St Paul's Church

Trinity Sunday

Today at St. Paul’s      
Sun., May 27th      Trinity Sunday
9:30 am                   Holy Eucharist Rite II
9:30 am                   Church School/Nursery Care during service
11:30 am                 Parish Brunch 
7:00 pm                   NLM Services
7:00 pm                   NIANA Meeting in Parish House
This Week at St. Paul’s
8:00 am-7:00 pm  The Church is open for prayer
8:30 am-12:30 pm Parish Office is open
Mon., May 28th   Office Closed   
7:00 pm    NIANA Meeting in Parish House
Tues., May 29th
6:30 pm    Handbell Practice
7:00 pm    NLM Bible Study
7:00 pm    NIANA Meeting in Parish House
Wed., May 30th
8:30 am    Holy Eucharist
9:30 am    Staff Meeting 
7:00 pm    NIANA Meeting in Parish House
Thurs., May 31st
11:30 am   Book Group in Parish House
Fri., June 1st 
7:00 pm     NIANA Meeting in Parish House
Sat., June 2nd 
4:00 pm     Adult Choir Rehearsal
Sun., June 3rd Food Pantry Collection
9:30 am       Holy Eucharist Rite II
9:30 am       Church School/Nursery Care during service
7:00 pm       NLM Services
7:00 pm       NIANA Meeting in Parish House
Happening Soon
New St. Paul’s Newsletter to publish early summer 
The next edition of the St. Paul’s newsletter will be published in late June. And, we need your help in providing information and ideas for it. 
We want to be sure to include milestone birthdays, deaths, graduations and other big events that have taken place over the past year. So, be sure to send us information and photos if you have them, and if you would like to write an article for the newsletter, please let Scott Widmeyer know by May 28. All written material should be turned in by June 4. Please email Scott at with your ideas, news copy and any photos you think would be of interest
Name Tags
Name Tags are located in the Chapel
Everyone is encouraged to wear nametags so that visitors and clergy can begin to put names with faces right away. If you do not have a nametag please let the office know by emailing:
Sunday Services
We will stay with one service at 9:30 am through June 17th. Starting June 24th we will switch back to Rite I at 8:00 am and Rite II at 10:00 am .

Save the Date
The Fellowship Committee invites you to a special brunch on May 27th after the service to thank Peter, Abbie Gowdy-Chase and Alan Wittrup. Quiches will be served and we are asking the congregation to bring salads or desserts.
St. Paul’s Ships Inn Spring Dinner/Fundraiser 
24 Spots available
Thursday, June14th at 6:30 pm
Join fellow St. Paul's parishioners for dinner at Ships Inn to celebrate the beginning of summer, and to meet our new Priest -in-Charge, the Rev. Max Wolf and his wife Olly. All proceeds from this dinner will go to St. Paul's through the generosity of Ships Inn. Your ticket of $100 includes all food, wine and gratuities. Wine will be provided throughout the reception and meal, and a cash bar will be open for mixed drinks, beer, and cordials. Please make your reservations as soon as possible, and please pay for your tickets before Sunday, June 10th, at the Church Office or put your check made out to St. Paul’s in the plate marked in the memo “Ships Inn Dinner.” Reservations can be made by contacting: the Church Office at 
                                 (NO – NOT THAT SEASON)

           It’s summer, Memorial Day, Figawi and time to get ready for:
                                        ST. PAUL’S FAIR
                                  THURSDAY – JULY 12
                                                     9:30 to 2:00

                        “TIS THE SEASON TO BE -
1) checking your house for items to DONATE
2) signing up to VOLUNTEER
3) writing a check to UNDERWRITE fair expenses
4) telling your family and friends to SAVE THE DATE
5) considering if you could give a dinner, sports    tickets, a round of golf or some other exciting experience to the SILENT AUCTION
6) calling the Church Office or contacting Sharon Robinson
   (508-228-9434 –
    or Dottie Gennaro (508-654-0146 to SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO.
St. Paul’s Fair has been an Island tradition since 1903. Let’s all work together to make the 2018 Fair the best one yet.

Nantucket bound this summer? Love to sing? Come join us at St. Paul’s Episcopal!!
A strong, vibrant, fun-loving summer choir is a long-standing tradition at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Nantucket. Whether you’re on island for a weekend, a couple of weeks, a month or all season long, we welcome anyone with a love for singing and the desire to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”
Rehearsals are Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Parish House Choir Room
Come join us!

