April 12 - April 18, 2021/Nisan 5781

Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman, Instructor

Classes meet at 5:00 p.m.
Course dates are:
 April 12, 26
 May 3, 10, and 24
 via Zoom

New students welcome! Are you interested in learning about Judaism? Filling in the gaps in your knowledge? This is how to do it! 

"Welcome to Judaism" is an introductory course that provides a foundation in the basic tenets of Judaism. Among the areas covered are History, Holidays and Observances, Lifecycle, Theology, Prayer, Israel, and Communal Life. Jews and non-Jews are welcome.

This course is presented through the Bureau of Jewish Education. For information please visit the BJE or call them at 480-634-8050. CK members may take this course at no charge by contacting the Kehillah office.
Saturday, April 17
10:30 a.m
via Zoom

Tazria-Metzora -Leviticus 12:1 - 15:33

Here's a summary: In the Torah portion Tazria, God instructs Moses about the purification rituals for mothers following childbirth. God then describes to Moses and Aaron the procedures for identifying and responding to those infected with leprosy. In Metzora, God describes the purification ritual for people and homes afflicted with skin diseases; God also instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the laws of the emission of bodily fluids.

No prior knowledge is needed to enjoy Torah Talk; all are welcome. Be part of an amazing 4,000-year-old conversation, as relevant today as when it began. Torah Talk is one of Kehillah's most-loved traditions -- a morning filled with questions, conversation, and laughter. This session will be led by Rabbi Sharfman.

If you would like email reminders about Torah Talk, just let Ellen know!

Monday, April 19
1:00 p.m.
via Zoom

We'll be discussing Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens.

If you're going to buy the book on Amazon, please remember to use Amazon Smile for Kehillah. Here is the link: 

You don't have to be a regular to enjoy Book Group; you can join in for any book you like, any time. Book Group is open to all Kehillah adults and their guests.  To get on the Book Group mailing list or to RSVP and receive your Zoom meeting information, please  email Rick . 

Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, April 23
5:30 p.m.
via Zoom

We continue to come into your homes for Shabbat via Zoom, with Rabbi Sharfman and cantorial soloists Scott Leader and Erica Erman. PowerPoint slides will be viewable to you to follow along if you don't have your own copy of Gates of Prayer for Shabbat and Weekdays. 

 Zoom link with be sent to all congregants during the week. For our non-members who would like to join us for Kabbalat Shabbat, please email Renee.

Sunday, April 25
10:00 a.m.
via Zoom

Watch this space for information regarding our summer backpack and school supplies drive supporting Pioneer Elementary School.

Looking for ways to support those in need? Please consider supporting Mom's Pantry or Just 3 Things which is a part of JFSC. Mom's Pantry is accepting food donations dropped off at their location, Mom's Pantry, 13440 N. Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85022 as well as monetary donations which can be mailed directly to them.
Click here for more information at Just 3 Things and how to donate to them.
We need your help!
Congregation Kehillah Tzedek Teen Initiative

CK's newest program is a philanthropic leadership program for 8th-12th graders to learn about how to be better leaders and activists in the Jewish and Greater Phoenix communities. We are looking for local non-profit organizations to partner with so we can offer teens hands-on learning opportunities with the local organizations working to make Phoenix a better, healthier community. If there is an organization that you work for, volunteer with, or are just passionate about, please reach out to Rabbi or Renee, info@congregationkehillah.org  with a contact who we can speak with there!

My name is Emelia Merritt, and I will be having my Bat Mitzvah on May 8th. I've always loved animals, and I have 2 cats and an adorable dog at home. 

For my Mitzvah project, I decided to collect donations for shelters throughout The Valley.  I contacted several shelters and was told that they need towels and blankets for the dogs and cats.  I have arranged a drive through event at Congregation Kehillah on Sunday, April 18th from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. for our community to drop off gently used blankets and towels.  

