Bishop Janes
June 4, 2014
Tower Bell News

Goodbye Pastor Nancy!!  We'll miss you!!  Welcome Pastor Fran!!  Looking forward to working with you.

Quite an eventful month for our church!  Looking forward to the celebrating and "transitioning".
Love in Christ, 
Your Communications Team
Calling ALL Graduates!!
Sunday, June 8th


During the worship service on June 8th we will ask God's blessings upon those present who are graduating this year from high school or college. 

If that is you, or someone in your family, we hope you can join us!

Thank You Celebration for Pastor Nancy Conklin
Sunday, June 8th following worship


BJUMC will host a family brunch celebration for Pastor Nancy following our service on June 8.  Please join us in thanking Nancy for her extraordinary efforts and loving guidance of our church during this past year of transition.  For more details on how you can help please contact Laura Edelson, Brett Hodges, Ian Lutes or Glenn Van Buskirk, (click name to email).

Welcome cards/notes for Pastor Fran and Bill Noll


On Thursday, June 19th, Pastor Fran and Bill Noll will be moving into the Parsonage on Spencer Road.  To help welcome the Noll's into their new home and community, we would like to place a basket of cards/notes on their kitchen counter.  
If you would like to add a card/note to this basket, and perhaps share a thought on a park, restaurant, shop or destination in town that you enjoy or think the Noll's would appreciate knowing about in their new town, we will be collecting these cards over the next few Sundays.  
There will be a basket placed at the front of the Narthex labeled "Welcome Cards for Fran and Bill Noll" that you may place your cards in and we will make sure that your notes will be placed in the welcome basket for the Noll's.
Transition Workshop


A Transitional Workshop hosted by Bishop John Schol was held on May 3 in Hazlet, NJ for all Methodist  churches experiencing change in pastoral leadership. Bishop Janes participated along with incoming pastor Fran Noll.   Purpose of the day long meeting was to provide information to pastors and congregations in support of the transition process. The morning session was devoted to considerations for outgoing pastorship and the afternoon for incoming.

As a result of the meeting, a plan with action items was developed to support Pastor Nancy's departure (farewell plan, moving, etc) as well as to welcome Pastor Fran (moving help, welcoming, parsonage, etc). Both pastors have had several meetings in preparation for the handover.

Pastor Nancy will meet with the Administrative Council on June 8 for an "Exit Interview" process and a "Pastoral Transition Audit" will be prepared as a baseline for Pastor Fran. Pastor Fran will also attend the Admin Council meeting to facilitate the change process. 

BJUMC participants included Jayne van der Valk (Membership), Bob Kleinert (Trustees), Willie Wilson (Finance), Mike Reynolds, (SPRC) and Ian Lutes (SPRC).


From Pastor Fran...

I look forward, with great joy and anticipation, to moving to Basking Ridge and to being your new pastor.  The transition workshop taught us all how to have a smooth and fruitful transition.  This summer I will be meeting individually with all of the church leadership.  It will be a time of listening and learning.  There will be a few "meet and greet" parties this summer so that we can get to know each other with more to follow in the fall.  My first Sunday will be July 6th.  I hope to see many of you there.  It is a time of change for all of us so let's make the most of it and have fun together! 
Pastor Fran
UMW Summer Potluck Dinner
Tuesday, June 10th 6:00 p.m.
Al Fresco, 51 Summit Drive 
On the deck at the Lutes home

Bring food to share, a warm smile, and be prepared to enjoy. It's a blessing in you day.

Gather 6 p.m. 
Dinner  6:30 p.m. 
RSVP to Carol Lutes (click name to email) or call 998-589-0414, if you know, but come at the last minute.
Summer Sunday classes begin June 22


Summer classes for students ages Pre-K through Grade 5 begin on Sunday June 22.


Students will begin the morning in the Sanctuary with their families for the first part of worship. Then they will be dismissed to room 3/4 for our adventure with SPLISH SPLASH BIBLE BASH - water stories of the Bible! 


Students will be led on an unforgettable water slide that twists, curves, and splashes toward a wonderful, powerful God! Kids will love: Treasure Digs Crafts, Catch of the Day Snacks, Water Wonders Science Fun, Surf's up Games and Tide Pool Reflective Activities.


TEACHERS ARE NEEDED! Detailed curriculum and supplies are provided. This is a fun, exciting and EASY class to teach. Please contact Kim Dial (click name to email) to sign up or 908-766-1108 x 5. We need YOU!!!
God's Co-Op Food Pantry 



The U.M.W. will be collecting the following items for God's Co-Op Food Pantry during the month of June: Spaghetti. 


Donations may be left in the church kitchen, and labeled for God's Co-Op Food Pantry. Thank you.

UMW to Visit Camden Neighborhood Center 

Saturday, June 7th 


On Saturday, June 7, the U.M. Women will take it to the road and travel to the Camden Neighborhood Center in Camden, New Jersey where we will tour the facility and spend time helping to weed and water their vegetable garden.  The Camden Neighborhood Center was founded more than a century ago by Methodist deaconesses to serve the city's impoverished, and is the only national mission of the United Methodist Women in New Jersey. 
We will leave at 8:00 a.m. and return by 4:00 p.m.  Please contact Linda Cargo, (click name to email) or 908-903-1834 if you would like to reserve a spot. For more information about Camden Neighborhood Center (click name to visit their website) or click here for more information.
Raritan Valley: Celebration of District Superintendent Bobbie Rambach's Ministry 

Saturday, June 7th 3:00 p.m.


Please join Bishop John Schol and the churches of the Raritan Valley District in honoring the Reverend Bobbie Rambach and thanking her for her ministry as our District Superintendent.  Bobbie's tenure as DS will come to an end this July 1, as she accepts a new appointment from Bishop Shol.  


A reception for Bobbie will be held at 3:00 p.m., Saturday, June 7th, at Christ UMC, 485 Hoes Lane, Piscataway NJ. All clergy and laity of the district are invited to attend.  Music, fellowship, and refreshments will be shared.  


Contributions for Bobbie's farewell gift may be sent to: First UMC of Somerville, 48 W. High St., Somerville NJ 08876. Cheques may be made payable to: First UMC and indicated "DS Gift" on memo field. For more info or questions, please contact Rev. David Lehmnkuhl, (click name to email) or 908-229-9088.

Mature Single Women's Group (MSWG)
June Meeting

Saturday, June 7th 


MSWG group will meet for lunch on June 7th, 11:30 am at the Basking Ridge Country Club (Delicious Heights), 185 Madisonville Road, B/R.

Please contact Joanne Moulton 908-542-9382 if you plan to attend.

Also, at this time the MSWG would like to thank Linda Jackson for leading our group and our best wishes on her new endeavors. Thank you, Linda. 

Finance Update April 2014


Click this link for the Finance Update as of month-end April 2014.

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