Christ Church
E  P I  S  C  O  P  A  L

Dear Parents,


Thank you for sharing your children with us this week at Vacation Bible School. We had so much fun learning together about God's power. If you are searching for a church home, we hope you will worship with us. We worship every weekend at 5:00 PM on Saturday and 9:00 and 10:45 AM on Sunday. This Sunday, you may hear some familiar music!


VBS relies on our amazing team of volunteers, and we had an especially talented group this year. We are especially thankful for Jen Turner, our VBS director, and Amy Ratliff, our preschool director. They worked tirelessly with Ryan Giorgis, our Children's Minister, to make sure that everything flowed seamlessly. If you see a VBS volunteer, make sure to tell them "thank you!" Below you will find some information about the crafts that the children completed for several local non-profit organizations.


Christ Church exists to invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and one another, and to help them grow and live in those relationships. Our newcomer ministry is hosting a picnic for new folks on August 2, and we would love for you to attend. If you are interested in attending the picnic or just learning more about our common life, please feel free to contact me by phone or email.



Rebecca Hyatt Guzman

Minister of Christian Formation

[email protected] 



Please click photos to learn more 
about each missions partner. 


On Tuesday, children made beautiful, unique greeting cards. These cards will delivered to the elderly, homebound residents who receive Meals on Wheels through FeedMore, Central Virginia's hunger-relief leader. 

CrossOver Healthcare Ministry 
CrossOver Healthcare Ministry provides quality and compassionate health care to the uninsured in the greater Richmond Metropolitan area. At VBS, children made soft and comforting blankets to be given to CrossOver patients.

The Micah Initiative 
Christ Church is in partnership with George Mason Elementary School as part of the Micah Initiative. The kids of this underserved school will receive awesome
bookmarks, handmade by this week's VBS participants.

CARITAS - Congregations Around Richmond Involved to Assure Shelter

Next week, Christ Church is hosting homeless men as part of the CARITAS ministry.  

Our preschool-aged VBS participants made
encouraging note sthat will be included in the daily bagged lunches.
They also made posters to decorate the dining room, so that the guests will feel welcomed and loved.  

And today, on the final day of VBS 2015, the elementary children made these lovely
"flower" arrangements.  

Each flower bears decorations and words of encouragement. These bouquets will be the centerpiece decorations on each dining table for our CARITAS guests to enjoy during their meals.

Through each of these gifts, your children are sharing God's mighty love with people of all ages across metropolitan Richmond.

Christ Church Episcopal  *  * 804.364.0394