November 25, 2023

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Advent Connections!

Dear friends, 

Some of you may be familiar with the new “Connections” game that appears each day in the New York Times. I am a big fan of all sorts of puzzles and start my day (right after my morning prayers) with the Spelling Bee, the Mini-Crossword, and now Connections. While the Bee and crossword puzzles are primarily about knowing a lot of words, the challenge in Connections is to find the relationship between groups of words.  

I thought it would be fun, on this holiday weekend as we end the church year and get ready for Advent to begin on Dec. 1, to have our own Advent Connections game. You can play by copying this page of 16 words, then grouping them into groups of 4, and labeling why you put them together. On Sunday, Nov. 26 at the 9 a.m. Forum we will reveal the solution in the Parish Hall and learn a bit about Advent, past, present, and future. 

Here we go with Advent Connections!

  1. Random Words

  • Heaven
  • John
  • White
  • Peace
  • Hope
  • Hell
  • Rose
  • Isaiah
  • Judgment
  • Death
  • Blue
  • Mary
  • Joy
  • Love
  • Elizabeth
  • Purple

2.Your Groupings of 4 words

3.What are the groups you have made? ie, what is the connection between the words you have grouped together?

Advent is a complicated season for many people, and often for the Church. We are preparing our hearts not only for the birth of Christ once again into our hearts, but are also looking for His Second Coming in great glory. Our hope and our joy, our awe and wonder are for the power of God to reconcile all things. May we be awake to the presence of the Holy One in this season and always. 

Your sister in Christ, 


Chapel Chats with your Clergy. Fr. CJ and Rev. Nancy love to talk and pray with you in person. Please reach out to set up a time for a chat on the Chapel porch, on the phone, at church, or in your home. Email them: Fr. CJ Rev. Nancy

Stewardship Thanks and Update

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

What a wonderful In-Gathering Sunday last week. Thank you for your participation in worship, with your pledge and in our festive celebration at Coffee Hour. So far, 81 Trinity households have pledged, and we hope to have pledges from at least 85 additional families, or more! Please join in this exciting time and support YOUR Trinity Church!

If you have not yet made your pledge for 2024, please do so. PLEDGE HERE We need everyone to be committed and involved in our life together. Your vestry will be planning the 2024 budget based upon the pledges we receive, so please do make your pledge soon so we can continue the vibrant ministries we all enjoy in worship, fellowship, and service.

If you have questions please feel free to reach out to either of us, to your Sr. Warden, or Rector.


 In gratitude,

Carolyn and Craig, Stewardship Co-Chairs

Sunday, November 26

Christ the King

  • 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Chapel

  • 9 a.m. Forum - Advent Connections! Just for fun, come to see the puzzle solution to this week's Advent Connections game (in the Reflection at the top of the Window) and learn a bit more about this season of Advent.

  • 10 a.m. Sunday School. Register HERE - Singing together this Sunday!

  • 11 a.m. Coffee Hour

  • Ushers Needed - Please sign up HERE to serve and greet on Sundays. Adults and Youth can sign up to usher and greet!

  • Children’s bulletins with today's lessons and coloring are available for all to enjoy and will be available in the Parish Hall. Ask Rev. Julia if you need help finding them.


  • 12 p.m. Noonday Prayer on Zoom. This short service of prayer is a time to pause in the middle of the week and bring our concerns, cares, and thanksgivings to God.

Any Day

  • Compline is the last service of the day and is a way of winding down, offering the day's concerns, and praising God before sleep. The service is available on our website, led by our choir. 

Sunday School

Please join us for Sunday School in the Undercroft:

  • November 26th (All ages will meet together in one class, to sing together, led by Linda Hossfeld)

December 3rd is ALL IN Sunday, and the first Sunday of Advent. The Children and Youth will lead us in a special hymn, if your student would like to read scripture or help light the advent wreath please reach out to Rev. Julia at

Stay for coffee hour on December 3rd to make an advent wreath for your home. We have materials for 20 households. Sign up here.

Read Family Ministry Newsletter

Sunday Forums @ 9 a.m.

Trinity offers Adult Formation regularly through our Sunday Forums.

Nov. 26 - Advent Connections! Did you solve the puzzle? (It will appear in the Nov. 25th Window, so watch for it!) Come to the forum to see the answers and learn more about Advent . All Ages.

Dec. 3 - New Year in the Church - Themes from Mark's Gospel with Fr. CJ Coppersmith

Dr. Rowan Williams: 'The Learning Church: Theology and Christian Maturity'

Click to Listen to the former Archbishop of Canterbury speak to us about What is the Church? Why is the Church? Where is our hope?

