No. 164                                                          Juillet/ Août   2016

Fall Classes


Message from the President:
M. Silvia Bettega, Ed.D.
Salut, tout le monde.
It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing that Dick and Betty Perlot, two dear friends, have decided to step down from the Alliance Française Board. They have both been invaluable and indefatigable contributors to our organization. Betty directed the school in a gentle but effective manner, always making sure that the needs of teachers and students were met. Dick transitioned our organization to the 21st century implementing and maintaining the website and taking care of all the school's IT needs and updates. The Alliance will not be the same without their help. On behalf of the Board, the teachers, and indeed the entire membership, I want to wish them the best and tell them that the AFH doors will always be open to them.

This has been a very busy spring for the Event Committee, featuring two outreach programs - the McFarland Memorial Book Award and the Harpin/Rohinsky scholarship, a very successful annual luncheon, and a visit to the unique Slater museum in Norwich.

On the school front, we are celebrating the first year at our new location with an unprecedented amount of students and a wide variety of course offerings. We are happy to welcome back Marco Lumbroso who has just returned from his U.S.-Navy deployment overseas and is offering again his very popular film class. In addition, the school just hired Yves Compere who will offer the French 101 class. Yves comes to us with a 12- year teaching experience at the Alliance Française de Montpelier, Vermont and has been until now an active member of the AFH and of the Mozzicato conversation group.   Please join us to meet the new and returning teachers on Thursday, August 25th at 5:30 p.m. at the Open House.

Bonnes vacances et on se retrouve à la rentrée.

En Alliance,
Upcoming Events events

Thursday 25 August, 2016 @ 5:30 PM. Fall Semester Open House at AFH offices, 75 Charter Oak Ave., Suite 1-202, Hartford (see article and course listing below)
Saturday, 27 August, 2016 @ 12:00 PM. Club de lecture meeting to discuss L'Élégance du hérisson de Muriel Barbery.  At Parilla y Sabores Restaurant, 342 Franklin Ave. in Hartford (see article).
Saturday July 2, 16, and 30; August 13 and 27 @10:30 AM until noon
Café et conversation at Café Mozzicato, 329 Franklin Ave., Hartford.


     AFH will present a full slate of Fall classes from beginning through advanced offerings. There will be four classes available to beginning learners, three courses for intermediate students and two classes from the new advanced series. The popular French film class will be offered to advanced students by Marco Lumbroso, our popular teacher just returned from his tour in the Naval Reserve. A new course will also be offered to advanced students entitled "L'actualité: les souverains et présidents français".
     Join us at the AFH open house on Thursday, August 25th at 5:30 pm to meet our professors and board members. Placement evaluation tests will be available. See the complete course listing and descriptions below. You can register on line (see web site), call Larry at the office (860-278-9999) or email (

Classroom expansion underway!
     After only a year in the Nonprofit Center, we are expanding! The hallway next to our offices has become available and we will use this additional space to expand our smaller classroom. This new space will be available for the Fall semester!

Harpin/ Rohinsky Scholarship Fund
Academic Year 2016-2017 

Megan Go with Director Veronica Vaida

      Every year, the Alliance Française de Hartford and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving select a deserving student of French from the Greater Hartford Area to receive the Harpin/Rohinsky Scholarship for the following academic year. This year, our congratulations go to Megan Lauren Go, a student at Farmington High School who was selected to receive the scholarship in the amount of $3,500 for the academic year 2016-2017.

     Megan is a very sweet and accomplished young woman who came with her family from the Philippines in middle school. In high school she studied French and was a 4-year member of the FIRST Robotics Team. In addition, she was twice awarded the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) Aspirations in Computing Award, for her work in Computer Science and technology. As a senior, Megan was elected Director of Community Outreach and ended up being in charge of 5 different committees, each with different responsibilities.
     Outside the classroom, Megan has spent hundreds of hours volunteering for community outreach events to promote STEM to children ages 3-10 and mentoring for the FIRST LEGO League, Jr. program run by her school district. She also a was a leading force behind her team's Relay for Life fundraising efforts and participated in the Special Olympics, Track and Field competition.
Looking forward, Megan's goal is to successfully complete a degree in Marketing or Business related field at UCONN. The Alliance Française is proud of Megan and we wish her the best of luck at UCONN and beyond.

