May Fisher House News From Our Home
With Incredible Gratitude
We would like to recognize some of our cause champions and financial partners for April. When you see them, please thank them for their help fulfilling our mission.
American Legion Post 378 donate $5968 from annual Shamrock Ride and Pig Roast
Sylvia and Anne, co-chairs of the Destin Woman's Club meal preparation for Fisher House committee, always smiling....
Hurlburt Spouses Club donated $1,000
Bancorp South Bank supports the Destin Woman's Club - who in turn, support our Fisher House with their annual Fashion Show, it's a blast and with their service.
Brock Lawn & Pest - Fort Walton Beach - In Kind - Pest Control for the Home
Joshuatree Internet Marketing - In Kind - Web Design
Loc-n-Stor - In Kind - Storage Facilities
Support businesses who support your local Fisher House.
Registration opening soon, sponsors from 2017,
make your commitments now
! New packages for staycation have been added, drink specials and more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Tickets will go fast, sell out risk guaranteed!
Because of our generous community, our 10th annual Helping Heroes Gala raised ....$78,181
Upcoming Events by Community Partners
Ranger Camp Open House - May 5
Take advantage of a rare opportunity to run the trails of Camp Rudder, home of the US Army’s third and final phase of its prestigious Ranger School. This scenic route is just over 4 miles long and loops around Camp taking runners through its protected long leaf pine forests. Finish the race at the Gator where awards (including a special award for those able to beat our RANGER) and after party await. Stay for the day and enjoy the 6th Ranger Training Battalion’s Open House filled with Ranger School demonstrations and Reptile Shows among many other activities.
Red Empire Week -
7th SFG - May 7 - 14, Community Day,
May 8
"Unbelievably blessed to meet the staff who are awesome and very friendly and have the opportunity to stay here. Last night was the first night, I hadn't slept in 4 days but slept so peacefully here. Everyone offers to pray for you although they are dealing with something as well. Extremely grateful! Day One" March 22, 2018
"Praying for healing, peace and blessings to all those currently residing and future residents of the Fisher House. A special prayer goes up for the staff who are amazing. I can't thank everyone enough for their kindness. God Bless and thank you from the bottom of my heart!" April 11, 2018
1,180 guests were hosted in 2017
Clinic answers call for invisible wounds care
Our partnership with the award winning hospital at Eglin AFB is growing. In the fall, this clinic will open and provide much needed resources to our nation's defenders. More families will be cared for and will place our Fisher House right across the street in greater demand. Stay tuned to learn how you can help as plans are discussed to make sure we are ready to bless in greater numbers too......
Read more
Sweet - 2018 Suite Sponsors - Legendary Marine
Epsilon Sigma of Kappa Sigma Fraternity|L3/Crestview Aerospace
Charles and Diane Ruffner in memory of Chief Warrant Officer 3 Matthew P. Ruffner
Around town sharing our mission
April 27 - Eglin Connects
Keeping families together
Paul McShane, Niceville Exchange Club, Field of Valor
Marian McBryde, Crestview MAC
Volunteer Opportunities AT THE HOUSE - WOO HOO!
Cookies and Kindness - Bakers Wanted - First Wednesday of each Month
The first Wednesday of each month we will be sharing kindness through fresh baked goodies. Great way to share the comfort with others and save the calories in your kitchen. Cookies can be dropped off at the house for our guests.
Sign up here.
We LOVE a good national theme day!
May 13 - National Apple Pie Day
May 28 - National Hamburger Day
Baseball, apple pie and.....our friends at BAE Systems have generously donated Blue Wahoos Tickets AGAIN!
Tickets were snapped up quickly - if you are attending the game on BAE, please share that THEY SUPPORT OUR FISHER HOUSE! Remember to check the trackitforward website for surprise opportunities from our community partners.
Dinner Date - Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
(every week)
Sign up on our website,
click here.
or for more information, please reach out to staff, 850.883.2865. A happy tummy helps heal a heart! (It's not a bad therapy for the hands that prepare it either.)
Thanks to all those who came to spring cleaning at the house. There was great energy in the home from all the scrubbing, dusting, sorting and LOVE by the hands and hearts who helped!
32nd Sandestin Wine Festival
April 13 and 14, 2018
Results coming soon......
Thanks to all of you who volunteered at this annual event!
House of the Emerald Coast, Inc
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
: President, Teresa Halverson, Vice President, Gordon "Gordy" Fornell, Secretary - Tama Van Decar, Treasurer, Jerry Williams, Past President, Shirley Pigott.
Board Members
: Joe Agostinelli, Myra Arnold, Bryan Creager, Jim Fisher, Kevin Locht, Bruce Nunnally, Jeff Riemer, Karen Spence and Jim Yurack.
Administrative Director
: Mia Hughes
Community Ambassadors
Keith Brown, Pam Dickson,
Carolyn Espinoza,
Rhonda Hanson,
Peter Karp,
Elaine and Ron LaJeunesse, Candy Otter, Colleen Smith,
Dave and Diane Walbeck, Judy and Omar Wiseman and Wayne and Sheila Williams
Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, Inc. | 850.259.4956 |