December 9, 2023

Advent 2

”prepare the way for

our salvation”

Collect for the Second Sunday in Advent: Merciful God, who sent your messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Dear friends, 

In the past week I have had the opportunity to reflect upon the wonderful bounty of community and fun we shared at last Saturday’s Gala, and the festive Advent 1 worship led by our youth, Sunday sales, music, and wreath-making that followed. Thanks to all who made these joyous celebrations possible and to all of you who showed up with smiles and enthusiasm for this community of Trinity Church and our ministry partners. Perhaps you purchased a pie, gifts from our Handcrafts Group or other Gala items to delight your family and friends on Christmas morning…gifts purchased in love, for those you love.  

It is fitting that Dr. Kate Bowler’s blessing for Advent 2 is about LOVE! 

Please click here to read more.

Photo credit: N. Hagner Otter Lake Ducks


Chapel Chats with your Clergy. Fr. CJ and Rev. Nancy love to talk and pray with you in person. Please reach out to set up a time for a chat on the Chapel porch, on the phone, at church, or in your home. Email them: Fr. CJ Rev. Nancy

2023 Gala Co-Chairs.


David Tocki

Holly Steward

Larry Barney

for a wonderful event of fun-raising and fund-raising for Trinity Church!

Blue Advent Service

Sunday, December 10 @ 5 pm

in the Main Church

Join us for a quiet service of prayer and thanksgiving in the midst of this busy season. All are welcome. This is a meaningful opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to get a taste of Trinity. Service will also be livestreamed at starting at 4.45 pm on 12/10/23.

Sunday, December 10

  • 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I (for Advent) in the Chapel

  • 9 a.m. Forum - Advent as Lived Reality with Rev. Nancy

  • 11 a.m. Pageant Choir reharsal in the choir room for children and youth. There will be pizza!
  • 11 a.m. Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall

  • 5 p.m. Blue Advent Service in the Main Church.

  • Ushers Needed - Please sign up HERE to serve and greet on Sundays. Adults and Youth can sign up to usher and greet!

  • Children’s bulletins with today's lessons and coloring are available for all to enjoy and will be available in the Parish Hall. Ask Rev. Julia if you need help finding them.


  • 12 p.m. Noonday Prayer on Zoom. This short service of prayer is a time to pause in the middle of the week and bring our concerns, cares, and thanksgivings to God.

Any Day

  • Compline is the last service of the day and is a way of winding down, offering the day's concerns, and praising God before sleep. The service is available on our website, led by our choir. 
BSChristmasMainPic image

Pageant Planning is here!

Please save the date for Pageant rehearsal on Dec. 10th and Dec. 17th. Right after church we will do some singing and run-through.

Our pageant is very open and welcoming. ANYONE, visitors, and guests included can participate on the day of. For those who are younger and won't be having a lead or reading part, they are invited to dress up as one of the following:




-Wise person

If you arrive at 2:30 on Christmas Eve it will be very easy to acquire some costume materials from what we will have laid out for you. The extra half hour gives you enough time to choose and get ready before the service begins at 3 pm. All costumed kids will be invited to follow along during the pageant and simply follow the instructions of the narrator as they read. It should be clear about where to stand and when to come forward from the pageant script as it is read.

All participants of any age are welcome to come to a singing rehearsal THIS SUNDAY, Dec. 10th in the choir room, right after church. A pizza lunch will be provided and Robert Barney will sing through the Christmas carols with them.

A second, important, rehearsal will take place on Dec. 17th, this will be a chance for the lead narrators as well as the lead characters such as Lead Shepherd and Lead Angel to block out their parts and know exactly where they will be standing and reading from. We will try to sing through the songs as well. This will also immediately follow the service with a pizza lunch provided as well.

We hope to see you during the rehearsal times or on Christmas Eve. Thank you so much for all the ways you and your kids will contribute to making it such a meaningful pageant service for all. Don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions: [email protected]

Read Family Ministry Newsletter

Advent Devotionals

We have a variety of print and digital Advent resources available this year:

1) Living Well Through Advent 2023: Practicing Wonder With all your Heart, Strength, and Mind from the Living Compass Ministries.

2) A "home-grown" weekly prayer and study guide offering a traditional path of Advent with the 4 Last Things and a contemporary path with blessings and prayers from writer/teacher/theologian Kate Bowler.

3) Living Well Through Advent as a daily e-mail. Sign up HERE to get these daily posts.

4) Daily Instagram LEGO Advent. trinityconcordma on Instagram and on our FB page too! Just fun for all ages.

Supplies of the print versions are limited, so please pick one up for your household on Sunday at church. If you need one mailed to you, please contact Beth in the Church Office. 978-369-3715, ext 110.

Sunday Forums @ 9 a.m.

