Your Next Challenge: Weathered Wood

What is it about a decrepit old barn, the water wheel of a grist mill, or a gnarly driftwood log, that makes many people stop and gaze at the weathered wood fondly?

Whatever it is, capture it for your submission to the next Photo Contest. Weathered wood can be a foreground element of your composition, like my photo of the log fence framing Idaho’s Stanley Peak, or it can be the focal point, as with my Oregon coast driftwood image.

The lighting, focus, and composition must be pleasing, and distracting elements eliminated. There’s lots of wiggle room for subject matter in this contest as weathered wood is an abundant topic.

If you’re snowed in when you read this, go through your travel photos. You may have a good candidate already. Photos must be taken in destinations you can visit in a Tiffin RV, like Canada and Mexico, but not other foreign destinations.

Prizes: Pro Level, $100 first place, $75 second place. Very Good Level, $50 first place, $25 second place.

Please submit just one photo. Entries must be received by March 1, 2022.