August 2020
We are so glad you are here.

As we gain momentum towards fall, it can seem the year has somehow disappeared. But, we can assure you, as a valued donor, volunteer, or member of our community, the good work you make happen through the Henry County Community Foundation is thriving.
We hope you enjoy this issue as we celebrate the impact made through the Choose Henry Flex Fund during quarantine. We would also draw your attention to the information in blue. Making plans for the unexpected has never been highlighted quite like 2020 and we have free resources available to you.

Thank you for your support of Henry County and please let us know if we can help you make your impact in our community.
~Your Foundation Staff
Celebrating Community Together By: Jennifer Fox
In celebration of the 35 years of community impact.
The work you accomplish through the Foundation is vast and crosses all sectors of our community. One such project, which is available to everyone, no matter their age, is the trails system.

Providing opportunities for both physical and mental health, the trails have seen significant increases in use during the pandemic. The Henry County Community Foundation is proud to support our local trails through Healthy Communities of Henry County and the Cardinal Greenway.

A recent grant from the Choose Henry Flex Fund is providing safety on the trails.
You can help make mental health and physical health opportunities available in our county with a gift to the Choose Henry Flex Fund HERE.
Visit for
  • more information about planned gifts and estate planning strategies
  • FREE estate planning guide (Wills Planner)
  • Sign up for a free bi-weekly enewsletter on current tax issues, estate planning ideas, Savvy Senior Living, and more.
Calendar of Events
August 22- Annual Nite Lite Golf Tournament: Believe and Achieve Mentoring; Tina Cupp 765-388-2166 Email:

Donate to the BAM Agency Endowment Fund HERE

September 13- Norfleet Open: Bill Shockley Memorial: To benefit the Forest Ridge Cancer Center; For more information: 765-425-6797 .

Donate to the Norfleet Open Cancer Fund
In Memory of Bill Shockley & Danny Justice HERE
If you represent a nonprofit serving Henry County, contact to suggest a calendar event.
Eviction/Foreclosure Prevention
In our community.
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority has been issued an additional allotment of funding to help assist with foreclosure and eviction prevention. Applications remain open and are processing quickly (the time is currently under 14 days, with some receiving results as quickly as 5 business days).

Click here to download a printable version of the resource guide. (updated July 7, 2020)

Grant Opportunities
For Henry County Nonprofits.

  • The Henry County Community Foundation is partnering with the United Way of Delaware, Henry, & Randolph Counties in the COVID-19 Economic Relief Initiative made possible by a grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc. This initiative is designed to help nonprofits with long-term recovery and resiliency efforts in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. 
More information HERE
At the request of the family, the Foundation is honored to accept donations in memory of the following individuals.
August 6, 2020
August 10, 2020
July Memorials

Jean Allison
Tyler Atkinson
Cole Booher
Joe Bogue
Tom Browning
Mary Lee Buschmann
Thelma Chew
Derek Clark
Dr. Richard D. Coak
Vera Cross
Mike Dietz
Betty Giboney
Phyllis Hart
H. Terry Harvey
Ruth Hayworth
Patty Herr
Linda Huckeby
Vickie Lynn McDivitt Johnson
James Leakey
Kathleen Leakey
Walter Francis McCormack, Jr.
Beda McDaniel
L. Wanda McGinnis
Amy McKown
Aaron Miller
Jean Morris
Tracy French Ogle
Pat Peyton
Dr. Jeanne Stove Poindexter
Marian Prior
Paul Prior
Nancy Renner
Martha Reynolds
William Roberts
Alan Rogers
Virginia Smith
Jason Sweigart
Stacy Sweigart
Frank Trissler
Janet S. Vaccaro
Mary Beth Van Arsdol
Jessica Wantz
July Honorariums

Carla Angle
Max Angle
Devon Bell
Dillon Bergum
Ellen Bergum
Andy Brown
Caleb Brown
Chris Brown
Kevin Brown
Erin Bundy
Noah Broyles
Patty Broyles
George Carter
Lauren Congdon
Beverly Cronk
Pam Ford
Spencer Henderson
Kelly McClure
Michelle McConnell
Caroline Neal
Ray Pavy
Duane Queener
Peg Queener
Raintree Habitat for Humanity
of Henry County
Harper White

