggie

This is the response I received after I did a 1 question recorded reading for Maggie.




I TOTALLY know it's my mom I need to forgive. She was a very abusive, negligent alcoholic and my childhood was pretty miserable.

And the info about having a sound mind is PRECIOUS to me as my mom has dementia." All the best, Maggie

This week, I will do these one question readings just as I have for Maggie. You can order one here. Just ask Tell me about my Afterlife? I will research your chart and send you back a recorded answer. If you want me to do the same type of reading for someone who has already passed over, I will need their birthday, time (if you have it) and city they were born in. Please let me know if that person is deceased when you order. Again, this reading will NOT say when you are passing. That is between you and God. But it will give you information revealed in your chart, about your karma and your future experiences with the afterlife. The turnaround time may be an extra day or two since it’s the holidays and also I would expect a large number of inquiries.


By Maria Shaw

If you have felt the past month was chaotic, you can blame part of that energy on it being Scorpio season which is always intense. The Sun leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Wednesday. The energy will lighten up and you can expect a lot of fun adventures in the weeks ahead.

Monday November 20. 

Today could be a little difficult. But Tuesday, the energy shifts and is much easier, except for Virgo and Gemini folks. You could get into an argument with a woman, possibly your mama so be extra careful with your words. 

Between 10a.m. and 11a.m. there is apt to be an issue. You may be reading this later in the day so it’s probably passed already. We have some good energy this afternoon at 4:30p.m. You can accomplish whatever you set out to do then. A quick chat with someone is very healing and it’s a good time to talk forgiveness about 10p.m. If you’re up around 11:20p.m. you will be very positive about a money making idea. It’s also a great time to manifest.


Tuesday November 21

This is a nice, pleasant day. You are much more intuitive than usual. Some folks may feel a little “loopy” but overall there is a positive vibe in the air. Watch for dreams to be very prophetic. If you have a dream about a deceased loved one, it may be an actual visitation. 

Do not make a commitment around 2:15pm. If someone asks you to do something then, be cautious. You could be biting off more than you can chew, if you say yes. 

However you will be inspired and excited about something around 8:20p.m. If you come up with a great idea or a positive thought pops into your mind, run with it.

Insight comes easy and a solution to a problem can be solved at 8:35pm. Pay attention to what is happening this evening or any conversations that pop up. They are important in some way.

Wednesday November 22.  The Sun enters Sagittarius and the Moon enters Aries. These two fire signs work well together so Wednesday should be a fast moving and successful day if you are Sagittarius, Aries or Leo.

The only stressful time on Wednesday will be around 11:45am so lay low then. Relationships run smoothly around 12:30p.m. So plan your meetings or conversations during the lunch hour.

Thursday November 23. 

Early Thanksgiving dinners may be troublesome but only if you have irritating family members at your table. Some folks just can’t hold their tongue and will be eager to start arguments. These harsher cosmic influences ease later in the evening. Be especially careful with potential explosive conversations all morning and around 3:30p.m. and 6pm eastern time.

Friday November 24. 

In the morning, you’ll feel excited and enthusiastic and probably have a lot of energy to burn. If you are doing Black Friday shopping at the mall, you’ll embrace the madness and probably gain energy from all of the people. But the energy changes drastically around noon. Try to wrap up holiday shopping if you are out then. Around 12:30pm you could burn out, so plan to rest then or take time out for a lengthy lunch or even a nap. Don’t push yourself after lunch. Go home.

We have a lot of online sales Thanksgiving night, Black Friday and throughout the weekend. We have three holiday packages where you can save 75% and 80%. The packages will be filled with moldavite, crystals, moon calendars, selenite, Palo Santo, astrology reports, premiere passes, incense, pay me oils, psychic house parties, luxury purses and so much more. There will not be enough for everyone as quantities are limited so when you see the sales posted, please order early.

Make sure you register for our annual Christmas Time webinar and Stocking Sale coming up December 3. Last year we sold out on the stockings. We will have 60 of them this year. We take all of the crystals, fashion and metaphysical gifts we have left in inventory and divide them in our stockings and people can purchase them for a drastically reduced price. They have anywhere from $500 to $2400 worth of goodies in them! All are different. No two stockings are the same. Buy one for yourself and put it under your tree to open on Christmas Day! And purchase as a surprise gift for a special friend or family member. You won’t be disappointed!

Top View of Boot on the trail with the text  Whats Your Story

Do You have a Birthday Soon?

Within the next 90 days?

Get Your Cards of Destiny Report

Birthday to Birthday Forecast

with Free Solar Return

Just as you were born under a zodiac sign or have a Life Path Number in numerology, you were also born with a Destiny Card! This report represents everything you need to know about your card and your forecast for the year ahead in a special emailed copy.

Each year of your forecast is broken down into 6 week intervals and tells you what to expect doing that time.

In February and March, my cards of Destiny predicted I would be very sick. I was. But I also knew when I would be feeling better because of the report too.

Last April, my report read, a big real estate transaction would take place. I thought, NO WAY! I had no plans for such. But two days later, under my lucky period, things unfolded just as the cards predicted. I just went back and re-read my report for insight.

The Cards of Destiny will tell you so much about the year ahead; Positive times and challenging periods.

This is one of the best reports. I have ever offered. Everyone raves about it and it's fun to read too. Order the Cards of Destiny and get your $35 Solar Return Birthday report for free! Just send me a note you want it with your Cards of Destiny order.

Order here

The Solar Return

Your Magic Moment Happens Once Every Year

Each year there is a magical moment that occurs at a specific time around your birthday. If you know the exact minute it occurs, you can tap into a powerful energy and make magic happen in your life for an entire year. It’s called your Solar Return. It’s when the transiting sun comes back to the exact placement as the moment you were born. This is your REAL birthday astrologically speaking.

