Your Village @ Work - November 4, 2017
Please Join Us for the
14th Annual State of the Village Address
On Thursday evening, the Honorable Mayor Eugene Flinn, Jr. will present the 14th Annual State of the Village Address, when Village of Palmetto Bay residents will also celebrate 15 Years of Incorporation!

The event will showcase the accomplishments of this Village and its residents over the last 15 years, and before incorporation, featuring special guest speaker and Miami’s premier historian, Dr. Paul George, historical displays, a wall timeline unveiling, music, food and other surprises. Come out for an evening of remembrance and experience for yourself what makes Palmetto Bay the best place to work, live and play!

The planned 15-Year Anniversary Celebration event originally scheduled for Friday, September 8, 2017 was canceled due to Hurricane Irma. However, in the true Palmetto Bay spirit, we will celebrate this incredible milestone at the upcoming 14th Annual State of the Village Address. The Address will therefore incorporate much of the special surprises and information put together beautifully by the Heritage Task Force to bring you an event to remember.

Please remember to RSVP on or before November 7th. This event is FREE. For additional information, please visit our Village website  or call 305-259-1234.

Other Highlights:
  • Announcing Another Free Mulch Giveaway at Coral Reef Park Saturday and Sunday from 8 am until noon.
  • Perrine Wayside Park is now open!
  • Palmer Trinity School will hold the Veterans' Breakfast on Friday, November 10
  • Village Hall will be closed on Friday, November 10th in observance of Veterans' Day
Coming this Week
  • 8:00 am - Free Mulch Giveaway, Coral Reef Park
  • 8:00 am - Free Mulch Giveaway, Coral Reef Park
  • 8:30 am - Palmetto Bay Farmer's Market, Coral Reef Park
  • 9:30 am - Yoga by the Bay, Thalatta Estate Park
  • 9:30 am - Baptist Health- Stretch & Relaxation, Holy Rosary/ St. Richard Catholic Church Youth Center
  • 6:30 pm- Regular Council Meeting, Village Hall
  • 10 am - Baptist Health- Cardio Pump, Holy Rosary/St. Richard Catholic Church Youth Center
  • 6:30 pm - Education Advisory Board, Village Hall
  • 9:30 am - Baptist Health- Stretch & Relaxation, Palmetto Bay Park Recreation Room
  • 6:30 pm - Palmetto Bay Partnership Advisory Committee, Village Hall
Village Hall Closed in Observance of Veterans' Day.
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