Your Weekly E-Newsletter December 10, 2020
Christmas Poinsettia Orders Are Due Monday!
Christmas will be here before you know it. We will again be decorating the altar for Christmas services with poinsettias of many colors. You can choose from red, white or jingle bell (red with flecks of white and gold) flowers (two plants/pot). Each pot is wrapped in a colored foil.
Order forms can be found on the table in the Narthex or in the church office. If you will not be coming into church before the deadline of December 14, you can send a note to with your order, or you can click on the button below to access a form that can be printed and mailed to the church office.
If you have any questions, please call the church office at (262) 786-4010.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Reservation System
To ensure a safe environment in the Sanctuary for the Christmas Eve and Day worship services, we are asking everyone to sign up for the particular service they will be attending. There will be space limitations for each time slot, so be sure to sign up early.
You can click on the button below to sign up. If you are more comfortable calling in your reservation, office staff can take your reservation anytime Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. until noon.
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE TIMES: 3:30 p.m., 5 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Thank you!
The nativity scene was set up on the front lawn with spotlights and 2,100 new LED lights were installed on the cross tower.
Special thanks to all who were involved in this effort to bring the spirit of Christmas to the exterior of our church.
Saturday (5:00 pm): Sheila Kershek
Sunday (8:15 am): Jonni Roush
Sunday (10:15 am): Terry Bzdusek
Sunday (8:15 am): Bob and Mary Smith
Sunday (10:15 am): George and Kay Sedivec
Sunday (8:15 am): Larry Bonier
Sunday (10:15 am): Bill Graffin
- Ron and Jean Holman
- Lukasik/Pfeiffer families in memory of Bob Pfeiffer
Saturday (5:00 pm): Lydia Trudell
Sunday (8:15 am): Sue Rowe
Sunday (10:15 am): Sallie Schulz
The 3rd Sunday of Advent
This week's readings:
Isaiah 61;1-4, 8-11
Psalm 126
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
John 1:6-8, 19-28
The North American Lutheran Church has created a wonderful Advent Devotional.
You can access it by clicking on the photo to the left or printed copies are available on the table in the Narthex.
A Special Request from Lauren Beeson and Kyle Jones
Lauren Beeson's sister, Caitlin, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, November 29. Because of financial difficulties that Lauren's mom, Marsi, is facing due to significant issues with her housing, she does not have the resources to make arrangements.
If you would like to help Lauren and her family during this difficult time, you can provide financial support through a GoFundMe page that has been set up to help with these unexpected expenses. Here is a link to that page: Caitlin's GoFundMe Page
"Caitlin was the funniest, craziest, most loving of all of us and the world is worse off without her in it." - Lauren Beeson
Johanna, Caleb, Nathaniel, Eli and Joel
Emily, Meredith, Alecia, Elijah, Ben and Nick
Families created Advent Logs during the Sunday school time on Dec. 6th.
Special thanks to Pastor Ken and Marcella for leading our younger children through this special Advent activity.
Pastor Ken's Bible Study - Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m.
Join us!
Pastor Ken's Wednesday Bible study resumed on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Seating will be appropriately spaced and masks will be required.
Please note that refreshments will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own beverages.
Lakeshore String Quartet Concert
Delivered Christmas Cheer!
Nicole Moritz, Coordinator of Music Ministries , welcomed guests to the Lakeshore String Quartet Christmas Concert.
The Lakeshore String Quartet performed some familiar Christmas classics as well as some unique compositions. It was a wonderful way to bring Christmas cheer to all who attended.
Festival of Lessons and Carols
The Festival of Lessons and Carols is a service of Scripture and song that dates to the late 19th century. In this service, we listen to Scripture lessons which recount the Fall, the promise of a Messiah, the Incarnation, and the Great Commission to preach the Good News. Each lesson is followed by a carol or other song that reflects on the lesson's message.
Calvary held its annual Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 6 at 8:15 and 10:15 a.m. Thank you to those who volunteered to read Scripture, play instruments or sing for the two services that were held on Sunday, December 6. Dr. John Seboldt, well-known local organist, was also part of our Lessons and Carols services and provided musical selections.