For additional information or questions please contact:
Joe Hammer, Director of Music
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
20 Fair St
Nantucket, MA 02554
General phone: 508-228-0916
Calling all St. Paul’s youth – boys and girls.
Time to have fun and sing!
St. Paul’s youth – Parishioners or Summer Congregants – come join in the fun.
Joe Hammer, St. Paul’s recently appointed director of music, is inviting youth to participate in St. Paul’s as a chorister. The chorister program will be based upon the Royal School of Church Music in America’s renowned Voice for Life, which provides a framework for choral singers to develop their vocal skills and musical understanding, while singing fun and interesting songs.
Previous music experience required… none!
The opportunities to explore ways to make music… tons !

Current rehearsal schedule: Saturdays, 10:00am to 11:00am
Choir Room, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Parish House
20 Fair Street, Nantucket
First rehearsal with Joe: Saturday, June 2
Upcoming Sunday service participation:  Sunday, June 17 and 24
Anticipated to be twice per month for remainder of 2018.
While walk-ins are welcomed, it would be helpful to give a heads-up regarding participation by contacting St. Paul’s Church Office at 508-228-0916 or email to .

The only thing better than singing…is more singing. - Ella Fitzgerald
Collection for Food Pantry
Our next collection for the Food Pantry will occur Sunday, June 3rd. You are encouraged to bring a brown paper bag containing your favorite non-perishable items that you would purchase for yourself. In addition to food items, needed items include those not eligible for food stamps-for example, laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo and cleaning supplies.
Fairy House Building
Do you believe in fairies? Well you don’t need to believe in mythical creatures in order to create a fairy garden! Join Sr. Susanna on Saturday, June 9th from 11:30-2:30 in Gardner Hall and let your imagination soar as you create your own fairy garden to take home. Materials will be provided but you’re welcome to bring a favorite pot or figurine. Refreshments will be provided. Please register in advance through the church office 508-228-0916 or contact Sr. Susanna at or by signing up on the sheet at the back of the church.
Buildings and Grounds committee
We kindly ask if you see some aspect of the campus in disrepair or in need of attention please report via email to “St. Paul’s Office Manager” We will attend to it as soon as we can. Thank you!

Christian Education Opportunities
Mid-week Eucharist
Wednesday Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 8:30 am in the Chapel. 
Thursday Afternoon Book Group
Thursdays, 11:30 am -12:30 pm
St. Paul’s Parish House
The group is reading The Second Coming by Walker Percy.
For more information, please contact Lucy Bixby:
Centering Prayer Group
No meeting on June 2nd
Saturdays, 9:00 am -10:00 am
St. Paul’s Parish House
Led by Sister Susanna Margaret 
This weekly group includes an opening prayer or meditation, a 20-minute practice of Centering Prayer (silent sitting), a scripture reading, and a time for discussion.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
For support, education, and advocacy for mental illness please contact Nantucket’s Program Coordinator Suzanne Fronzuto at
508-221-6202 or
The Frable Family will arrange and deliver today’s altar flowers to those who are ill, recovering from surgery, needing cheer and/or celebrating a special event or achievement. Thank you for helping.
We pray for: Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael our Presiding Bishop; Alan, our Bishop; Gayle, our Suffragan Bishop; Bud and Barbara, our retired Suffragans; and Peter, our Celebrant

We pray for: Barbara, Debbe, Olivia, Penny, Marianne, Ed, Jordan, Diane, Myrtis, Felix, Andrew, Cathy, Joan, Steve, Mary, June.
The Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Most Revd. Onesimus Dongsin Park, Prime of the Anglican Church of Korea and Bishop of Busan.
The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
Grace Church, Lawrence;
Esperanza Academy, Lawrence; St. Anne’s Church, Lowell; St. John’s Church, Lowell; Congregations: Lectors, Worship Leaders, Eucharistic Ministers & Visitors.
We pray for: The men and women serving in our Armed Forces; easing of racial tensions in our country; those with mental illness and their families; healing and peace among peoples and nations throughout the world; the President of the United States, the United States Congress, the Supreme Court and all in authority; our brothers and sisters from other faiths; our Companion Church: San Juan Evangelista, in Vertientes, Cuba; our local Food Pantry, the Rental Assistance Program .
St. Paul's By-Laws
The Constitution and By-Laws that govern our church are posted on the St. Paul’s website in the About Us section. In addition, hard copies of it are available in the sanctuary

P.O. Box Discontinued
Effective March 31, 2018, St. Paul's will no longer be maintaining a U.S. mail box. Please address all mail to the church at 20 Fair Street, Nantucket, MA 02554