In the past few months, we have been diligently working through the elaborate City of Davis plan review and approval process. There have been delays in our intended schedule and we are now estimating a mid-summer start for infrastructure.
These delays have occurred due to "mountains" of backup information required for each commission that we have to go before. In this review process setbacks can be caused by numerous, and sometimes minor concerns which results in extending the hearing by weeks. Most commissions meet only once per month. Therefore, if a meeting is postponed or delayed, the project can be delayed by one to two months. Each commission requires a separate staff report. First from us, then by city staff. 

The planning department staff is trying to make changes on the processing of new residential neighborhoods, but thus far, it is not happening with the previous “no growth” review system still entrenched.
Literally, each day we work with consultants, engineers, planners, architects, and, of course, lawyers to ensure the plans and concepts are complete and meet all the lengthy details demanded by the City to “overprotect” the public interest. 

Our moving the City's entrenched review process along in hopes of a smooth and swift turnaround has proven to be elusive. We will succeed albeit much later in 2020 than we originally predicted.

Landscape plans are nearly done. 

The Activity and Wellness Center component is moving along as well. The intent is to build the Club House and, potentially, the Health Services building in Phase 1 along with the first homes.
We are designing for your review and comments two (2) 1400 square foot greenway homes. Look for the plans via an email newsletter in early February.
Another project update in mid-March.
Over the centuries, no other flower has evoked the same devotion as the rose.This magnificent flower is the Gold Standard of flowers symbolizing strength and beauty.

We called our neighborhood Bretton Woods because it too is a housing Gold Standard. Named in honor of the location of the famous economic conference held in 1944 to establish post-World War II monetary policies, Bretton Woods in Davis sets the Gold Standard for an aging in place neighborhood.

Planted in front of each home will be a rose with its color selected by the owners to represent the ethos that will sustain Baby Boomers and future generations to come.
Thank you all who have submitted a commitment form.
In early December, you should have received an email indicating your home type and position on the list. If you did not receive the email, please call us at 530-231-5519.
If you have not submitted a commitment form and ready to do so at this time, please download a copy here submit it to .
Based on the commitment forms received, we have an abundance of interest and slight oversubscription for the Cottages and Bunglaows. However, with the typical attrition rate, there could be available opportunities in the future.
There are Greenway Home locations still available. We invite you review the plans here: View Greenway Homes
There are three right-sized, single story homes designed by KHov especially for Bretton Woods. We think you may find a perfect home here at Bretton Woods, so please submit a commitment form to secure your spot.
We continue to update and add to the Bretton Woods website. Find answers to popular questions, home designs, articles, and more at:
Connect with us on Facebook for articles and information.
The Bretton Woods Group stays current on trends, discussions, research and newsworthy information beneficial to the active adult and senior lifestyle. Here we like to share some of the most recent articles we have found interesting and thought you might as well.