Special thanks to Nicole Moritz, who coordinated the beautiful worship experience for us. The photos below represent just a small peak at all who participated.
JoAnne Krause and Diane Knappe sang "He Shall Feed His Flock"
Well-known local organist Dr. John Seboldt provided several carols that were performed on our Dobson organ.
Jessica and Chris Dudzik performed
"Joy to the World"
Bill Graffin was one of the volunteers who read the Lessons during the service.
Our Celebration Ringers performed "Carol of the Bells", "In the Bleak Midwinter" and "Huron Carol".
Jen Brostowitz sang
"Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree"
Nadine Schuelke, 12/11
Caleb Liu, 12/14
Amanda Kalupa, 12/15
Brian Kretschmann, 12/15
Bob Smith, 12/15
Ray Chesner, 12/17
Donnie Dentice, 12/17
Pat Treutelaar, 12/18
Ingrid Nelson, 12/19
Judy Sayas, 12/19
Al and Rhonda Rodriguez, 12/23 (48 years)
Ron and Jean Holman, 12/26 (67 years)
Bob and Donna Siderits, 12/26 (60 years)
Jeremy and Nicole Nowicki, 12/28 (10 years)
Rick and Carol Treadwell, 12/29 (47 years)
God's grace and peace to: the family of long-time Calvary member Edith Kedrow who passed away on November 27.
New prayer requests: Pastor Jerry Wittmus, former member Judy Jordenson; andJan (friend of Judy Sayas)
Ongoing short-term prayer requests: Ray Chesner, Don Heyen; Nadine Schuelke; Sue Dindorf; George Rooney; Grace Gunnlaugsson; Sue Bellin (friend of Terry Bzdusek); Pamela Scott (mother of Megan Sayas); Lee Novotny (husband of Holly Novotny); Marlene Hartman(mother of Cindy Zilske); Theodore Peelen (grandfather of Tony Dentice); Jim Walters (uncle of Krista Dentice); and Denver Green (friend of Janet Zastrow); Karen (friend of Lydia Trudell); Jerry Locy (father of Cindy Rooks); Olivia (granddaughter of Megan Sayas' co-worker); Elizabeth Scott (cousin of Megan Sayas);
Serving in the Military: Dan Berger (serving in the U.S. Marines); Nicole Wahlgren (serving in the U.S. Army National Guard); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen and Keith Pierce, serving in the U.S. Army); Alex Olson (U.S. Air Force, grandchild of Ardath Olson); Karmen Thomas (friend of Tony and Krista Dentice serving in the U.S. Army); all military chaplains; and all veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
For All Men and Women Serving: Police Officers, Firefighters, Health Care workers and First Responders.
Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere bringing the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
Long-term prayer list: Calvary members: Bill Jordan; Jeanette Ketelsen; Marge Skarie; Lowell Sonderman; Donna Polizzi; Pat Treutelaar; and Janet Zastrow.
Non-members: Mike Foster (son of Ron Foster); Judy Grospitz; Elmer Eggert (grandfather of Angie Schatz); John Bradowsky (NALC Bishop Emeritis); Jan Janchan (friend of Jonni Roush); Mary Dresser (Donna Schroeder's daughter-in-law's sister); David Voight (friend of Jonni Roush); Bill Barwa (friend of Megan Sayas); Doug Haus (brother-in-law of Chet Elliott); Christine Elliott (friend of Chet Elliott); Reidun Asland (friend of Pastor Ken and Marcella Nelson); Jeff Edwards (friend of Ernie Kretschmann); Monica Barchus (niece of Ernie Kretschmann); Michael Rossa (Lucy Dallman's son).
If you have any new prayer requests, please contact the church office at 262.786.4010 or via email to
Worship Attendance and Giving - December 5 & 6
Monday, January 11, 2021
11:00 a.m.
Join us to discuss the January book group selection The Radium Girls by Kate Moore.
Book overview: The Curies' newly discovered element of radium makes gleaming headlines across the nation as the fresh face of beauty, and wonder drug of the medical community. From body lotion to tonic water, the popular new element shines bright in the otherwise dark years of the First World War.
Meanwhile, hundreds of girls toil amidst the glowing dust of the radium-dial factories. With such a coveted job, these "shining girls" are the luckiest alive — until they begin to fall mysteriously ill.