In addition, if you would like to offer any treats, food, leashes, collars, pet toys, etc., we will gladly add them to our donations for the shelters.  Some of the shelters that we will be donating to include: HALO, Animal Benefits Club and Sun Valley Animal Shelter.  Thank you in advance for your time and donations. 
Patsy Koren, aunt of Renee Joffe
Maureen Dragula, sister-in-law of Leona Goldfarb
Rachel Segal
Reisa Miller
Joe Ettinger 
Arlene Maletta
Sandra Krisch
Stanley Rosen, father of Robin Rudin
Cathy Michels
Davie Glaser
Kimberlie Rich, sister of Pamela Miller

Torah Fund
Ann Baumrind - in memory of her parents, Leo & Rose Rokeach Baumrind, and her loved ones for whom she says Yizkor.

Education Fund
Reisa Miller - remembering her beloved husband, Warren, during his birthday month

Rabbi Sharfman Discretionary Fund
Ellin Chariton - thanking Rabbi for a lovely and meaningful 2nd night seder
Debra Todora-LeBlanc - in gratitude
Linda LeBlang - in honor of Rabbi

General Fund
Ellen & Elliott Lerman - Yizkor
Make all your Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile and choose Congregation Kehillah as your charity. It's simple, costs you nothing, and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to Kehillah.

We've raised $73.45 in donations through the Amazon Smile program between October 1 and December 31, 2020. 

Scroll down to and click on "Get Started"
Login with your current Amazon or Amazon Prime Account
At "Select Charitable Organization" enter Congregation Kehillah
You can now start purchasing items you want and a portion of the purchase price will be donated to Kehillah.
Android owners can use the Amazon App to setup Amazon Smile.
Always login to Amazon via "Smile.Amazon.com" for the donation process to work.

Did you know . . . 
that it is customary to donate at the time of Yizkor or when Kaddish is recited in memory of a loved one? It is also customary to make a donation when given an aliyah (honor) during a service. 

Jewish Philanthropy: The Concept of Tzedakah is a much-admired practice throughout the world. "In Jewish tradition, tzedakah requires the donor share his or her compassion and empathy along with the money. Judaism teaches the belief that donors benefit from tzedakah as much [as] or more than the recipients." 

You can find out more about the roots and practices of Jewish philanthropy at Learning to Give.   
Your donations in any amount are genuinely appreciated. 
Please help support Congregation Kehillah by donating to Kehillah's various funds  
-- to celebrate, honor, remember, give thanks, to assist, or simply to do tzedakah.  
You can donate through our website in any amount or send a check. Congregation Kehlllah is a 501(c)(3) organization; donations are tax-exempt to the fullest extent allowable by law. (Please consult with your tax adviser.) 
General Fund 
Caring Fund 
Torah Fund 
Social Action Fund
Gottlieb Music Fund 
Education Fund 
Oneg & Hospitality Fund 
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund 
Memorial Plaques 
border experiment
More great ways to support Kehillah  
Sponsoring an Oneg is normally a great way to celebrate lifecycle events and other wonderful news with your Kehillah family. Until we can once again gather in person, please consider supporting Kehillah in other ways.  
Plant a tree in Israel for any occasion. Contact Renee to place your order. The cost is $18 per tree and a portion of all sales benefit Kehillah.
 Memorable B'Nai Mitzvah Reflections

During the pandemic, families had to change plans for Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations. Click here to read how many did it, including one of our own CK families. 



CompleteScheduleServices   |   Torah Talk   |   YEP!

