The Inside Scoop - For Members Only
Dear Office,
Welcome to The Inside Scoop, our electronic newsletter for members only. Please enjoy this issue, and share your feedback by email. We always look forward to hearing from you. This is our November-December issue, so have a cup of coffee and read on.
Looking Back on 2020
We will all remember 2020 as the year when so much changed due to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. Encore Learning was challenged to quickly pivot from in-person classes, clubs, and special events to a new virtual world of learning. Many of our sister lifelong learning programs cancelled all of their classes and events for spring of 2020. But Encore Learning was able to quickly work with a handful of instructors to offer their courses virtually, including the popular Global Hot Spots, in the spring.
With the fall semester recently ending, the Academic Programs Committee and our staff built on that start and were able to get over 30 instructors to offer their courses virtually. We had a record turnout for the course preview and had more course registrations and fewer waitlists than ever before. Our membership is stable at over 1,000. Eight of our clubs continue to meet and Encore Learning Special Events set attendance records with a popular and diverse group of programs. Our members are now increasingly adept at using virtual technology. This successful transition required great efforts by our Staff, led by our new Executive Director, Lora Pollari-Welbes, as well as our many volunteers, who do much of the work of the organization by serving on committees. Many of our members signed up to become Virtual Class Aides, indispensable to the smooth running of our classes. A huge training effort on how to use Zoom was spearheaded by Marty Suydam and staff. Our members have been surprisingly nimble in adapting to it.
We have lined up 31 courses for this spring which will be previewed virtually on the morning of January 28 with registration on the first of February. The Special Events Committee is continuing to offer a slate of wonderful programs with greater capacity then possible before being online.
The year was not without great sadness over the passing of our former long-time President Art Gosling in September. The Board of Directors renamed our Youth Scholarship, which is offered to any graduate of Arlington Public Schools who attends George Mason or Marymount University, the Arthur W. Gosling Scholarship. Thanks to generous donations by many of our members, we were able to raise the amount of the scholarship to $2,500. We owe Art a great debt for having built up Encore Learning into a robust organization that could withstand the shock of the pandemic.
We end the year in a strong financial position. In spite of losing revenue due to
Spring course cancellations, we did not have to dip into our reserves thanks to the work of Lora and our Treasurer, Kevin Connors, in qualifying us for a
Paycheck Protection Loan which converts into a grant upon forgiveness. Our fall enrollments exceeded our budget expectations.
Looking ahead, we hope that the vaccination program will allow us to return to in-person classes either at the end of next year or early in 2022. To help the Board decide what mix of in-person and virtual classes they would prefer when that occurs, every member is being asked to complete a short survey before the end of the year. I ask that you submit this feedback so we can plan our future course offerings in a manner most desired by you.
In closing, I want to give my sincere thanks to our staff for taking on and
effectively managing a huge unexpected workload over the year without
complaint. We have added two new staffers to better distribute our workload
going forward: Francesca Chilcote to help manage the virtual workload and Sarah Hainesworth as Communications Specialist. In September we said goodbye to Beth Dowd after five years of outstanding service to Encore Learning. Patty Rowland continues as our Administrator and Donna Banks as our Academic Course Coordinator. We are lucky to have this fine team so ably led by Lora.
And finally, please volunteer if you can. We need Virtual Class Aides if we want to run the full slate of courses in the spring. We also need volunteers to serve on committees. Please also consider a donation to our scholarship fund or our general fund to support our excellent programs.
Be careful and stay safe!
Tom Adams, President
New Courses Slated for the Spring Semester
With the spring semester quickly approaching, the time to select a new set of courses is near!
For members tired of the confinements of their four walls, Written in Arlington offers a literary escape from our living rooms to the place right outside our doors that we’ve grown to miss.
“This is as Arlington as you can get,” said Katherine Young, the course instructor.
New to Encore Learning, Young is an award winning poet, who has taught poetry and literature classes for the University of Maryland, Catholic University and for the Arlington Public School system. Young is the editor of Written in Arlington, a poetry anthology published in November 2020, that serves as the guide for her upcoming course.
“This course, like the anthology from which it grew, reflects on Arlington as a community: who we are, where we come from, what we’ve created here and what we owe to the land and the people who came before us,” she said.
Over 150 poems by 87 different poets are featured in the book. Some of the poets still reside in the area and the others spread as far as Bolivia, Australia and Saudi Arabia have either lived, worked, studied or spent time in Arlington. Members who enroll in the course can expect guest poets, writing exercises and reading of works in the book.
Written in Arlington begins April 9 and will meet each Friday at noon.
Another class with a local appeal is Historic Places, taught by Robert Nieweg, who joins us from the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
The course aims to provide an understanding of the preservation, protection and interpretation of historic places such as the James River at Jamestown, President Lincoln’s Cottage (where he drafted the Emancipation Proclamation) and other sites - all within driving distance of the DC area.
