Young Adult News

April 2024 Edition

Happy Easter!

May you know the power of Jesus' Resurrection in your life as you continue to share his love with those whom you encounter each day! We know that his followers did not recognize him the first time they saw him in his risen body. So too for us, we have trouble seeing past the exterior to Jesus' presence hidden in plain sight! May the joy of his word and presence burn in your heart!

He is Risen! Alleluia!

Watered Gardens Adapted from Joyce Rupp’s Poem

(included in her book “May I Have This Dance”).

God of openness, of life and of resurrection,

Come into this Spring season and bless us.

Look around the tight, dead spaces of our hearts

That still refuse to give you an entrance.


Bring your gentle but firm love.

Begin to lift the layers of resistance

That hang on tightly deep inside of us.


Open, one by one, those places in our lives

Where we refuse to be overcome by surprise.

Open, one by one, those parts of our hearts

Where we fight the entrance of real growth.

Open, one by one, those aspects of our spirit

Where our security struggles with the truth.


Keep us open to the different and the strange;

Help us to accept the unusual and also the ordinary;

Never allow us to tread on other’s dreams

By shutting them out closing them up,

By turning them off or pushing them away.


God of the Resurrection, God of the living,

Untomb and uncover all that needs to live in us.

Take us to people, events, and situations

And stretch us into much greater openness


For it is only then that we will grow and change.

For it is only then that we will be transformed.


A song to listen to that speaks a similar message is "Roll Away the Stone" by Tom Conry


Feast of the Annunciation

(Moved to April 8 this year.)

Mary's response to God's invitation to give flesh to the Son is one of humility and confidence - "Tell God, 'I say yes.'" What a powerful example for each of us in our relationship with God. Can I say yes to whatever God asks of me? With God's grace, truly I can just as Mary did.

Trip to the Border

Have you thought about lending assistance to our sisters and brothers at our southern border? The Sisters of Notre Dame have a House of Hospitality for those who come and volunteer with them at La Frontera, a ministry of Catholic Charities in Laredo, Texas. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Sister Ruth at

April 15

Just in case you forgot -

Synod on Synodality

The renewal of the Christian community is possible only by recognizing the primacy of grace. If spiritual depth is lacking, synodality remains cosmetic. What we are called to, however, is not only to translate into community processes a spiritual experience gained elsewhere, but more deeply to experience how reciprocal relationships are the place and form of an authentic encounter with God. In this sense, while drawing on the rich spiritual heritage of the Tradition, the synodal perspective contributes to renewing its forms: of a prayer open to participation, a discernment lived together, and a missionary energy that arises from sharing and that radiates as service. (2. c)

Discernment for

Religious Life

Are you wondering about a call to religious life? The Sisters of Notre Dame Vocation Team is working with many women interested in exploring this call and learning more about discernment. If you want to be added to a list of faith sharing, retreats, and other opportunities for discerners, contact us at

Spiritual Direction

God continues to speak with us and draw us close. Sometimes it can be helpful to have someone listen with you to what you think God is saying. Each member of our team is a trained spiritual director. Reach out to us by clicking on the link below. We would be happy to assist you.

Request to talk with a spiritual director


Hope you can join us for faith sharing on Friday, April 12 at 8:00pm ET.

Monthly Faith Sharing Sign Up

Prayer Requests

Click below and share any prayer intentions you may have with us, so we can pray together with you.

Request Prayers

Vocation / Young Adult Outreach

Sister Val Roxburgh, SND

Sister Ruth Lubbers, SND

Team Bios

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