AFH: Des soirées autour du conte français comme au bon vieux temps
Des contes racontés en direct, via Skype, depuis les régions de France, aux étudiants de l'Alliance française de Hartford (Connecticut, USA), c'était le pari fou tenté, au cours de la première session de l'été 2016 par notre enseignant Dahmane Soudani qui, décidément, ne manque pas d'imagination. Une première dans l'histoire de l'Alliance française.
Des conteuses et conteurs professionnels talentueux comme la Franc-Comtoise Edith Montelle, la Périgourdine Monique Burg, la Gardoise Françoise Diep ou encore le Cévenol Pascal Quéré ont, à travers le petit écran, rejoint le groupe des étudiants inscrits au cycle Un Conte, une région pour parler de leurs régions et de leurs passionnantes pratiques du conte avant de gratifier leurs interlocuteurs d'une ou de plusieurs fabuleuses histoires du terroir. Malgré l'heure tardive -en raison du décalage horaire-, à aucun moment, la disponibilité et la générosité de ces « artistes de la parole » n'ont été prises en défaut.
Avenants, généreux et attachants, au cours de ces moments parfumés à l'ambre des régions, les narrateurs ont réussi à semer quelque chose du terroir français dans le cœur des étudiants de l'Alliance française de Hartford. Quoi de plus étonnant ? « Le répertoire du conteur est une sorte de matière vivante  qui ne demande qu'à diffuser ses saveurs. », dira Pascal Quéré. Les étudiants de l'AFH s'en sont délectées.  
P.S. Nous n'oublierons pas de remercier madame Édith Montelle pour nous avoir aidés à établir les contacts avec les autres conteurs.

McFarland Memorial Book Awards
Alliance Française de Hartford
The Alliance Française de Hartford honored 5 middle school students and 10 high school students with the McFarland Book Award on Thursday, May 26th at Central Connecticut State University. The students were presented with both a book and a certificate of merit. Each nominating teacher highlighted the academic achievements and accomplishments of their individual students and spoke of their passion for the language. Family, friends and teachers joined the students for a reception immediately following the ceremony.
These awards are given each year in honor of our AFH past president and longtime Simsbury resident Mr. Robert McFarland as an outreach to the academic community. Mr. McFarland had a passion for the French language and for teaching. Students who demonstrate this same passion for the language and commitment to its study are nominated by their teachers. The purchase of book prizes is funded through donations from the McFarland family and other donors. For information about the McFarland Award, please contact Linda Zabor,

Student                        School                                       Teacher
Fiona Aufiero                 Avon Middle School                    Kathleen Hickey
Julia D'Errico                Avon High School                      Christine Rose
Steven Duncan               Carmen Arace Middle School  Linda Peer-Groves
Robbie Fishel                  Irving Robins Middle School   Dr. Silvia Bettega
Katja Zoner                     Farmington High School          Sybille Stadtmueller
Erik Kollmer                    Glastonbury High School        Toussaint Olivetti
Armando Osorio              Manchester High School         Isabelle Jayawickrema
Max Toth                        Manchester High School          Isabelle Jayawickrema
Megan Proctor                 Harbur Middle School            Narjess Bennour
Anna Cestone                  Henry James Middle School   Marie-Line Bruhl
Brenna Pellon                  Simsbury High School            Kate Christolini
Alissa Karolyn Paul         Southington High School       Patrick Nobou
Saipriya Sharma              Southington High School       Patrick Nobou
Leah Kelly                       Conard High School               John Hegarty
Lindsey Gordon              Wethersfield High School      Anne Trinkaus

AFH Club de Lecture
Prochaines réunions:  27 août 2016 @ 12 PM   L'Èlégance du hérisson par Muriel Barbery; 19 Novembre 2016 Meursault, Contre-Enquete par Kamel Daoud ( Pour plus d'information, addressez-vous à John Soares @ . ou Sharon Straka à
Caf é et Conversation au Caf é Mozzicato

Join your Alliance Fran ç aise friends on Saturday mornings at Café Mozzicato from 10:30 until noon for French conversation and socializing. This is a great opportunity to practice speaking French or to maintain fluency. All levels are welcome.
Upcoming meeting dates are Saturday, July 2, 16, and 30; August 13 and 27.
Café Mozzicato is located at 329 Franklin Avenue, Hartford (at the intersection of Franklin & Bushnell Streets). There is parking behind the building . Enter on Bushnell Street.                        

