Young Adult News

November 2023 Edition


As we recall the bounty that is ours each day, for what do you want to give thanks? How has your life been exceeding blessed? May we, also, be reminded of the significance of the Eucharist - the great thanksgiving feast of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Happy Thanksgiving!

All Saints and All Souls Days

November gives us opportunities to remember and celebrate those who have gone before us and the living saints within our midst. So many people in our lives have shown us the virtue and grace of a life well-lived. They have lived with a variety of circumstances, joys and challenges. How can we allow their lives to be a model for us in living out the Gospel messages of Jesus Christ? Who in your life looks to you for an example of a life lived with joy and gratitude? These feast days will become ours as we move on to eternal life.

Vocation Awareness Week

November 5 - 11 is celebrated as National Vocation Awareness Week. It is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life. We invite you to pray for those discerning their call in life. If you are someone who is praying about your vocation, know that we pray with you for the Spirit's guidance as you move forward. If we can be of any assistance, please let us know.

Synod on Synodality

The past month the participants in the synod have been praying and listening to the Spirit and to one another. As information comes forth about the discussions of the first session, we hope that you will find the time to become familiar with them and allow the Spirit to expand your mind and heart.

Gospel Reflection

Sister Marilyn Marie Ellerbrock shared with us her prayerful reflection on the story of the Prodigal Son and Father. We hope this reflection will bring you closer to God and help you know how deeply loved by God you are.

Prodigal Son Reflection

Discernment for Religious Life

Are you wondering about a call to religious life? The Sisters of Notre Dame Vocation Team is working with many women interested in exploring this call and learning more about discernment. If you want to be added to a list of book studies, faith sharing, retreats, and other opportunities for discerners, contact Sister Jenny at [email protected].

Prayer Intentions for Deceased

During the month of November, we remember our deceased relatives and friends. We invite you to submit the names of our deceased family members and friends that you would like us to include in our prayers. In the main chapels of the Sisters of Notre Dame across the United States, a Mass is celebrated for all these intentions. Send us an email with their names and yours.

Email Names

Spiritual Direction

God continues to speak with us and draw us close. Sometimes it can be helpful to have someone listen with you to what you think God is saying. Each member of our team is a trained spiritual director. Reach out to us by clicking on the link below. We would be happy to assist you.

Request to talk with a spiritual director


Hope you can join us for faith sharing on Friday, November 10 at 8:00pm ET.

Monthly Faith Sharing Sign Up


Again this Advent, the Sisters of Notre Dame are reaching out to immigrants in detention centers. As we think about Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem and looking for a safe place to stay, our immigrant sisters and brothers are doing the same. Thank you in advance for your help with reaching out to those in detention! Your cards are needed by November 17.

Prayer Requests

Click below and share any prayer intentions you may have with us, so we can pray together with you.

Request Prayers

Vocation / Young Adult Team

Sister Val Roxburgh, SND

Sister Jenny Zimmerman, SND

Sister Ruth Lubbers, SND

Team Bios

Sisters of Notre Dame Vocation and Young Adult Team |

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