Bill and Theresa Aitchison
Stirl and Jerry Back
Ron and Joni Baker
Marsha Barnard
Robin Baugh
Ann Beard
Dannie and Rosemary Bennett
Carl and Patricia Benson
Bill and Beverly Bergmann
Mike and Cheryl Betten
Charles and Sandra Blaydes
Ronald Blessinger
Patricia Bogue
Darrell Boone
Cassie Bowers
Mark and Sarah Bowman
Michael Broome
Mike and Patty Broyles
Herb and Judy Bunch
David and Susan Bundy
Dr. Larry and Carol Burch
Kathy Butler
Loretta Caffoe
Castle Liquors 1
Tim and Brenda Chapman
Ronald and Linda Chew
Robert and Jeanne Childs
Kevin and Jodi Cole
Donald and Elizabeth Criswell
David and Susan Denison
Bonita Dietz
Donna Duff
Bruce and Cindy Dunlap
Cathy Edwards
Sylvia Edwards
Dr. Ross and Lynn Egger
Equipment & Contents Specialists, Inc.
Linda Farver
Floyd Freer
Ben and Pat French
Robert Garner
Martin and Stephanie Garrett
Don and Betty Geozeff
Joseph and Lynda Graeb
Greta Grider
Robert and Jaci Hadsell
Thomas Hamm
Janet Harvey
Scott and Mary Jane Hayes
Judy Heavin-Schwegman
Cynthia Helms
Henry County Circuit & Superior Family Court
Carole Anne Hiatt
Marcia Higham
Hinsey-Brown Funeral Service, Inc.
Tom and Marilynn Hoepf
Gerald Hofmockel
Howard and Irene Hudelson
Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
Timothy Jackson
Gay Keith
Pamela Kinkade
Robert and Patricia Koger
Michael Langford
Dr. John D. Lee
Mike and Paulette Lees
Gerald and Susan Leonard