Your Village @ Work - August 7, 2017
Your weekly publication about Village happenings and events.  
We'd Like to See You at the Upcoming Budget Hearings in September! 

The Village Council is "supposedly" in recess during August; but that is not quite so!  While there are no regular Council meetings scheduled during this month, your Council and Staff has been hard at work putting together the upcoming annual budget.  

Budget workshops were held during the past couple of months to gather resident feedback on their priority items.  Based on this information, Staff & Council is developing a capital and operating budget for the Village for the start of the new fiscal year on October 1st.  


A proposed budget will soon be posted on the Village website for residents to review and two budget hearings will be held in September for final public and Council recommendations.  During the hearings, residents will have another opportunity to chime in and comment on budgetary items.  

The first budget hearing is scheduled for September 11th.  The final budget is expected to be adopted by the Council at the end of the 2nd budget hearing on September 25th. Visit our website for more details.

  • Take part in the Zoning Workshop this Thursday, August 10th, during which zoning applicant, Estate Investment Group, LLC will be discussing their proposed residential project for the future downtown area with the general public.  More details available on our website.
  • Join the Village Council for a Special Council meeting on August 22nd, starting at 6:30 pm.  See the meeting information.  
  • Save the Date for the 5th Annual Bridal Expo happening September 24, 2017 from 5 - 8 pm at the beautiful Thalatta Estate Park.  More info...
  • Our Age-Friendly Initiative survey is quickly coming to a close.  Residents age 50 and over can click on the link and take the 5-minute survey created in concert with the Alliance for Aging organization. The information collected will assist us to develop our future Age Friendly Action Plan. 
  • FPL is moving ahead with its line clearing maintenance that will affect 4 areas in Palmetto Bay.  Read more online.
Upcoming During August:
  • 6:30 pm - Zoning Workshop, Village Hall
  • 6 pm - Parks and Recreation & Community Outreach Committee, Village Hall
  • 6 pm - Heritage Task Force, Village Hall
  • 6:30 pm - Services & Administrative Advisory Committee, Village Hall
  • Miami-Dade Public Schools are Back in Session
  • 6:30 pm, Special Council Meeting, Village Hall
  • 7 pm - Veterans Park Advisory Committee, Village Hall
Upcoming In September:
  • Village Hall will be closed for Labor Day and the IBus will not be operating. Parks will remain open for their regular hours of operation. 
  • 6:30 pm - Education Advisory Board, Village Hall
  • 5 pm - Tree Advisory Board, Village Hall
  • 2 pm - Youth Community Involvement Board, Village Hall
  • 6 pm - Special Council Meeting, Village Hall
  • 7 pm - First Budget Hearing & Regular Council Meeting, Village Hall
    (Proclamations, presentations, & awards start at 6:30 pm)
  • 6:30 pm - Partnership Advisory Committee, Village Hall
  • 2 pm - Special Master Hearing, Village Hall
  • 7 pm - Committee of the Whole Workshop, Village Hall
  • 7 pm - Palmetto Bay Garden Club, Edward & Arlene Feller Comm. Rm.
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