The following individuals made a contribution during the month of July.
Bill and Theresa Aitchison
Stirl and Jerry Back
Ron and Joni Baker
Marsha Barnard
Robin Baugh
Ann Beard
Dannie and Rosemary Bennett
Carl and Patricia Benson
Bill and Beverly Bergmann
Mike and Cheryl Betten
Charles and Sandra Blaydes
Ronald Blessinger
Patricia Bogue
Darrell Boone
Cassie Bowers
Mark and Sarah Bowman
Michael Broome
Mike and Patty Broyles
Herb and Judy Bunch
David and Susan Bundy
Dr. Larry and Carol Burch
Kathy Butler
Loretta Caffoe
Castle Liquors 1
Tim and Brenda Chapman
Ronald and Linda Chew
Robert and Jeanne Childs
Kevin and Jodi Cole
Donald and Elizabeth Criswell
David and Susan Denison
Bonita Dietz
Donna Duff
Bruce and Cindy Dunlap
Cathy Edwards
Sylvia Edwards
Dr. Ross and Lynn Egger
Equipment & Contents Specialists, Inc.
Linda Farver
Floyd Freer
Ben and Pat French
Robert Garner
Martin and Stephanie Garrett
Don and Betty Geozeff
Joseph and Lynda Graeb
Greta Grider
Robert and Jaci Hadsell
Thomas Hamm
Janet Harvey
Scott and Mary Jane Hayes
Judy Heavin-Schwegman
Cynthia Helms
Henry County Circuit & Superior Family Court
Carole Anne Hiatt
Marcia Higham
Hinsey-Brown Funeral Service, Inc.
Tom and Marilynn Hoepf
Gerald Hofmockel
Howard and Irene Hudelson
Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
Timothy Jackson
Gay Keith
Pamela Kinkade
Robert and Patricia Koger
Michael Langford
Dr. John D. Lee
Mike and Paulette Lees
Gerald and Susan Leonard
Fred and Nancy Lewis
Myra K. Lindsey
Kathryn Lorton
Ronald Joe Lough
Dr. Blair and Alice Saint MacPhail
Amy Maddy
Magna Machine & Tool, Inc.
Keith Marcum
Daniel and Penny Masters
Duane and Beverly Matthews
Dr. Wylie and Ann McGlothlin
McGowan Insurance
Dennis and Jan McMahan
Vance and Lynn Meier
Patricia Meredith
Lloyd and Joyce Miller
Mary Miller
Jeff and Lainey Millikan
Nathan and Melissa Millikan
Sandy Moyer
Ronald and Ama Padgett
Kathleen Painter
Dr. Ray and Karen Pavy
Carol Penrose
Steve and Lisa Pfenninger
Jane Pidgeon
Eddie Pirtle
Matt and Dawn Ploch
Carolyn Prior
Karen Rabenstein
James Reavis
Chuck and Vickie Rhodes
James and Cynthia Roderick
Roscoe and Kay Rogers
Mitchell and Sheryl Roland
Mary Diane Russell
Sandra Sahlberg
Norman Sanders
Steve and Laura Scharf
Beth Schulte
Wayne and Virginia Shaffer
Juanita Sheward
Rick and Dorothy Shopp
Pamela Shortridge-Bond
Carolyn Shupert
John and Phyllis Slavens
June Slick
South Henry School Corporation
Steve and Judy Stevens
Amanda Stevens
Ed and Carolyn Tarantino
Maribeth Taylor
Diane Thalls
Scott and Linda Thomas
Town of Middletown
Paul and Sherry Trainor
Karen Trissler
Lynn and Janice Turner
Paula Walter
Joyce Wilhelm
Ralph and Ruth Ann Willis
Todd and Mary Willis
Larry and Mary Alice Wilson
Kent Wisecup
Jean Woodward
Robert and Anita Workman
Susan Yurchak
Make your impact gift back to the community you love HERE.
Your Foundation Staff
Henry County Community Foundation
700 South Memorial Drive
PO Box 6006
New Castle, IN 47362