Your Solar Return paints a picture of your entire year ahead. It’s like a map of what’s to come. The exact magic moment is different each year and is based on the location you spend your birthday in that specific year. Once it is calculated, you must plan to do something to harness the potent energy.

I can send your solar return report and give you your magic moment time. I will need you birthday, time and city as well as where you will be for your upcoming birthday. The report is about 18 to 22 pages long.

Order here please or get it free when you order the Cards of Destiny now and I'll have your report back today!

Winter Webinars

You've asked for more on line classes, here they are!

You can purchase 1 for $49 or get all of them here. save $50!


90 minutes to 2 hours.

You will get a recording to replay

Step by Step, I will guide you through the new year with specific dates to make the most of 2024!

  • Learn about the shift in good fortune for all zodiac signs!
  • Find out where you will be the luckiest in 2024
  • What signs will find true love
  • Who will experience the biggest success
  • Discover what your biggest challenges will be
  • Get predictions for yourself, family and friends!

I will make predictions on the weather, economy, political climate, real estate, banking and financial systems, job market and more. She will share news on a life changing astrological aspect that could better mankind. I will give predictions for each zodiac sign too.

There’s so much more to 2024 than you'd ever imagine!

As time permits, there will be a question and answer session

Get the webinar for only $39 if you register before

 December 3. After that the price increases to $49

Save $10 if you order now here

Or Get all 3 webinars here and save

Are you someone who works for a company

that takes advantage of you or overlooks your talents?

Are you taken for granted and not appreciated

by a mate, family or friends?

Are you overworked and underpaid?

Is anger welling up inside of you, that you can no longer contain?

Before you go off and do something you may regret,

Tune into my January Webinar on…

Black Moon Lilith Unleashed

Lock your doors! Hang on tight…there’s a storm kicking up more than just dust in 2024. Her name is Lilith and she's more powerful than a Catagory 5 Hurricane, figuratively speaking. 

The first 6 months of 2024, Black Moon Lilith

is prepared to bring everyone to their knees!

Lilith is the female villain in the world of astrology and she will affect each and everyone of us in this new year for better or worse.

Find out:

  • Who and what Lilith is about.

  • Why you need to understand her, as she is the shadow side of you.

  • What she’s got planned for the world and you, individually now through June.

  • How you personally can use Lilith energy to better your life and stand up for yourself.

  • Where she shows up in your chart to help, hinder, hurt or heal you.

After all, everyone has Lilith holding court

somewhere in their astrology chart.

Register for Lilith Unleased Here

Order the Bundle and Save Here

Several times this new year, Destiny will be activated by potent astrological aspects that cannot be ignored. You will be pushed to do your soul’s work. You will be reminded of the reason you were born and the karmic tasks that your soul reincarnated to complete.


Will You Answer the 2024 Call from the Universe?

We are all here for three specific reasons. There's also smaller karmic lessons that pop up in our lives, when the Universe sees fit, to dole them out.

In this webinar, you will understand the three things your soul specifically came back to the earth to accomplish.

I will share specific dates these energies will be activated in 2024. You will likely feel the push, weeks before. Something deep inside of you, will sense the call is coming. How many of you are already feeling something big is unfolding in 2024?

Let’s get ready! Don’t miss these meaningful and powerful times happening in the weeks and months ahead.

Order your Date with Destiny Webinar Here


Order the Bundle and Save Here

November 23 - December 31

On Line; Watch for our Holiday Specials Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

We also have some great gifts coming the month of December

Holiday Psychic Convention

and Fair

Minneapolis MN

December 9 & 10

9am to 5pm

Marriott Minneapolis Airport Hotel

Across from the Mall of America

Click here to register

This is the last convention you can get a

free $89 Weekend Pass. In 2024, ticket prices go back into effect!

Includes all classes both days!

Saturday December 9

10a.m. Maria Shaw's

Astrological Predictions for 2024

1p.m. Michelle Case; Holiday Healing

Forgiveness; learn to create change in your life and relationships.

3:30p.m. Maria Shaw's

2024 Predictions for all of the 12 Zodiac Signs

Sunday December 10

10a.m. Maria Shaw; Holiday Messages from Heaven. Crossing Over Gallery.

1p.m. Char Savoie; The Greatest Gift- YOU!

Learn how to protect your energy throughout the holidays by grounding, clearing, and setting boundaries. Learn simple techniques and tips to help you manage your energy in any family or social gathering.

2:45pm Dr. Mary - The Spirit of Santa Workshop

Psychic Fair ongoing $10 admission and Readings $20 on a walk in basis. Metaphysical gifts and shopping. Special Free Santa Gift Bags to the first

25 people each day with paid admission!

New for 2024

Book your flight now

Plan to make this a weekend getaway.

Join us for our in depth 3 hour classes in Lansing Mi

50% less seating than our last convention for more group interaction and attention with expert instructors.

-How to Read your Astrology Chart from a Karmic Perspective

-How to Unlock and Develop your Psychic Gifts

-Using your Brain to Heal Yourself

-Metaphysical Tools to Enhance your Entire Life Span

-How to Attract or Keep Only the Best Relationships (love, work, friends, etc) Over the Course of Your Lifetime!

Special Events

-Joe’s Voices From Beyond; a unique form of a Seance’

-Thomas John and Maria Shaw- Messages from Heaven

-Crossing Over Gallery - Conversations with Loved ones on the other side with Maria Shaw

Homemade Catered Meals with Lectures

Crystals from the February 2024 Tucson Gem Show

Psychic Readings

One on One sessions available with Master Class Instructors

Click here to claim your seat

 and register

Ask Maria


About Maria

Book a Reading

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