French Conversation Groups

2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at Panera Bakery, 2542 Albany Ave., West Hartford. Contact Diane Rechel at 860-233-3079
Causeries en français. Wednesdays at noon at the Mansfield Senior Center. Call 860-429-0262 x104 for information.

Fall Classes 2016
Alliance Française of Hartford
75 Charter Oak Ave., Suite 1-202, Hartford, CT 06106
All our language classes offer an immersion experience in the French language. Students are encouraged to express themselves in French. Grammar is a tool, not a goal.
Fall semester dates: Week of Sept. 6th to Nov. 14th, 2015
(check with instructor for dates)
Tuition: $302 ($292 if registered before Sept. 1st)
All Class Hours: 5:45 - 7:45 pm at 75 Charter Oak Ave., Suite 1-202

French 101
French 103
French 104
French 106
French 201
French 201
French 206
French 304
French 305
Current Events

French 101
Basic language skills are presented. By the end of this course, students will be able to introduce themselves, exchange greetings, count, say the alphabet, tell time, use the verb "to be", conjugate verbs in -ER, ask questions, use negation, the pronoun "on", make invitations; and talk about nationality, people, preferences, studies, days of the week, months, seasons, and dates.
Course readings
Can be purchased at Amazon Secondary Sellers or
Note that these materials will be used for FR 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 and 106.
Contacts, 8th edition, Valette/Valette, Houghton Mifflin Company
(a) textbook                                                  ISBN-10: 0-618-39578-4
(b) Student Activities Manual (SAM)        ISBN-10: 0-618-39580-6
(a) In-text audio CDs (4 CDs)                    ISBN-10: 0-618-39589-X
(b) Video DVD                                            ISBN-10: 0-618-39586-5
French 103
By the end of this course, you will be able to describe your family, express personal relationships, indicate ownership, talk about the weather, clothes, describe what we purchase, discuss prices, point out people and things, describe your home, make comparisons, talk about your finances, feelings and needs, make suggestions, describe past actions, ask about past activities, talk about vacations plans, describe where you went, and give complete dates.
You will be able to use the possessive adjectives; interrogative adjectice quel, demonstrative adjective ce, irregular adjectives, numbers from 60 and above, comparative, superlative, questions with inversion, expressions quelqu'un and quelque chose, il y a, regular -IR and -RE verbs, verbs FAIRE, ACHETER, PRÉFÉRER, PAYER, SORTIR, PARTIR, DORMIR, the imperative, and the passé composé withAVOIR and ÊTRE.
Course readings: See French 101 listing
French 104
In this continuing French class, you will learn more basic and intermediate language skills. You'll be able to talk about university studies; express wishes and obligations; refer to previously mentioned people and things; describe what we say, read, and write; talk about interpersonal relationships; ask others for favors; discuss city life; talk about what we know and whom we know; describe people and things in longer sentences; talk about the past; describe what we were doing at a certain time and what we used to do.
You will learn to use direct and indirect object pronouns; relative pronouns qui and que; the expression il faut; the verbs suivre, vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, connaître, voir, dire, lire, écrire, vivre, savoir, conduire; and 2 past tenses: le passé composé, l'imparfait.
Course readings : See French 101 listing
French 106
By the end of this course, you will be able to talk about university studies, express wishes and obligations; refer to previously mentioned people and things; describe what people say, read and write; talk about interpersonal relationships; and ask others for favors.  You will be able to use the verbs SUIVRE, VOULOIR, POUVOIR, DEVOIR, CONNAÎTRE, VOIR, DIRE, LIRE, ÉCRIRE; the expression il faut, the passé composé agreement; and direct and indirect object pronouns.
Course readings : See listing in French 101

French 201

This course constitutes a revision of and re-acquaintance with the grammatical principles presented in the first two years of French study, a furthering of the understanding of French
phonology and pronunciation norms, conversational tactics and fluency
in everyday situations, the ability to speak in the future, the conditional, and the subjunctive, to express wishes, opinions and beliefs, to talk about work and professional life, to travel, and to interact more freely and with confidence in French society.  We will also delve deeper into our exploration of French cultural mores and the fascinating continuum of French history, arts, and entertainment, plus engage in spirited discussions of contemporary France.

