Covid-19 financial support, Creative Festival, UK Transition,
Maintain and Grow Your Business
Coronavirus National Restrictions and Grants for Businesses
The government has announced new grant funding schemes for businesses that have been affected by the latest national coronavirus restrictions, including those that are required to close.

The council recognises that this is a challenging time for businesses, and is working to open the application process for grants as soon as possible.

Please look out for the next edition of Business@Harrogate news, and check the council's business webpage, for updates.

Planning to Set Up in Business?
Are you looking to set up your own business, but not sure where to start?

The York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub have partnered with the PopUp Business School to help entrepreneurs and would-be start-ups. Workshops are being held in November and December, for those new to and starting in business, and are free to join.

Other events and workshops in the coming months include content marketing and practical advice on how to bounce back in business - full details are on the Growth Hub website
Reporting a Coronavirus Outbreak in a Workplace
What should you do if there is a Covid-19 outbreak in the workplace?

An outbreak is defined as two or more laboratory confirmed cases of Covid-19, among individuals associated with a specific setting/workplace with onset dates within 14 days.

Outbreaks should be reported to the Health Protection Acute Response Centre (ARC) Tel: 0113 386 0300 (Tel: 0114 304 9843 out of hours) and email:  

Easy to follow guidance and action cards on outbreak control and keeping workplaces Covid secure are available at

Kickstart, Apprentices and Industry Placements: Support for Employers
Employers looking to hire staff or offer placements may be eligible for government support.

Kickstart work placements offer businesses an opportunity to help young people gain valuable
experience, and see if there is a good fit for an apprenticeship or job.

The wages for placements are subsidised, with £1,500 funding for training and equipment. Employers with less than 30 placements are supported by Kickstart gateway organisations, some of which are based in the Harrogate district.

Maintain and Grow Your Business During Covid-19: Free Workshops
A new support programme for businesses based in the Harrogate District is launching this month, helping local companies sustain and grow.

From November 2020 to March 2021, a series of six workshops will address issues that businesses are facing as a result of Covid-19.

Supported by the council's Growth Manager service and the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, the free to attend workshops will look at access to finance, funding options, marketing for growth, skills and finding new markets.

With a limited number of places, the Zoom delivered workshops offer tailored support through peer discussion, guest speakers and guidance from Growth Managers.

UK Transition: Prepare Your Business Webinar
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and accountants Garbutt+Elliott are joining the local Growth Hub on 17 November, to provide an overview of how businesses can prepare for the UK Transition.

This is the first in a five-part series of webinars from the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub, all of which are free to attend.

Each event will look at specific business issues in more depth, and cover finance, cash flow, tariffs, taxation and employment law.
Financial Support Extended for Workers and Businesses
Financial support for employees and people who are self-employed has recently been extended, through to 2021.

Alongside the Covid-19 national restrictions of November - December, the government has continued the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough) until March 2021.

A third round of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme has been announced, and business loan options will be available until early 2021.
Creative Coalition 2020 Festival: 9 - 11 November
The Creative Coalition 2020 festival has been made accessible to everyone, with no charges for attending this online, national event.

Over 200 industry speakers feature at the 3 day festival, including Ruby Wax and Sir Steve McQueen. Reflecting the challenges facing the sector, due to Covid-19, there is a focus on collaboration to shape the future.

The festival features inspiring talks, live performances, practical workshops and networking and is being recorded for future viewing.
The UK Transition: Imports and Exports - Check, Change, Go
Businesses that import and export with the European Union are being encouraged by the government to take action now, and get ready for changes that come into effect on 1 January 2021:

  • Use the Trade Tariff to look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates.

  • Be ready for new customs paperwork and check the Customs Grant Scheme for help with the costs of this.

Check your inbox for the coronavirus grants edition of Business@Harrogate