But the factories that once offered golden opportunities are now ignoring all claims of the gruesome side effects, and the women's cries of corruption. And as the fatal poison of the radium takes hold, the brave shining girls find themselves embroiled in one of the biggest scandals of America's early 20th century, and in a groundbreaking battle for workers' rights that will echo for centuries to come. The Radium Girls fully illuminates the inspiring young women exposed to the "wonder" substance of radium, and their awe-inspiring strength in the face of almost impossible circumstances. Their courage and tenacity led to life-changing regulations, research into nuclear bombing, and ultimately saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Questions? Please reach out to Grace Gunnlaugsson at
Weekly Men's Breakfast Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m.
Maxim's Restaurant
18025 W. Capitol Drive
The restaurant seating has been reconfigured in compliance with social distancing requirements.
All men are invited to attend!
It's time to decorate the Mitten Tree!
There's still time to participate! Our "mittens, gloves, hats, scarves and socks tree" will be in the Narthex until December 20th. Please help to decorate the tree with warm items for all ages (think keeping warm in Wisconsin). Men's caps, gloves and mittens are a special need at this time.
Your donations will be distributed at the annual New Year’s Eve Day outreach sponsored by B.A.S.I.C.S. (Brothers and Sisters In Christ Serving). Let's all help keep our Milwaukee neighbors warm!
December Mission of the Month: Seminary Funds
In December we raise up a vital Mission of the Month supporting the training of pastors for service in the North American Lutheran Churches. We have been blessed to have Lynnae Douglas with us this year as a pastoral intern. Lynnae and her husband Caleb are both graduates of the North American Lutheran Seminary in Amhearst, Pennsylvania.
Why is this important? The NALC is growing and the need for pastors trained for our Synod is crucial to us and congregations like ours in the NALC. Current pastors in other Synod traditions have received training in preparation for serving in NALC congregations; however, many of those pastors are nearing retirement. The NALC has grown from 17 congregations at inception to over 440.
Initially there was only one seminary in Amhearst, PA; however, due to growth and demand, the Lutheran Institute of Technology in Brookings, SD also trains pastors for the NALC. We have a goal this year to increase our giving from $5,000 to $7,000.
Please prayerfully consider an end-of-year gift in support of these vital seminarians. To support this important Mission for the Month, you may include it in your weekly offering envelope or designate the donation as "Mission of the Month" in your online giving.
Are you interested in attending seminary? Local congregations like Calvary are the source of future seminarians.
We need to identify, encourage and support prospective seminarians as they consider their educational choices. Calvary's Endowment Fund is poised to do just that. Up to one-third of its annual disbursable funds are available for tuition support of Calvary's members who attend seminary.
Pictured: Lynnae Douglas at her graduation from seminary in 2018. Caleb graduated from seminary in 2017.
This Week at a Glance (also available on Calvary's website
The office is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. until noon.
The door closest to the office (NW corner) will be open during those hours.
Please check in with the office staff so we know you are in the building.
Severe Weather Announcements
While we are enjoying milder November weather, we can't forget that winter is coming. And with that, inclement weather could necessitate the cancelling of worship.
In the event this should happen, you will receive an e-mail stating that the church is closed. We will also be sharing this with WISN-TV 12 and FOX6 so that it will be included in their scrolling list and on their website of closures.
Sanctuary Flowers Sign Up
We invite you to sign up for flowers to beautify our altar each weekend. The sign-up sheet for 2021 has been posted in the Narthex.
Flowers are $35 and may be taken home following the 10:15 a.m. worship on Sunday morning.
Our Stephen Ministers are here for you!
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this important ministry, please contact Scott or Peggy Langelin at 262.853.0018.
If you are choosing to remain at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, any Calvary member, regardless of age or health, can request consecrated bread and juice from the weekend worship service. A sealed communion "kit", along with simple instructions to prepare you for communion, can be dropped off at your home by a member of our home communion ministry team.
If you'd like to get on the schedule for this important ministry, please contact the church office at 262.786.4010 or via email to You may set up a schedule of delivery weekly, or less often if you choose.
Regular office hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-noon 262.786.4010