Dear friends, I love these summer days. I enjoy seeing people happy, visiting friends and family members and sharing meals together outside. One of the things that I always like to do is to be thankful to God for these days and for our faith.

Wherever I go to share a meal with family and friends, we stop for a second before the meal starts to give thanks to God. The other day I was really impressed with a family from the area, I went to have dinner with some friends at a local restaurant and this father with his children did a prayer before their meal in the restaurant. That really touched me!

This day is a gift from God, that is why we call it the present. We have today to love and to forgive. We have today to become better disciples of Jesus. We can be good and do good things but if we do not have a relationship with the Lord, it is just simple acts of kindness but does not have a transcendence with the Lord.

Acts of kindness are important but most important is our relationship with the Lord. It is through that relationship that we can see others as brothers and sisters and we can offer more than an act of kindness. We can bring them to the feet of the Lord and we will be able to hear the voice from heaven that invites us to listen and to love the Lord: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him."

Finally, there are a few things that are coming up at St. Anthony's: We will have our first Friars’ Basketball Camp August 7th - 11th, then we will have Vacation Bible Camp August 14th - 18th. The campers are all registered and ready to have some fun at Church. I pray that all of you continue enjoying these beautiful days. With love and appreciation for each one of you, Fr. Carlos


The BIBLE TIMELINE will teach you how to read and understand the Bible and introduce you to the wonderful narrative of the Bible in a way that will transform your life. Registrations are open at the welcome desk!


We are looking for painters to volunteer their time to help paint the classrooms in our school building. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Fr. Carlos or sign up at the welcome desk.

Masses for Persons with Special Needs...

St. Anthony’s is looking for an occupational therapist to volunteer to help the multidisciplinary team recommend/implement sensory friendly strategies to support individuals attending our new Family Mass with Persons with Disabilities. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Nancy Lorenzini at: [email protected].


Young Adult Ministry (20s - 40s)

St. Anthony;s Young Adult group will be held on Thursday, August 10th at 8pm in our school building.


The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island is located about two hours away from Northvale NJ. The Shrine was established by the Missionaries of the Company of Mary (the Montfort Fathers) to be a center of authentic Marian Spirituality & Devotion, and to be a resource for the renewal of Catholic life in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.


Faithful to the inspiration of our Founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort, the priests of the Company of Mary take seriously Fr. de Montfort’s profound insight that the secret to a truly powerful renewal of the spirit of Christianity in the hearts of the faithful is a deep and authentic devotion to the Most Holy Virgin Mary.


The Shrine itself is the result of the vision and inspiration of Fr. Roger Mary Charest, SMM, and Fr. Francis Tomai, SMM, who in their tireless efforts to promote the rich spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort proposed the original plan for a Shrine dedicated to Our Lady, the Queen of All Hearts, located in Eastern Long Island that would be a true center where the faithful could find the formation and support necessary to enter into the fullness of Christian living by means of a Consecration of themselves to Our Lord through Our Blessed Lady.

Parishioners helping parishioners...

Join our Good Samaritan Ministry!