This update brings news about the progress and timing of infrastructure installation and start of home construction.

INFRASTRUCTURE: Our original target to begin infrastructure construction was Fall of 2019. At this point, it appears infrastructure will begin later than anticipated and home construction is now targeted for early Summer 2020. 

Why?  Nothing serious. A series of small, time consuming obstacles, none by themselves significant, but collectively, have resulted in a delay of approximately 45 construction days. This would push infrastructure, approx. 4+ months of grading and underground work, into November/December which creates potential delays and issues with rainy weather. With the infrastructure process, the soil is disturbed and, if it becomes saturated and unworkable, it can take much longer to dry out in the Spring.

ON THE POSITIVE SIDE, the City Staff is focused and cooperative processing our documents, scheduling meetings, etc. All processes are moving expeditiously through the City’s numerous reviews. We are scheduled for a Planning Commission meeting on the initial large lot maps’ approval on July 10th. This step accelerates infrastructure installation.

Also, Bretton Woods has been officially annexed into the City of Davis. We are pleased to announce this crucial task is completed. Lot maps and infrastructure drawings are on schedule. 

BUILDER SELECTION: We are in negotiations with a major national builder of Active Adult Communities which views Bretton Woods as we do:

a prototype community designed specifically for the needs of the Baby Boomer generation.

They have just begun their formal due diligence investigation which generally takes 90 days.
Sometime in the next four weeks we will be sending you a single-page form to assist the builder in determining potential buyers' actual interest in moving forward with an eventual purchase contract. 

This will help the builder in allocating specific crews for each home type and with the scheduling of construction. It will also help us with the custom lot allocations.

The form is intended to narrow the scope and size of the home/ condominium/ lot you are considering. 

We are still using our prototype plans to help you “generally” focus on the size and location that meets your needs. We will include the prototype plans and custom lot maps to assist you in your decision.

Based on your responses, we will also have a better idea of which type of homes/ lots are over-or-under subscribed. Once the responses have been reviewed we can inform you thereafter on what alternatives are available.

I realize our process may be complex, but we are nearing 1,200 buyers on our priority interest list for only 330 homes/ condominiums and 50 lots. We want to focus on the needs of those most likely to become a resident at Bretton Woods. Your patience is appreciated.

We are still estimating $425/per square foot for a typical sized home of 1400 square foot with somewhat more cost for smaller homes and somewhat less for larger homes. A second story “caregiver unit” above the garage for Greenway Homes is still an option for those who want to consider it. We don’t have a cost estimate for that option, but it should be significantly less per foot than the base home price.

Likely Construction Phases:  In discussions with the builder, we are anticipating a two-phased construction approach. Phase I will be roughly two-thirds of the greenway homes, all of bungalows and cottages, 20+ custom lots.

Phase II, the balance of homes, will start one year later. The Phase II start could be accelerated based on the surveys and construction crews’ availability.
My best estimate is that 90% of buyers purchasing a Bretton Woods home currently own a home in Davis. 

Late this Fall, when we have a more precise idea of the new construction schedule, we should be able to estimate delivery time for your new home. 

With the help and planning of your Realtor, you can develop a sales strategy and timeline for the resale of your current residence. 

This will help you to avoid the inconvenience of two moves and, more importantly, having an excessive number of resale homes competing on the market simultaneously.

I have been regularly meeting with a Bretton Woods Realtor Advisory Group to discuss the process that will minimize your hassles, as well as avert influencing pricing in the resale marketplace. More information and suggestions will follow after the survey forms are compiled.

If you need a recommendation for a Realtor for your resale home, please let us know.
The Bretton Woods Group stays current on trends, discussions, research and newsworthy information beneficial to the active adult and senior lifestyle. Here we like to share some of the most recent articles we have found interesting and thought you might as well.