Important Information
McMichael Landing Page
Please make sure your plans are uploaded to the HUB.
Data Tracking
It is important that we have data to access our student learning and to adjust instruction as needed. Please make sure you are tracking your data formative and summative data. Our goal is 80% mastery.
ARD Meetings
Please make sure you check your Outlook calendars for ARD meeting invites. One of your team members will need to attend the ARD as the general education representative. Make sure you are on time!
RTI Scheduler
Please collaborate with your team and have students selected for the week. I do not expect this to be perfect, but I do expect you to draft students weekly. We will continue to work on data process to help ensure students are receiving the help they need.
Weekly Duty Schedule
Be visible, approachable and positive. Let's greet our Dragons with a smile. Remember it is your responsibility to find a teammate to cover your duty if you are unable to fulfill your supervision obligations.
Clubs & Organizations
If you are a sponsor of a club, please provide the front office with a list of students that are in the club and the day, time, & location of the club.
CBA Testing
6-8 RLA and 6-8 SS assessment window will open October 23 - 27th.
Please utilize HERO as your classroom management tool to promote positive behavior. We will begin to have HERO celebrations this 6 week. If you are not focusing on the good things that 90% of the students are doing, they will miss out on the opportunity to be celebrated.
Top 3 Hero Users (Positive Points)
Tania Hernandez
Deidre Merrit
Patricia Fountain