“Some of these places, like the C&O canal or the Tidal Basin, one can go there during Covid and still maintain social distance, enjoy the place and get a sense of why there’s a plan to restore it,” Nieweg said.
Outside readings on preservation will be available to those enrolled in the course as well as “tours” during class which will be composed of imagery of the sites and insights from historic preservationists.
Historic Places begins March 24 and will meet on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM.
Other notable and timely new courses include Social Justice Perspectives taught by Brendan Murphy and Drug Discovery and Development instructed by Alfred Sarkissian.
Murphy, an attorney with an education background and a passion for mediation and conflict resolution, feels that learning about the thoughts and interests of others can help us build stronger communities.
His course, primarily discussion based, will focus on access to education and housing, global climate issues, racial inequality, justice and the ability to access court systems and gain representation.
Sarkissian, a George Mason alum with a PhD in Public Policy, hopes that his Drug Discovery and Development course will highlight issues such as the cost of prescription drugs continuing to rise though fewer new drugs are on the market. He aims to produce informed consumers and recommends the course to anyone with an interest in the pharmaceutical industry.
Social Justice Perspectives will be held on Mondays at 2:00 PM beginning March 1 and Drug Discovery and Development will begin April 8 with classes meeting Thursdays at noon.
Additional courses new this semester include: European Union, Crypto Currency Markets, Healthy Relationships, Nonprofit Sector & Community Needs, British Poets of the 19th Century, Spring in Arlington, and Gandhi and the Soul of Religion.
Online registration for the spring 2021 semester begins Monday, February 1, 2021 at 10:00 AM.
VCAs Make Online Learning a Breeze!
The Fall semester presented Encore Learning with a unique dilemma when we had to forgo our in-person classes to meet virtually instead.
Gone (at least for a while) were the days of driving to class, hunting for a parking spot and engaging with instructors and other Encore Learning members in riveting real-time discussions.
The role of Class Aide shifted too, into the new role of Virtual Class Aide. Instead of taking attendance, distributing course evaluations and having the perk of a free parking spot, Class Aides, now Virtual Class Aides (VCAs), are tasked with assisting members and instructors during Zoom course sessions.
“VCAs are simultaneously the same as Course Aides and yet different because of the technology,” said Barbara Spangler, Academic Programs Committee Co-Chair and a VCA for Legal Hot Spots.
“Once I got some experience under my belt, I was definitely comfortable. It’s odd that we don’t do course member check-ins, nor hand out course evaluations but I actually prefer things being electronic.”
The three VCAs for Legal Hot Spots developed a team approach with Spangler taking the lead on Q & A sessions and others serving as “tech gurus”. She felt the team approach was beneficial because each VCA was necessary in the first semester of virtual learning and recommends that others volunteer this Spring.
“Give it a shot,” she said “You can do it!”
Jeanne LaBella, a VCA for Life, Love and Death, mirrored that advice. “It’s only scary in the beginning,” she said. “Encore Learning’s strength comes from volunteers!”
LaBella teamed up with fellow VCA Nancy Limprecht who would admit class members from the waiting room while LaBella would remind them to turn off their audio/video and assist with the hand raising function.
“It was a bit intimidating the first week, but was second nature by the second class,” she said. “Encore Learning staff and IT volunteers hosted some excellent Zoom training sessions early in the term. I found those to be very helpful.”
For Sandra Borden, the opportunity to serve as a VCA was a chance for her to learn as well as give back. “During the pandemic, I needed things to do and I think being a VCA bridged that gap,” she said. “I felt like I made friends, I learned a lot in classes and it was certainly a rewarding experience.”
Borden, who served as a VCA for Cinematic Beginnings and Endings and Evolution of Musical Forms, described a good VCA as someone who is able to support an instructor and be able to adapt to their individual style.
She suggested that VCAs should monitor the waiting room, the chat and the progression of the course as well as turn off the video and audio of course members to minimize distractions.
Other advice for VCAs from those who served during the fall semester includes:
- Attending training sessions
- Reminding classmates to arrive early or on time
- Refreshing your Zoom skills before the semester begins
- Look to other VCAs for assistance if need be
We are recruiting VCAs for the spring 2021 semester! Contact us if you would like to volunteer at and you will be given information about a training session in January.
What ELSE? Encore Learning Special Events
With our virtual Encore Learning Presents, we can record the presentations and may share them on our YouTube channel.
We continue to offer virtual tours, check out the Special Events page for updates. If a tour fills up, please be sure to join the waitlist if you don't get a spot. That will enable the Special Events Committee to gauge demand and possibly offer the event again in the future.
Check out our recent Special Events below.