Course readings
  À votre tour! Intermediate French, 2nd edition, Valette/Valette,
Houghton Mifflin Company or Wiley
(a) textbook                                                        ISBN-10: 0-618-69315-7
(b) Student Activities Manual (SAM)                ISBN-10: 0-618-69317-3
                                                                            ISBN-13: 978-0-470-42426-1
Student Activities Manual (SAM) 12 audio CDs            ISBN-10: 0-618-69320-3
French 206

By the end of this course, you will review or learn how to say in French what you would do under certain conditions (using the conditional mood), decide where to stay, reserve a hotel room, ask for hotel services; compare people, things, places and situations (using comparatives and superlatives); ask for an alternative; point out people or things (using interrogative and demonstrative pronouns); and indicate possession (using possessive pronouns).  You will be able to talk about certain French historical periods such as the French revolution, French author such as Victor Hugo. 

Course materials - See 201 listing
French 304
Intrigue presents a unique mystery-styled textbook intended to facilitate conversation and peer interaction through the discussion of the developing storyline of a Frenchman named Jean-Louis and a Québecoise student named Claire, who meet in New Orleans in search of a rare manuscript.  Rather than following the normal chronology of a novel, this mystery evolves chapter by chapter in dialogues and activities to keep the suspense flowing.  Grammar points are integrated with cultural topics and provide the central concern of the text, while attempting to inspire students to express themselves naturally and fluently.  Vocabulary and turns-of-phrase are outlined in each segment, and a supersite can be used at the students' leisure if desired.  Clues unfold through meaningful situations that teach French syntax, and video clips enhance listening comprehension.
Course materials
Intrigue - langue, culture et mystère dans le monde francophone, 3rd edition,
Blood/Mobarek, Prentice Hall/Pearson Higher Ed
(a) textbook                                                      ISBN-13: 978-0-205-74132-8
(b) Student Activities Manual (SAM)                ISBN-13: 978-0-205-74142-7
Audio for the text                                             ISBN-13: 978-0-205-78310-6
Audio for the Student Activities Manual (SAM) ISBN-13: 978-0-205-78311-3
French 305
By the end of this course, you will be able to ask questions, express nostalgia, describe a situation, and talk about current events, in French.  
While exploring cultural, historical, and diversity aspects of the Maghreb and the French of maghrébineorigin, and non-metropolitan France, you will review how to talk about family, French and francophone music, and the press in the francophone world.
You will review interrogative adjectives and pronouns, the plus-que-parfait, irregular verbs (lire, dire, écrire, rire), and adverbs.
An excerpt of Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartment by Assia Djebar will be our literary component.

Materials: see French 304

Les films français

The film discussion class this fall will feature francophone films that will be debated over the session. Students will view films in segments and discuss their technical aspects, social and political context. They will be required to do some text review on the films from time to time to prepare for the coming lessons.
The film discussion class is principally based on conversation between student and teacher but also student and student.
Materials:  to be provided during class.

L'actualité: Les souverains et présidents français
En France, la rentrée sociale 2016 promet d'être riche en événements. En septembre prochain, nous serons dans la dernière ligne droite des préparatifs de l'élection présidentielle 2017. C'est pour cela que je suggère d'explorer, en compagnie des étudiantes de niveau avancé, les méandres du pouvoir en France.
Sous le titre générique "les souverains et presidents français," nous allons essayer de savoir:
  • D'où viennent les dirgeants français (milieu social, famille politique, region . . .)?
  • Comment sont-ils arrivés au pouvoir?
  • À quelles anecdotes sont-ils identifiés dans l'imaginaire collectif?
  • Quelles sont les politiques phares qu'ils ont mises en place?
La partie introductive de chaque séance sera dédiée à l'actualité de la présidentielle 2017.

In France, the 2016 social return -rentrée sociale- promises to be eventful. In September, we will be in the final stretch of preparations for the 2017 presidential election This is why I suggest exploring, along with the advanced students, the intricacies of power in France.
Under the generic title "the French kings and presidents," we will try to find out:
- Where do the French leaders come from (social, political, family, region ...)?
- How did they come to power?
- To which anecdotes are they identified in the collective imagination?
- What are the flagship policies they have in place?
The introductory part of each session will be dedicated to news about the presidential race 2017.