Your Weekly Update

and more!

Prayer Meeting

Tuesdays @ 6 pm

Join us as we come together in prayer. All are welcome!

Free Community Meal

Wednesdays @ 5 pm

On the menu this week: Zuppa Soup, Salad & Garlic Bread

Lighthouse Youth

Teens in 6th-12th grade

Youth Group on Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm

Bible Study on Sundays

9 am & 11 am

Fellowship Breakfast

1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 8 am

Station 61 in Youngsville

Next Breakfasts:

March 5th & March 19th

All are welcome!

Upcoming Events......

Church Events

  • 3/15 Lighthouse Teens - Roller Skating
  • 3/28 Seder Meal & First Supper Drama
  • 3/30 Easter Egg Hunt

In Other News.....

  • It's that time of year again, where we start collecting candy for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. We will have a bin located in the church lobby for your donations. Candy needs to be individually wrapped and small enough to fit inside of the regular sized eggs.

  • We will be filling Easter eggs on Tuesday, March 26th from 10 am - noon (or whenever done). It is always a fun time, mark you calendar to join us!

  • We will be having a Seder Meal & Last Supper Drama on Thursday, March 28th. They are looking for cast members and also would like you to RSVP so they know approximately how much food to make. Sign up sheets are located at the Welcome Center in the Lobby for both.

  • Hospital Ministry - We have a new team dedicated to checking on those in the Hospital, Nursing Home or if they are Homebound. If you have a family member you would like us to make contact with, please CLICK HERE. There are also forms available at the Welcome Center in the Lobby if you aren't comfortable filling one out online.
  • We have updated our current rental policy and have slightly increased our rental rates. These changes will be effective January 1, 2024.

The Young Adults Group meets on Sundays at 6 pm upstairs in the Youth Room. Please follow their FB page for updates on events or scheduling changes, etc. CLICK HERE for their FB Page


135 Conewango Ave, Warren, PA 16365

If you are unable to make it to the worship service in Youngsville due to weather, don't like the big crowds etc., but still want to be part of the church, we encourage you to visit Divergent on Sundays @ 9 am. They will be broadcasting the YFMC service at that time.

They will be hosting various events at Divergent - please watch our website or visit the Divergent Facebook Page by CLICKING HERE for upcoming events.


Youngsville Free Methodist Church | 814.563.9009 | [email protected] |