Weekly Seaside Currents is here!

July 6, 2017
What's New At Seaside

Welcome to the latest edition of our Seaside "Current"s Update. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, any time, at the church at 910-579-5753 or by email at Webmaster.
Please note that the current edition of our monthly newsletter is available online for download.  Please  click here to download our current edition.

Current Hospitalizations
  • None
Recent Hospitalizations or Procedures
  • Jean Miller
  • Walter Martens
Upcoming Hospitalizations or Procedures
  • None
  • None

Worship This Sunday

"The Struggle of Faith"
Mary Jane Wilson-Parsons

Questions for Meditation:
1. Think of a time in which despite knowing the right thing you were supposed to do, you acted otherwise and did something you knew was wrong. How did it make you feel?

2. Paul here seems to be describing sin as a force that prevents us from doing the good we know we are to do. How might Jesus free us from sin and what then are we freed for?

3. As Paul is continually building an argument in Romans the task for this week is to think back and look back again on the passages in Romans we have read the previous weeks. Does placing this passage in a larger context make it clearer? What might be the next step in Paul's argument?
Meet The New Multicultural Ministries Director

Bishop Ward introduces the Rev. Ernesto Barriguete as the Director for Multicultural Ministries.

Click here to listen to Bishop Ward's message.

Ever seen a handbell choir? Ever wondered about their history and place in the church? Well, you're in for a treat as Chuck explains about handbells.

Click here  
to watch this week's episode of Chuck Knows Church.
New Short-term Sunday School  Class Begins This Sunday
Do you have questions about what Christianity has to say about animals? Will you see Fido in heaven? Do you care deeply about animals and their welfare but are unsure how faith connects your concern with God's concern? Then we invite you to be a part of a new six-week Sunday school class beginning Sunday, July 9th at 9:30 a.m. in room 207. Led by Stefanie Riley, this class will take a look at the role of Christianity in the care for animals using a combination of Bible study, videos, and messages from other leaders of the faith. If you are not already connected to a Sunday school class, and you love animals, then this will be a great opportunity for a bit of summer spiritual formation!
Faith & Film: The Shack

Where is God in the midst of tragedy? What does it look like when God's justice and mercy collide? Based on the popular book, "The Shack" is a movie that will challenge your notions of what God is like, how the Trinity relates to us, and where God can be found in the joys and pains of life. Join us on  Wednesday, July 19th  from  5:00-8:00 p.m.  in Fellowship Hall  as together we will watch The Shack and then have a time of group discussion to follow. There is no cost to attend and a light dinner, snacks and drinks will be provided. Please sign up in The Gallery so we know how many to expect. Feel free to bring a comfortable patio or beach chair from home and be ready for this first in our new Faith & Film Series!
Do You Believe in the Power of Prayer?

We have a special group of dedicated persons in our congregation, Seaside's Prayer Warriors. They meet on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. to pray over the concerns of our church family, our community and requests they receive. When you contact our church requesting prayer, our Prayer Warriors are the 'first line of defense' in lifting up prayers for healing, peace and comfort.
              In the second chapter of his epistle, James tells us, "Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." He says we need to be "doers of the Word, not just hearers." Just talking about loving and caring for one another doesn't automatically make us a loving and caring congregation. We need to be doers! Becoming involved in Prayer Warriors is a wonderful way to be doers of the Gospel. I encourage you to become involved in this vital ministry, and I celebrate with joy Seaside's dedicated Prayer Warriors!
                Our next meeting is Saturday, July 8th at 9 a.m. in room 210. If you would like more information about joining Prayer Warriors, you may contact Freddy Tatum at 910-579-1187. 

The Health & Wellness Ministry invites medically trained volunteers to assist in programs and events such as taking blood pressures or assisting at the First Aid tent during Country Fair. If you have experience as a doctor, nurse, EMT, CMA, MOA, etc. we hope you will prayerfully consider serving in this ministry. Please contact Carol Grace at 716-545-9102 for more information.

There is still time to read a few more books this summer before the completed  UMW Reading Program forms are due on August 1st. Book suggestions and program forms are available in the Library. Call Marie Wilcox at 575-1076 for more information.

Sunflowers in Bloom - You'll Want to See Them

Our sunflowers should be almost in full bloom beginning the week of July 1. They normally last about two weeks so don't wait. You are welcome to come see them.
Directions:  Leave SUMC and go down Hwy. 904 to Grissettown. At the light, go straight to Longwood on Hwy. 904. Once at Longwood, Hwy. 904 turns left to go to
Tabor City.  Turn left and go about 200 yards. Our field is on the left.  We have a road where you can pull up into the field.
The Starduster's Big Band in Concert at Seaside

Do you enjoy jazz, swing and big band music?  If so, then you will want to mark your calendars for  Sunday, July 16th at 3:00 pm as we present The Stardusters Big Band in concert.  The group is made up of musicians from both of the Carolinas and includes our very own Dave Nelms on trumpet! Come join us for an afternoon of famous hits from the 1930s and 1940s. There is no cost to attend. A love offering will be received after the performance.

Seaside United Methodist Church | 910-579-5753 | Email | seasideumc.org