April 14, 2019
🙂 The SS United States — shown here at her Philadelphia pier — is buoyed by your continued support. Photograph courtesy of Patrick Murphy.
Thank you so much for supporting the SS United States Conservancy. Your crucial backing is keeping America's Flagship safely afloat as we make steady progress toward revitalizing the nation's sole remaining historic ocean liner. As you know, we have entered into a preliminary agreement with RXR Realty, a highly respected New York-based developer. RXR continues to assess prospects for converting the SS  United States  into a dynamic mixed-use development and dazzling museum. We look forward to sharing additional details as soon as we are in a position to do so. 
While we are encouraged by this momentum, much hard work still remains ahead, and the ship's ultimate fate remains uncertain. That’s where you come in! Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. We share your excitement that the SS  United States  has a real shot at being saved. 
Your financial support is enabling our team to work closely with RXR Realty as the firm's plans advance. It is also propelling us forward on other fronts:
  • Our curatorial team traveled to Newport News, Virginia, the ship's birthplace, to continue assessing our extensive curatorial holdings for future digital and physical exhibitions. (Stay tuned for some fantastic photos!)
  • We are planning some exciting events around next month's release of David Macaulay's extraordinary book about the SS United States, Crossing on Time
  • We are working with the Pollin Group on a fascinating maritime history cruise that will set sail in October, 2020. (Dates and details will be shared later this spring.)
  • Most importantly, we are continuing to keep America's Flagship safely and proudly afloat at Philadelphia's Pier 82. 

Please consider making a donation of any amount to help us sustain this momentum. As a Conservancy members, you'll be the first to hear about all of our plans and events. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or suggestions, and thank you so much for your vital support.

Susan Gibbs
Executive Director
SS United States Conservancy
" You can’t set her on fire, you can’t sink her, and you can’t catch her ." — William Francis Gibbs, designer of the SS United States
Though the global effort to save America's Flagship is buoyed by thousands of supporters and countless volunteers, the Conservancy's actual staff is both small and incredibly dedicated.

As the Conservancy’s Development Associate, Tom Lane plays a major role in connecting us with new and existing donors — securing the crucial funds that will be needed to give America's Flagship a brilliant second act.

"I found out about the Conservancy as a student in Temple University’s Master of City & Regional Planning program, with a concentration in historic preservation," Tom says. "I grew up on Vinalhaven, ME — an island off mid-coast Maine — where I taught sailing and developed an interest in maritime history. Between my love of coastal heritage and interest in adaptive reuse within an urban context, the Conservancy was a perfect fit."

"I am proud to help grow our donor base and engage supporters to secure the necessary funds to set the stage for the Big U’s next chapter!"

Of course, Tom's work is far from done. He's committed to helping make sure that long-awaited next chapter becomes a reality. Help us secure a bright future for The Big U by making a generous donation .
Help Us Save America's Flagship!
Ever since our organization was founded, the SS United States Conservancy has been committed to spreading the word about America's Flagship far and wide — continually striving to let the world know about our nation's greatest and sole remaining ocean liner.

On March 30, our Executive Director Susan Gibbs made an appearance on the popular internet radio program, RMWorldTravel , "America’s #1 Travel Radio Show," broadcast by 400 affiliates in the U.S. and Canada. Susan discussed the continuing effort to ensure an inspiring future for the SS United States .

Listen to the segment by CLICKING HERE .
The SS United States Conservancy is continually moved by the passion, dedication, and generosity of our incredible supporters.

Today, we'd like to give special thanks to Stanton Daywalt, a friend of the Conservancy and longtime supporter of the SS United States . For the second year in a row , Stanton has enabled the Conservancy to be the beneficiary of a $1,000 grant from Navy Federal Credit Union's "Dollars for Doers" program.

The "Dollars for Doers" grant program recognizes, supports, and encourages the contributions of Navy Federal employees' volunteer efforts, awarding a $1000 grant to 100 qualified employee team members, donated to the nonprofit organization of their choice.
From more than 200 applications submitted, Stanton Daywalt was selected as a grant recipient, and has once again chosen to award his grant to the SS United States Conservancy. Stanton has been a longtime admirer of America's Flagship. As a young boy, he visited the vessel in Newport News, VA in 1989, and again in 1992 just prior to the towing of the ship to Turkey and Ukraine for remediation. Last year, he shared the incredible story of a rare SS United States pocketknife owned by Newport News woodcarver William W. Geggie.
Stanton Daywalt is proof that individual supporters can make a huge difference when it comes to preserving America's Flagship.
Help us ensure a bright future for this inspiring vessel.
CLICK HERE to make your donation today.
"[The SS United States ] was built at a time when 'made in America’ really meant something, and that is a legacy that cannot be lost.  — H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest (1930-2018)