De-cluttering, letting go of stuff we do not need, simplifying the need for material items - these are all familiar concepts. Many have practiced the joy of a "less is more" lifestyle for years. However, more recently, there has been a noticeable trend toward "tidying up."
This movement inspired Netflix to recruited Marie Kondo, renowned New York Times Best Selling author of "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," for the show, "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo."
In this Netflix original, Kondo walks people through her method, seemingly transforming their lives in the process. Her approach is different from other cleaning styles as it focuses on organizing by item type rather than the room. She emphasizes the practice of asking, "does this item spark joy?" If yes - keep it, if no, toss it.
Sounds easy, right?
Well, if you are like many of us and have lived in your home for 20, 30, 40+ years, the thought of downsizing may seem impossible.
We are not talking about a simple yard sale or a trip to the donation center. This is years of clothing trends, kids artwork and that lava lamp collection that seemed like a good idea at the time.
Though, impossible it is not. Here are just a couple tips to get you motivated to remove some of the items that do not "spark joy" and help you prepare for your future dream of downsizing.
1 - Visualize. What does your new space feel, look, smell like without the clutter? It may also help to visualize your downsizing move, what do you really want to bring to your new home?
2 - Start with the space that bothers you the most.
3 - Move to the space you see the most.
4 - Schedule time on your calendar and tackle one item at a time.
5 - Let's be honest - Do not bring any new items into the home until you have decluttered.
We hope this gets you well on your way to your new home at Bretton Woods.