Shabbat candles
Kabbalat Shabbat
B'nai Mitzvah

Kabbalat Shabbat, via Zoom, begin on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. A Zoom link will be sent out in advance.   
April 23
May 7
May 8 - Emelia Merritt Bat Mitzvah
May 21
May 22 - Avery & Ella
Fleet B'not Mitzvah
June 5 - Ally Melhado
Bat Mitzvah
Torah Talks are led by Rabbi Sharfman (except where noted) and are held monthly on Saturday mornings via Zoom. They are among Kehillah's most-loved traditions -- mornings filled with questions, conversation, and laughter as we explore that week's Torah portion. No prior knowledge is needed to enjoy Torah Talk; all are welcome. For more information, contact Ellen Lerman.
April 17
May 15
 Youth Education Program 

YEP! sessions are held on Sunday mornings during the school year. Read about YEP! here. Questions? Please contact Renee.  
April 25
May 2 & 16


Monday, April 12
Rabbi's class

Saturday, April 17
Torah Talk

Monday, April 19
Book Group

Friday, April 23
Kabbalat Shabbat

Sunday, April 25

Monday, April 26
Rabbi's class

Sunday, May 2

Monday, May 3
Rabbi's class

Friday, May 7
Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday, May 8
Bat Mitzvah of Emelia Merritt

Monday, May 10
Rabbi's class

Sunday, May 16

Friday, May 21
Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday, May 22
B'not Mitzvah of Avery and Ella Fleet

Monday, May 24
Book Group
Rabbi's class 

Saturday, June 5
Bat Mitzvah of Ally Melhado 
border experiment
 Information for Seniors 
The Senior Concierge Project (through Jewish Family and Children's Service) can provide information and help with socialization, education, transportation, home care, living facilities, legal assistance and more for those over age 60. Contact Janet Arnold Rees, Senior Concierge, at 480-599-7198 or janet.rees@jfcsaz.org.
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Need a hand?   
Need a ride to services or to an event? Have an odd job that might need an extra hand or two? Give Men of Kehillah a shout! MOK members are ready to help out. Email Rich Fox at 
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Remember "Mom" and the other women!  
Reminder: There are hungry neighbors and families experiencing food insecurity throughout the Valley, throughout the year -- even if we can't always see it. And there are women who can't afford basic feminine products. Our food collection bin for Mom's Pantry is always in our lobby, and our Kehillah Cares bag for women4women tempe is in our ladies' room.  
Please bring food  
and toiletry donations whenever we are able to come back to Kehillah.  
For now, please consider giving directly to Mom's Pantry, which  accepts donations on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. They are located at 13440 N. Cave Creek Road in Phoenix. Call 602-992-0083 for other times.
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Congregation Kehillah Leadership 

Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman
Gil Blumenthal,  
Scott Leader, Erica Erman
  Cantorial Soloists
Renee Joffe,                

Board of Directors:
Rich Goldman,
  Immediate Past President
Henry Fleet,
  Member at Large
Rich Fox,
  Member at Large 
  MOK President
David Goldfarb,
  Member at Large 
  Building Chair
Leslie Goldman,
  Member at Large
Arlene Maletta,
  Member at Large
  Hospitality Co-Chair
Ilene Malka,
  Education Chair
Jane Neely,
  Member at Large 
  High Holy Days Chair  
  Hospitality Co-Chair
Dr. Bruce Sobel,
  Member at Large
Paul Stein,
   Member at Large

Additional Support:  

Scarlett Allison, Beth Hirshenson,
Margi Tabaknek,
  Caring Committee
Amy Bessen,
Rick Cohen,
  Book Group
Paulette Fraenkel,
  Social Action
Leona Garza,
   Movie Time
Dr. Stephanie Kirklin,
  OLC Director 
Ellen Lerman,
  Torah Talk and Special  
Vicki Mardell,
   Membership Co-Chair
Reisa Miller, Sherry Siegel
Mark Solow,
  Finance Manager

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We love hearing from you!

If we don't respond to your email within 24 hours, it means we did not receive your message. Please call us at 602-369-7667.
We take a technology break for Shabbat and Yom Tov. If you have an emergency during these times, please leave a message on the Congregation Kehillah phone and we will get back to you. Otherwise, we ask that you please call or email us after the Sabbath or holiday ends.

border experiment

Don't miss any of our emails...

Please make sure that periodically you check your Spam and Junk folders for emails from info@congregationkehillah.org. Some of the emails we send out have several links for you to click on for resources. Depending on your individual computer settings you may have not received these emails in your inbox.