Filmmaker Robin Smith spoke on November 16. She showed a powerful documentary about the Hon. John Lewis, which is also available on our YouTube channel. Ms. Smith is willing to offer a Vimeo version of the film; ask the office if you want access to a shareable Vimeo of the film .
Diplomats and authors Marc Grossman and John Limbert captivated our audience on December 7 with behind-the-scenes tales about writing a spy fiction novel and focusing on what you know. Limbert commented about our audience: “The questions were among the best we have had from any group.”
John Limbert visiting with U.S. President Jimmy Carter
following his release from captivity in Iran in 1981.
Popular local writer Charlie Clark entertained us on December 14 with fascinating tales about getting around – from horseback to e-scooters – in the DC region. Click here if you missed it.
Club Update
Many of our clubs are meeting virtually at this time. These include: Breakfast, Cinema, Current Issues Discussion Group, Mindfulness, Nonfiction Book, Tech Hobbyist and Travel.
Breakfast Club meeting November 25. Photo courtesy Lee Cooper
A Cinema Club update from Club Coordinator Kathie Burch: The Cinema Club continues to meet via Zoom monthly. We generally choose from two selected movies (most members watch both) and have tried multiple streaming services, including film festivals and movie theater chains which offer current releases online. Although we miss our in-person meetings and the lunches that followed, we’re enjoying the opportunity to connect with one another and discuss our viewing experiences.
The Current Issues Discussion Group meets monthly and discusses timely subjects of the day. The group encourages members with all points of view to join and contribute.
Zoom Hang Out
Join us for our next members Zoom Hang Out on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 10:00 AM. Drop in! Come by to practice your Zoom skills, or just to chat with Encore Learning friends. We will plan more member hang outs if there is interest.
Scholarship Renamed to Honor Late President
At the November 20 meeting, the Encore Learning Board voted
unanimously to rename the Encore Learning Youth Scholarship Fund the Arthur W. Gosling Scholarship Fund in honor of our late President. This fund gives a one-time scholarship annually to an Arlington Public School student to attend either George Mason or Marymount University. This year's recipient graduated from Wakefield High School and is attending George Mason University. Thanks to the generosity of Encore Learning's members, the amount of the scholarship to be given in Art Gosling's name next year will increase from $2,000 to $2,500. The Board is extremely grateful for, and would like to encourage, members' continuing contributions to this scholarship fund.
Encore Learning contributes annually to two other scholarships awarded by George Mason University: the John T. McCracken Memorial Scholarship and the Schar School of Government and Policy Alumni Scholarship.
Encore Learning is participating in the Arlington Community Foundation Nonprofit Wish Catalog and you may contribute to the Arthur W. Gosling Scholarship Fund directly from the ACF website until December 31, 2020. This will support the fund, ensuring its annual award and potentially increasing the amount over time.
Patty Rowland, Lora Pollari-Welbes, Sarah Hainesworth, Francesca Chilcote and Donna Banks during an Encore Learning staff meeting.
We are pleased that Sarah Hainesworth has joined us as Communications Specialist. She will edit the Inside Scoop, manage our website and coordinate all of our communications. You can reach Sarah at
Encore Learning will be closed for the holidays from December 21 - January 1. We will not be checking email or voicemail during this time. We hope you have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to seeing you online in the new year.
We are excited to launch improvements to the website and member accounts, and look forward to upcoming special events and the spring semester. Our experience in hosting virtual courses and events has resulted in wonderful feedback and gratitude. We enjoy bringing Encore Learning into your home. We are also so very grateful for the fantastic volunteers who make this all possible - we have over 150 volunteers who are board members, VCAs, and instructors. Stay safe and be well.
~ Lora
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director
Save the Dates:
- Member Zoom Hangout, Thursday, January 14 at 10:00 AM
- Spring Course Preview, Thursday, January 28 at 9:30 AM
- Course Registration, Monday, February 1 at 10:00 AM
- Spring Semester, March 1 - May 14, 2021
Nominations Committee Formed
At the November board meeting the formation of the Nominations Committee was approved and they will begin development of a slate of board of directors candidates for the 2021-22 year. More information about the nominations process for the board of directors will be shared in the next Inside Scoop.
Welcome New Members
In October/November 2020, the following new members joined Encore Learning. Please be sure to give these folks a warm welcome.
Joan Bullmer
Robert Hood
Helen Horowitz
Marie Lyons
Joan Turkus
Sandra Weiswasser
Dale Welch
THANK YOU to Marty Suydam, Betty Adelman, the McCarthy's, Sara Mazie and all of you who kindly refer friends.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Inside Scoop. If you would like to submit an article or share some photos of members participating in Encore Learning activities, please email us at
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Teach, Learn, Share, Grow, Explore with Others 50+