Dear Avon Lake UCC,




It was a joy to meet with a full room of prospective members on Sunday night! Several made the immediate decision to join the church – a few others will be joining soon. We will be welcoming some of these in worship on Sunday. I’m delighted to introduce to you our newest members:


Andrew and Lauren Boudon moved to Avon Lake earlier this year – they met in North Carolina, but Andrew grew up here. Andrew is a mortgage loan officer with the Navy Federal Credit Union. Lauren is self-employed as a counselor.


Diana Conrad is a new resident of Avon Lake; she has 8 grown children and is retired.


Pitt and Elaine Curtiss live in Cleveland. Elaine is a retired educator, Pitt works as an urban planning consultant.


Tom and Susan Cucuzza live in Bay Village. Susan is a self-employed leadership coach; Tom is recently retired from Ernst and Young.


Jess Duda lives in Avon Lake, where she grew up, after many years away in DC and New York. She is seeking employment as a media producer.


Connie Hippler lives in Avon with her husband Brian. She works as a nurse at University Hospitals. She began attending here with her parents, Don and Mimi Cruse.


Rosemary Keener lives in Avon Lake with her husband Josh and their three children, Cece, Arthur and Bernie, who are 8, 5, and 4. She works as an HR consultant.




It is not too late to join Maryann Ruben for a weekend retreat at Templed Hills November 10-12. Join for all or part of the weekend – contact Maryann if you have questions ([email protected])


I will be leading a 22-hour retreat at Bellwether Farm January 26-27.


More information on both retreats is on our new website, Realm and below:



I am collecting magazines for a retreat project. Please drop them off in the plastic container outside my office (until it’s full!) Thank you!



Thank you to those of you who have shared your stories about how the church impacts your lives – our Moments for Mission shared verbally in worship and the written testimonies are powerful and meaningful. This transition time is an opportunity for us to remember all the ways that Avon Lake UCC has strengthened us spiritually and all the ways that ALUCC serves as a beacon of hope for our community. I look forward to our Celebration Sunday, November 5. Remember: one worship service at 10 AM, followed by a congregational meeting and a potluck.


Grace and peace,



Reminder to complete the church survey. Your opinion matters to the future of our congregation and the planning processes during the pastoral search and transition.

We have two women’s retreats are coming up! 

Maryann Ruben (in video) is leading one at Templed Hills in November. Sacred Stories promises to be a spirit-filled weekend of respite, tracing out our connections to each other, to God, and to all of Creation. We’ll share our own “Four H’s”, pray for and with each other, and open our hearts and minds to our loving God.

Rev. Kelly Brill is leading "Writing Your Next Chapter" at Bellwether Farm, January 26-27.

TOMORROW!! We will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall on Friday, October 27. Appointments are currently available between 12:00 and 3:30. For details and registering, please visit and enter sponsor code "ALUCC'. You may also call 1-800-RED-CROSS.

Empty Bowls by the Lake raised $22,000 to fight hunger! Beating the previous record of $19,000 set in 2019. Thanks to all who attended, donated, and volunteered their time to make this event so successful.

Choral Spectrum invites you to join us in kicking off our 57th Season of singing in Northern Ohio with our upcoming concert: "In Your Dreams: Wish-Hope-Dream."

This concert will be performed at Avon Lake UCC on Friday, November 3 at 7:30pm and at St. Peter Parish in Lorain on Sunday, November 5 at 3:00pm. The concerts are free and open to the public. A free-will offering will be collected.

Choral Spectrum is an auditioned choir of 26 voices under the direction of Anthony Trifiletti. Visit us at for more information!

Apollo's Fire presents: Nights in Venice

Friday, November 10, 7:30PM at Avon Lake UCC

Nighttime in old Venice: music floating from cafés provided inspiration for composers from Claudio Monteverdi to Antonio Vivaldi. In our Venetian evening, dueling violinists set sparks flying in two Vivaldi double-concertos. Highlights from Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo and the famous Lamento della Ninfa remind us that love and betrayal often go hand in hand. The program culminates with a visit to the Jewish Ghetto of Venice – the scene of lively dances and the delightful Sephardic party-piece, Seven Ways to Cook Eggplant.


Erica Schuller, soprano

Daphna Mor, recorder

Alan Choo, Emi Tanabe, and Edwin Huizinga, violin

Pre-Concert Conversation with visiting scholar Marica Tacconi, 1 hour before the performance. Tickets & Information:

Please join us for our luncheon on November 8! We’ll be serving Pulled Pork sandwiches, assorted chips, tossed salad and dessert. Only $5 at the door!

