We asked Kris McLaughlin, our Special Events Committee Chair, to tell us a little about herself and her work on our behalf. Kris writes:
Kris's Long and Winding Road to Encore Learning
In 2010, I retired after a 35-year career in corporate communications with companies such as General Dynamics, General Electric and IBM. I did strategic communications for internal and external audiences (planning, implementing, evaluating), change management, and executive coaching.
The talks at the library, advertised in the
Sun Gazette, caught my attention. A friend
Merle Decker, who retired a month earlier than I did, joined me at lecture after lecture. At some point I noticed a course catalog and decided to learn more about the organization.
Kris McLaughlin (left) with librarians
Genelle Schuler
Sarah Campany
works on her "Maker" project during our jointly sponsored program "The Maker Movement Explained: Hands-on Demonstration of 21st Century Arts" in November 2017. Photo provided by Barbara Spangler.
I joined and took
Karl van Newkirk's course: The History of Arlington.
Joan Bertrand was the primary class aide, and I was secondary. She told me about committees and other internal workings in the organization.
Then, I spoke with Marjorie Varner. We met coincidentally at a George Mason event, and I asked about becoming involved (in addition to being a class aide). She introduced me via email to
Earle Young
, who ran special events.
Helen Esserian
coached me, offering much-needed guidance when I was a newbie.
After Earle stepped down, I agreed to chair the committee. Current members -
Andrea Vojtko, Bill Peters, Dave Tate, George Hobart, Helen Esserian, Joanne Jones, Louise Kenny, Michelle Trahan,
Priscilla Becker
offer you about three or four special events each month. We coordinate with
Barbara Spangler
, who leads the Academic Programs Committee that offers your fall and spring courses.
We welcome tour venue/exhibition and library program suggestions. Your ideas help make special events happen. Please share them by
emailing the office.
In addition to serving as the Special Events Committee Chair for Encore Learning, I volunteer for a variety of nonprofit organizations, including serving as Social Justice Media Relations advisor for Arlington's Unitarian Church; Community Relations liaison for Bowen McCauley Dance; and past president of Arlington Gay & Lesbian Alliance. I am a member of WETA's Community Advisory Council.
I co-chair the Arlington County Democratic Committee's kitchen crew (mission: help elect Democratic nominees to represent Arlingtonians by providing food for candidate and committee fundraisers). I have worked on campaigns for a dozen Democratic candidates in Arlington.
I continue my volunteer work with Encore Learning because it's fun to see people learning at library lectures and socializing on fascinating tours in our area. And our Special Events Committee members have fun while volunteering time for other members. You are welcome to join by
contacting the Encore Learning office.
News and Photos
Librarian Michelle Fernandez (L) gratefully accepts Author
's donation of her book at Arlington's Central Library. Photo courtesy Michelle Fernandez.
Exploring Earth and Space on NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Tour
Encore Learning members touring NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in November. Photo courtesy of volunteer event coordinator
David Tate.
Instructor Celebrates Milestone Birthday by Teaching Course
John Barclay Burns
teaching his
Jesus to God
on the occasion of his 75th birthday
Photo by
Marilyn Marton.
Membership Committee Holiday Party
The Membership Committee gathered for their annual holiday party at Co-Chair Carol Cochran's home. Also included were President Art Gosling, former President John Sprott and Executive Director Marjorie Varner. Art offered his sincere thanks to the committee for all their work this year. Huzzah!
Anne Werner joins
Pat Chatten and
Priscilla Becker in admiring the holiday decor.
Photo by Marjorie Varner.
Co-Chair and Host
Carol Cochran taking beverage orders as Co-Chair
Kathy LaPier waits her turn and
Ron Wise chats with
John Sprott. Photo by Marjorie Varner.
John Sprott and
Priscilla Becker listen as
Ed Rader delivers the punch line.
Photo by Marjorie Varner.
Committee members not pictured:
Ann Wolfe
Margie Teed,
Marjorie Hobart,
Paula Kaufman
Ron Wise
Welcome New Members
In November 2018, the following
new members joined Encore Learning. Please be sure to give these folks a warm welcome.
Joan Blake
Jane Comings
Anne Depenbrock
John Depenbrock
Mary Doherty
Paula Ruszkiewicz
Allan Willey
Sadi Yarti
Thank You
to the following members for referring friends and family:
Vera Libeau
Susan Monteverde
Please email the office with any corrections.
Photos, Photos, Photos...
We all love looking at them and it seems we can never get enough here in the office. Please share your photos of Encore Learning activities with us. The higher the resolution of the photo, the better (1 MB or higher). Shots taken on your mobile phone are great! Just email them to us and if we use your photos, we will make sure to acknowledge you as the photographer. We can't use thumbnails, though, so please check your photo size settings prior to emailing.
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