October 16 - 20, 2023

Principal's Announcements


In order to increase communication and support, a weekly feedback form will be linked below. This is an optional form for any staff member to utilize as a feedback tool. You may share how the week went, any challenges you faced, share a positive message about a student, share maintenance needs, etc. Please take the time to provide feedback if needed.

Weekly Feedback Form

Important Information

McMichael Landing Page

Please make sure your plans are uploaded to the HUB.

Data Tracking

It is important that we have data to access our student learning and to adjust instruction as needed. Please make sure you are tracking your data formative and summative data. Our goal is 80% mastery.

ARD Meetings

Please make sure you check your Outlook calendars for ARD meeting invites. One of your team members will need to attend the ARD as the general education representative. Make sure you are on time!

RTI Scheduler

Please collaborate with your team and have students selected for the week. I do not expect this to be perfect, but I do expect you to draft students weekly. We will continue to work on data process to help ensure students are receiving the help they need.

Weekly Duty Schedule

Be visible, approachable and positive. Let's greet our Dragons with a smile. Remember it is your responsibility to find a teammate to cover your duty if you are unable to fulfill your supervision obligations.

Clubs & Organizations

If you are a sponsor of a club, please provide the front office with a list of students that are in the club and the day, time, & location of the club.

CBA Testing

6-8 RLA and 6-8 SS assessment window will open October 23 - 27th.


Please utilize HERO as your classroom management tool to promote positive behavior. We will begin to have HERO celebrations this 6 week. If you are not focusing on the good things that 90% of the students are doing, they will miss out on the opportunity to be celebrated.

Top 3 Hero Users (Positive Points)

Tania Hernandez

Deidre Merrit

Patricia Fountain

Above All, Student Success!

This week at McMichael

Please click the link for a more detailed WAAG

Week at a Glance

Monday, October 9 ,2023 No School

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - Interdisciplinary Team Meeting

RTI Scheduler

Grades due

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - Content Planning

RTI Scheduler

Send Progress Reports Home

6th grade - 7th Period

7th grade - 7th Period

8th grade - 6th Period

Faculty Meeting reschedule for next week Oct 25

Thursday, October 12 - Content Planning

RTI Scheduler

Vision and Hearing Screenings

Friday, October 13, 2023 - Interdisciplinary Team Meeting


EL Training

McMichael Athletics Weekly Schedule

Monday October 16, 2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

7th & 8th Football (A Team) V Hubbard (away)

7th & 8th Softball v Trinity (Away)

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

7th & 8th Football (B Team) v. Moore (Home)

Thursday, October 19, 2023

7th & 8th Volleyball v. Moore (Away)

7th & 8th Baseball v. Onalaska (Home)

Friday, October 20, 2023

Dragons In Action

If you would like pictures of your students shared with the staff, please send them to me by 9:00 a.m. Friday.

Teacher's Corner

Be Positive

We recognize the workload and overall effort being put forth daily! Please remember attitude is everything...

Students are depending on you to lead and model expectations daily. You are making a difference in students' lives. Be open to embracing change. Always find the positive in every situation. You've got this!

Always remember, you have a team to help you.

Staff Shout Out

Click the link above to give a staff member a shout out!

Staff Shout Out

  • Mr. Aaron Dominguez is doing a fabulous task with his students; they all performed beautifully at their first concert. Mr. Dominguez is a dedicated and diligent Teacher! We are thankful for having a teacher like him at McMichael. Thank you for all that you do for our students.


Tier I (Core Instruction)

This level is designated for all students receiving grade level instruction.

  1. Complete benchmark TIA assessments for all students 
  2. Provide high-quality core instructional and behavioral supports.
  3. Fully implement core curriculum and provide whole group and small group differentiated instruction. 
  4. Implement research-based instructional strategies and monitor progress regularly. 
  5. Analyze student data and make recommendations using multiple data points.
  6. Identify students in need of additional support. 
  7. Teacher completes the Academic RTI Referral Form. 

Tier II (Classroom Support)

This level is for students who are struggling with a specific grade level skill based on classroom CFA and benchmark assessments.  (Dragon Pride)

  1. If a student's data indicates lack of progress/minimal improvement, he/she receives targeted interventions within small group instruction. 
  2. Develop a plan to remediate student(s) on specified skills; Intensive instructional interventions are used. 
  3. Small group, target instruction (6-8 students in a group) During classroom instruction.
  4. Progress monitor and reassess to determine mastery.
  5. If Intervention is successful, return to Tier I and continue to progress monitor. 
  6. If intervention is not successful, move to Tier III.

Tier III (Tutorials & Additional Supports)

This level is for students who have multiple core content deficits and who are struggling with specific grade level skills after individualized classroom support based on classroom CFA and benchmark assessments. 

  1. Develop a customized intervention plan for the student. 
  2. Enlist assistance of building and district specialists 
  3. Provide small group, targeted instruction that supplements and reinforces high quality core instruction and behavioral expectations. 
  4. Provide small group interventions in 6–8-week cycles through homogeneous grouping in research-based programs in the regular classroom and/or with an interventionist.

McMichael School Information

Please click on links to view.

Please review the 23-24 Campus handbook

2023-24 Handbook
Grading Procedures

McMichael HUB

PLC Topic

Creating "I Can" Statements

"It is through the simple, yet powerful process of unwrapping standards that teams come to understand what each standard requires that teachers should teach, and students should learn."

Developing I can statement serves a number of important purposes.

  • They clarify for students what they are learning and what they should know and be able to do - in a language students can understand.

  • Developing I can statement helps teachers sharpen both their own understanding of what students are expected to do in order to demonstrate their learning and level of rigor necessary to demonstrate proficiency.

  • I can statements can also be valuable resources for parents, providing them with a clear explanation of what their child is expected to be able to know and do.

Academic Priorities 2023-24

All McMichael Professional Learning will be focused on the Academic Priorities throughout the 2022- 2023 School year.


Four questions with fidelity

Tier 1 Instruction

Basic elements of effective teaching

Clarity of Systems


PLC Flow Chart
Unit Planning Calendar
Collaborative Team Rubric

GT Information

Monday, October 2,2023, Ms. Stockholm will be sending out a GT referral form. If you wish to refer any student, it must be done by the 25th of October.

Please do not refer any students that are already identified as GT.

The referral window is now open for parents for information on how to complete the form they can contact Ms. Stockholm.


Motivational Quote

Upcoming Dates

** Please add the following dates to your calendar and plan accordingly.




October 17, 2023

Mode UN


October 20 - 21, 2023

SFA Homecoming


October 25, 2023

Faculty Meeting


November 6, 2023

PD Day


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