Breaking News! Animals' Angels Meets with EU Commission to Discuss Potential Ban of US/Canada Horse Meat Imports
For over a decade, Animals' Angels has been fighting non-stop against the unconscionable slaughter of US horses. Our investigators have routinely risked their own safety to conduct undercover investigations at all the main slaughter horse auctions, feedlots, and slaughter plants in order to gather as much information as possible about the industry.
Throughout these years our strategy has always been twofold. We have shared the collected information with US lawmakers in a push for federal legislation banning the slaughter of horses and simultaneously with EU authorities hoping to achieve an import ban of horse meat sourced from the Americas.
We were thrilled back in 2014 when, after meeting with Animals' Angels and our European partners, the EU Commission decided to ban horse meat imported from Mexico. Since then, we have continued to push for additional countries to be included in the import ban.
Finally, on July 7th, 2021, after seven long years of working and waiting, we were given another opportunity to directly address the EU Commission. Together with our international partner organizations, Animals' Angels presented the findings of our extensive investigations and research, all of which clearly demonstrated that Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, and Canada fail to meet EU animal welfare and food safety requirements.
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Heat Stress Deaths Rising Along with Summer Temperatures
It's the time of year when most people are enjoying a summer full of fun, sun, and relaxation, but for Animals' Angels investigators the devastating impact the scorching temperatures have on the animals they are dedicated to protecting is hard to bear witness to.
"Many auctions fail to provide the animals they sell with any access to water, even when temperatures climb into the triple digits," said Animals' Angels Founder Sonja Meadows. "Our investigators know from experience that as the temperatures rise, the death toll for these poor animals will rise, too."
The Animals' Angels team was given a sad reminder of this fact when they investigated three Pennsylvania auctions where temperatures had soared to 102° F. Investigators were horrified to find dozens of dead cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and calves. Some of the dead animals had been piled into a pen with live animals, who were thus forced to look at their dead pen mates. Animals' Angels investigators gave water to as many animals as they could.
Read more about the horrible summer conditions for these animals.