What’s Going On:
Primarily, we are processing technical items with the City and County. This includes our formal application to Yolo County for the annexation to the City. The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) has its own application process. Expect the process and annexation to be completed by late April.

Simultaneously, we are working on drainage and flood water solutions to remove the project from the 100-year FEMA floodplain. It is a Davis, Yolo County and a FEMA (Federal) process. FEMA takes 6 plus months, but that does not hold up the project. At the same time, we have submitted a Large Lot Tentative / Final Map to the City that provides the basis for the start of infrastructure installation in late summer.

While all of the above is happening, we are interviewing national builders who have experience with active adult communities, and importantly, the capability to build out the neighborhood efficiently and timely. Our goal is to be under contract by late spring, so the builder, with our criteria and guidance, can begin designing the actual homes, condominiums, etc. 

The builder-design process we are using will provide for the most cost-effective designs and variety of elevations. Once we submit the infrastructure plans to the City (likely June), we will start on the Tentative / Final Subdivision Maps which are essentially complete except for the typical City construction conditions. This process includes the home designs by the builder and review by the staff and Planning Commission.

While the above is much more than you want to know, hopefully it explains what it takes to build a new neighborhood in Davis. The bottom line is that this process and cooperation between us and the City is working as we had intended.
Purchase Reservations and Likely Sales Timeframe:

We expect to start actual lot / home reservations from our interest list in June. The first step is to determine what category of lot / home those on the interest list want to pursue. By then I’m hopeful we will have initial home plans and purchase price ranges ironed out. We will give you plenty of notice and information between now and then.

We are still accepting names on the interest list which is about 900 and growing by an average of 2.5 / day. We are not advertising nor looking for more buyers.
Activity and Wellness Center:

We are in the process of deciding on an architectural firm with initial designs in 60-90 days from now.
Arboretum / Drainage Swale / Designs:

We are nearing the end of our drainage and flood studies process, which will allow us to start the infrastructure design and landscape plan. The oak forest will be the mainstay, but other plantings, elements, etc. are integral to a long-term scheme that leads to real recreational and habitat opportunities as well as visual enhancements of the area. If you have an interest or experience with ideas on how this all takes shape, please let me know via email at
Davis Enterprise reports on Lawsuit Dismissal
The lawsuit filed against Measure L and the West Davis Active Adult Community (WDAAC) last November has been voluntarily dismissed by the Plaintiff and his second attorney.

Bob Dunning, editor for the Davis Enterprise, reports on the events transpiring since dismissal of the suit. He is raising questions on the imbalances that exist in our society and, more specifically, Davis.

Dunning reports, "...the Davis City Council decided to ask the Yolo County District Attorney’s office to look into a lawsuit that was filed against a project on last November’s ballot."

The essence of this investigation is not to deem whether the lawsuit had merit, but to expose the fact that "it might be against the law to not have reported any costs associated with the lawsuit as a campaign contribution."

"We assert the lawsuit was secretly organized and paid for by the NO on L campaign with intent of influencing the vote. This situation reveals a lack of ethical standards for opposition campaigns and challenges the voting public to decipher actual facts from rhetoric to make an educated decision," stated Dave Taormino, Developer, Bretton Woods.

"I have prepared a detailed report for the City on Measure R titled ' Davis’ Measure R Analysis and Retrospective.' It contains my suggested changes," continued Taormino.

We invite you to view the full story here: Davis Enterprise
Tidying Up to Downsize
De-cluttering, letting go of stuff we do not need, simplifying the need for material items - these are all familiar concepts. Many have practiced the joy of a "less is more" lifestyle for years. However, more recently, there has been a noticeable trend toward "tidying up."

This movement inspired Netflix to recruited Marie Kondo, renowned New York Times Best Selling author of "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," for the show, "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo."

In this Netflix original, Kondo walks people through her method, seemingly transforming their lives in the process. Her approach is different from other cleaning styles as it focuses on organizing by item type rather than the room. She emphasizes the practice of asking, "does this item spark joy?" If yes - keep it, if no, toss it.

Sounds easy, right?

Well, if you are like many of us and have lived in your home for 20, 30, 40+ years, the thought of downsizing may seem impossible.

We are not talking about a simple yard sale or a trip to the donation center. This is years of clothing trends, kids artwork and that lava lamp collection that seemed like a good idea at the time.

Though, impossible it is not. Here are just a couple tips to get you motivated to remove some of the items that do not "spark joy" and help you prepare for your future dream of downsizing.

1 - Visualize. What does your new space feel, look, smell like without the clutter? It may also help to visualize your downsizing move, what do you really want to bring to your new home?

2 - Start with the space that bothers you the most.

3 - Move to the space you see the most.

4 - Schedule time on your calendar and tackle one item at a time.

5 - Let's be honest - Do not bring any new items into the home until you have decluttered.

We hope this gets you well on your way to your new home at Bretton Woods.