Please be sure to RSVP through Realm, contact Angela at the church office, or use the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center. Friends and guests are always welcome!

Garden Room Gathering – Sundays 10:10 – 10:55 am


Nothing to do between worship services? Maryann Ruben will facilitate a casual, no-need-to-register-just-show-up 45 minute devotional in the beautiful Garden Room, adjacent to Ed Wing Welcome Center. Bring your coffee hour goodies and join our spirited discussion of a new topic each week! We’ll loosely follow this schedule:


10/29 Loved Sinners II

11/5 **No gathering**

11/12 Sermon discussion (Maryann unavailable)

11/19 The Gift of Memories

ALUCC Book Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month, 7:00 - 8:00 PM, in the Garden Room or Conference Room 104.

November 28: Trust by Hernan Diaz. A discussion of this book about secretive finances in NYC will be lead by Barbara Cross.

No meeting in December. Bowling Alone, will be the book for January 23. Robert Putnam's book looking at the collapse and revival of American community will be a great discussion lead by Jamie Wise and Karen Pfieffer.

Parish Nurse Notes from Cheryl Updegraff

[email protected] 

Home: 440-933-3833 Cell: 440-225-3183 

Office Hours: Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon; additional times as needed. 

THE EMPTY SEAT: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Genesis House is the only Domestic Violence Shelter in Lorain County. Victims of domestic abuse can be ANYONE – they could be family members, neighbors, friends, teachers or classmates. The Empty Seat at the Table campaign is a reminder of the vacancies in the community that are left when a life is cut short through domestic violence. The 24 hour crisis hotline is: 440-323-3400 or 440-244-1853 (the crisis hotlines provide support for survivors of domestic violence with crisis intervention, information and referrals.)  Genesis House is one of our Mission Partners and an opportunity to support their residents will be on our Giving Tree.

RSV: although this virus is usually a mild, cold-like virus, symptoms can be severe in older adults. It is a common and contagious virus. A vaccine is now approved for adults >60; talk to your health care provider re recommendations for this vaccine.  Covid, Flu and RSV vaccines are all readily available at our local pharmacies.

We are once again entering the season of increased colds and other viruses. If we all practice the recommended protocols to decrease exposure: once again greet each other without shaking hands, sneeze or cough into a tissue, avoid touching your face, wash hands regularly, and watch our service remotely if you are ill, we can hopefully decrease sharing of the viruses.   I know we all want to do our best to stay healthy.

Lorain County Safe Harbor ‘Drop in Support Group’: this group meets every Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Location: 2929 West River Road, Elyria. An opportunity to meet others in a safe and supportive environment, but also to gain information on how to cope. No commitment/ come for one or all.  Information at The Welcome Center.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American woman. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early when it is easier to treat. Schedule yours today.

Mental Health Caregiver’s Support Group: next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, Novemeber 7 at 7:00 p.m.

Circle of Hope (grief support series) continues to meet on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. at our church, facilitated by Amy Boyd-Kirksey, Hospice of Western Reserve.


Our WORSHIP SERVICES need additional volunteers. Your consideration is appreciated!

Communion Assistants - we need five on the first Sunday of each month.

Additional ushers are needed for special services.

Greeters at the doors and Welcome Center are needed at each service.

Use this link to sign-up and assist at worship.

More questions? Please see a deacon or staff member on Sunday or contact Angela [email protected] or phone 440-933-3241 during the week.

Nursery and Sunday School volunteers are needed for the 11:00 AM service. Sunday School lessons are simple, and all materials are provided for you. The Nursery and Sunday School sign-up link can be found here. 

If you are interested in learning more about volunteering, please talk to Eileen Zakel or Pastor Beau. You can email Eileen Zakel at [email protected] or Pastor Beau at [email protected].

If you, a group of you, or a specific team would like to host Coffee Hour, please sign up below on the Sunday that works for your schedule. 

We are making it super simple. Coffee and paper products will be supplied and ready by church. The host of coffee hour just needs to handle providing simple snacks for after the service and serving them with a smile 😊. Please see the sign up for more information or you are welcome to contact Kim Rose, [email protected], as well.

Save these dates:

November 5: Celebration Sunday! Worship at 10:00; Congregational Meeting/Vote

November 26: Christmas Decorating after worship, 12:00

December 10: Advent Special Music, 9:00

December 17: Children's Pageant, 11:00

January 28: Annual Meeting and Chili Cook-Off, 12:00

Our Prayer List can be found in Saturday's email and will be available on page two of The Current. This weekly brief newsletter is also available in the Gathering Space following worship. If you would like us to pray for a family or friend, and add them to the weekly prayer list, please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

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