Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser

Immigration Advisers New Zealand Ltd.
Hello Readers,

Welcome to another edition of our fortnightly Newsletter.

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on immigration policies and processes, via our newsletters, we try to provide you with a bouquet of updated Immigration and Education sector-related information.

Recently, the NZ Government announced changes to new accredited employer work visas, watch the video, to know all changes pertaining to new work visas which replace 6 current work visas.

Last night (18 May), Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern strongly rejected the suggestion Kiwis are work-shy and don't want to take up jobs in sectors that have heavily relied on immigrant labour.

On the other hand, Education Minister Chris Hipkins has announced a $170 million pay parity scheme for the Early Childhood Education sector.

This Newsletter will also provide you with information on the popular programmes offered by ICL, Victoria University and WITT, some general updates on skilled workers, sick leave entitlements, and the most talked-about topic; travelling in a bubble.

In the end, we incorporated a case study on 'Lack of Relationship Evidence and Previous Overstay in NZ' based on a true case and few success stories of our clients.

Enjoy reading and provide your feedback by writing to us at

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

What’s coming is better than what is gone.
Immigration Updates
Impact of Changes to Current Work Visa Settings- Work to Residence Visa.
10 Key Messages at the Auckland’s Future Now Conference (12 May 2021).
Family Reunification: Critical Purpose Visitor Visa -...

This immigration policy update related to new border exceptions will enable many families to reunite after months of separation. The New Zealand borders are currently closed to most travelers unless they enter New Zealand from a Quarantine-Free...

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PM defends immigration 'reset', rejects suggestion Kiwis ...

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has strongly rejected the suggestion Kiwis are work-shy and don't want to take up jobs in sectors that have heavily relied on immigrant labour. Ardern made her comments after the government signalled a "reset" of New ...

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Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) Introduced: Road...

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. It's time to say 'Hello' and accept the new Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) introduced by New Zealand Government. This new visa type called AEWV will be introduced on...

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Immigration Minister to outline border policy changes

Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi will be making the case for policy change during a speech later today. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told business leaders on Friday to expect an immigration announcement, which would re-focus on attracting highly ...

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Education Updates!
Massey welcomes back first international Bachelor...

Sunny Deng is excited to be back in New Zealand pursuing her goal of becoming a qualified food technologist, after being granted a border exemption to return to study at Massey University. The third year food technology international student was...

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Budget 2021: Government moves to close 'obvious' early...

Early childhood teachers say they are elated at the Government's partial pay parity move but vow to keep fighting until they are valued the same as their kindergarten peers. Education Minister Chris Hipkins announced today that Budget 2021 will...

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Programme Updates!
General Updates
MIQ spaces for skilled workers: Dairy farmers' request...

Federated Farmers is disappointed dairy farm workers were not included in the plan to use empty managed isolation (MIQ) rooms to get more skilled and critical workers into the country. About 500 spaces - made available because of the trans-Tasman ...

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Thousands of MIQ spaces allocated to secure economic...

Five hundred spaces per fortnight will be allocated in managed isolation facilities over the next 10 months, many for skilled and critical workers to support our economic recovery. The Trans-Tasman bubble has freed up more rooms, allowing us to...

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Sick leave entitlements

All employees (including part-time and casual employees) are entitled to 5 days' sick leave if: they have six months' current continuous employment with the same employer, or they have worked for the employer for six months for: an average of 10...

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Travelling in a bubble

If an employee wants to take annual leave that they're entitled to, you can't unreasonably refuse. However, you should let them know that while they're on annual leave, it's their responsibility to stay safe. It is good to remind them that...

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Latest Blog
Character Requirements & Character Waiver Request | NZ...

Character is one of the most critical instructions that anyone applying for a New Zealand visa or entry permission must meet. Essentially what it means is that the applicant must be of good character, not pose a security risk and not threaten New ...

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Current Partnership Based NZ Visa Instruction |...

New Zealand border restrictions have kept many souls apart and this is a grim situation for the couples. But the situation is getting better for the couples staying miles apart because New Zealand borders are re-opened to those who are planning...

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Case Study
Lack of Relationship Evidence and Previous Overstay in...

Jack and Ella were in a relationship, which was seven years old and located in South Africa. While Ella had got her three-year Essential Skills Work Visa (ESWV) to come to New Zealand, Jack too had plans to accompany her.

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Client Testimonials
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