Trinity offers Adult Formation series regularly through our Sunday Forums. These December offerings are the end of our 2023 series. Forums will resume again on Feb. 11, 2024.

Dec. 10 & 17- Advent as a Lived Reality with Rev. Nancy J. Hagner. Scripture, poetry and reflection on living "in the in between times" as we await for Christ to come again in great glory to judge the quick and the dead!

Christmas Diaper Drive

All Hands on Deck (AHOD)

In this season of giving, Trinity again offers the opportunity to support Afghan mothers and their babies. Up through Christmas Day please bring packages or boxes of disposable (infant to toddler size 6) diapers to honor the infant Jesus. Leave them at the coat closet near the Parish Hall. These products are expensive and not covered by any of the benefits the Afghan families receive. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

December Stewardship Update again

So far, 117 Trinity households have pledged, and we hope to have pledges from at least 40 additional individuals and families, or more!

If you have not yet made your pledge for 2024, please do so. PLEDGE HERE so we can continue the vibrant ministries we all enjoy in worship, fellowship, and service.

 In gratitude,

Carolyn and Craig, Stewardship Co-Chairs

Christmas Memorial Flowers

Trinity is offering the opportunity for you to remember loved ones at Christmas by making a special gift to Trinity’s Flower Fund by December 20th. Click hereThere are paper forms outside the church office for you to use if you have difficulty with the computer form. The church will be decorated for Christmas in the beautiful ways our Altar and Flower Guilds design each year.  Questions? Beth Confrancisco 978-369-3715, ext. 110 or [email protected]

Trinity's Christmas Offerings for 2023

3:00 PM All ages pageant and Holy Eucharist

   This annual event will include anyone who on the spot wants to be a part of the pageant telling the Nativity story through traditional carols and narrative. Trinity's Youth Choir will sing. The service will include Holy Eucharist open to all.

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist with choir and instrumental Prelude

  The Parish Choir will be joined by a small chamber orchestra to lead a half-hour Prelude of carols for choir and all to sing before a traditional Holy Eucharist service.

10:00 PM Holy Eucharist with Carols and contemplative music

   This service includes music for Recorders, Viola da Gamba and Renaissance Flute in a quiet, meditative Holy Eucharist.

10:00 AM Christmas Day Holy Eucharist with Christmas Carols

The second episode of Talk it Up is currently live. Revs. Nancy and Julia discuss the new Christmas movie, "The Holdovers." Please like, subscribe, rate, and share this episode as it helps others find us, too. We love to hear your feedback!

To listen on Spotify (PLEASE CLICK HERE

To listen on Apple Podcasts (PLEASE CLICK HERE)

Not so New anymore!

Paul Lamoreaux --

9 years at Trinity Church!

We just learned that Dec. 2...the night of our Gala Celebration, was Paul's 9th Anniversary at Trinity serving as our Sunday Sexton and beloved, devoted staff member. Please extend your thanks and congratulations to Paul when you see him. We are blessed as a community by his faithful presence and devotion to our life together in fellowship. Thank you Paul!!!

News about the Election of our next Bishop

The Nominating Committee for the election of the diocese’s next bishop has published a diocesan profile and is accepting nominations (until Dec. 30, 2023) and applications (until Jan. 13, 2024). The profile is available HERE. Nomination and application instructions are contained within the profile.

The Nominating Committee also invites all members of the diocese to two online education opportunities:

Thursday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m.: Diocesan Profile Overview

Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 7 p.m.: What is the Role of a Bishop?

Registration, here, is required to receive the Zoom links. Questions may be directed to the Nominating Committee at [email protected]. Visit for more information and updates as they become available. 

  • December 10-Forum-Advent as Lived Reality @ 9 a.m.
  • December 10 - Blue Advent Service @ 5 pm Main Church
  • December 24 - 10:00 a.m. Advent 4 (no 8:00 a.m. service)
  • December 24 - Christmas Eve 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m.
  • December 25 Christmas Day 10:00 a.m. in the Church
  • December 31 Christmas I - NO 8 a.m. service. HEII @ 10 a.m.
  • January 6 Epiphany Lessons & Carols @ 5 pm Dinner following in the Parish Hall. Watch for sign ups.
  • See what else is happening at Trinity on the Church Calendar
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Trinity Episcopal Church

81 Elm Street

Concord, MA 01742

(978) 369-3715


The Rev. Nancy J. Hagner, Rector

The Rev. C J Coppersmith, Assistant Rector

Robert Christian, Intern for the Diaconate

Robert BarneyDirector of Music and Choir

Beth ConfranciscoAdministrative Coordinator

The Rev. Julia M. FreedmanMinister of Youth & Families 

Paul LamoreauxSunday Sexton

Julia MishBookkeeper

Wesley SawyersSexton

Office Hours: T-F 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

The Episcopal Church