The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer (Massachusetts) (TSPC) presents a zoom talk and Q&A with Dr. Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury and one of the world's most important living theologians.

If you'd like to know more about The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer (TSPC), you can find information at You can also sign up to receive the TSPC newsletter, at

Photo: Dr. Williams was with us here at Trinity Concord in 2018!!! pictured L to R-Ernie Steward, Rev. Nancy, Dr. Rowan Williams, Rev. Becky Binns.

12 Days of Joy from Family to Family

We are very excited to announce our the return of one of our most popular programs: our Family-to-Family Holiday Drive! Sponsor a family or senior this holiday season by building a gift kit over the first 12 days of December. Each day that you add a new item, your family can discuss and learn more about food insecurity and how it may affect your neighbors. Bags are due at Open Table on December 15.

If you would like to learn more, please click here.

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All Hands on Deck

December Diaper Drive

In this season of giving, Trinity again offers the opportunity to support Afghan mothers and their babies. At any of the Advent, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services, bring packages or boxes of disposable (infant to size 4) diapers to honor the infant Jesus. Leave them at the coat closet near the Parish Hall. These products are expensive and not covered by any of the benefits the Afghans receive. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

The next episode of Talk it Up is currently live! Be the first to hear the next episode. Please like, subscribe, rate, and share this episode as it helps others find us, too. We love to hear your feedback!

To listen on Spotify (PLEASE CLICK HERE

To listen on Apple Podcasts (PLEASE CLICK HERE)


Rev. Nancy+ and Rev. Julia+ 

Blue Advent Service

Sunday, December 10 @ 5 pm

in the Main Church

Join us for a quiet service of prayer and thanksgiving in the midst of this busy season. All are welcome. This is a meaningful opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to get a taste of Trinity. Service will also be livestreamed at starting at 4.45 pm on 12/10/23.

If you would like to learn more, or reserve a space, please click here.

It's time to sign up to attend the Black & White Gala!

Black & White Gala Sign-up

Hello Again friends!!

We’re nearing the finish line for our long awaited Gala. Many folks have asked about donations.

If you’re looking for a way to contribute to the evening, we are looking for more Wine for our Mystery Wine Bags. If you could drop off a bottle (at least $15+) at the office during the week or during coffee hour on Sundays, this will really help us raise money for Trinity and our Outreach programs.

We are also looking for some really upscale, unique items you would feel proud to “re-home“ for the silent auction. 

The Promise Tree would love your donation of services, gift cards, baked goods, etc.

Make sure you get your tickets early for $20 (or $30 at the door). Just think, all the food and drinks you want, a great live band to entertain you, tons of fun items to shop for, while enjoying the fellowship of our Trinity family!! Apple Pies will be available as well in the Parish Hall during Coffee hour. Let’s ring in the season with joy and giving!!

Questions?? Contact

Holly Steward: or 978-501-0444

Larry Barney:

David Tocki: or 703-598-1939

We hope to see you there!

Holly, Larry and Dave


To all of you who are bringing gifts to bear...

and to all of Trinity for showing up...

and to God who gives us all we have and all we can hope for.

Happy almost Advent, beloved ones!!

Rev. Nancy+

Black & White Gala Sign-Up

  • November 26-Advent Connections Forum @ 9 a.m.
  • December 2 - 6:00 p.m. Black & White Gala
  • December 3 - Advent I - All IN for Advent
  • December 3-Themes in Mark Forum @ 9 a.m.
  • December 10-Blue Advent Service @ 5 pm Main Church
  • SAVE THE DATE -- Oktoberfest 2024 on Sat. Oct. 19 with Bobby Jo Valentine and all your favorite Oktoberfest foods!!
  • See what else is happening at Trinity on the Church Calendar
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Healing Prayer Sign-Up

Trinity Episcopal Church

81 Elm Street

Concord, MA 01742

(978) 369-3715


The Rev. Nancy J. Hagner, Rector

The Rev. C J Coppersmith, Assistant Rector

Robert Christian, Intern for the Diaconate

Robert BarneyDirector of Music and Choir

Beth ConfranciscoAdministrative Coordinator

The Rev. Julia M. FreedmanMinister of Youth & Families 

Paul LamoreauxSunday Sexton

Julia MishBookkeeper

Wesley SawyersSexton

Office Hours: T-F 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

The Episcopal Church