June 15, 2022
Your weekly information & updates
Diaper Drive
Donations wanted for Feminine Hygiene and Diaper Drive
St. Mark's Joanna Group would like to invite the congregation to join them in providing feminine hygiene products and baby diapers to organizations that help women in need. Products will be collected throughout June and July, at which time they will be delivered to Salvation Army, Friendship Home, Fresh Start and the Pregnancy Center. Collection barrels for donations are located inside the main entrance, Door 9, and in the Narthex by Door 3.
Youth in South Dakota on mission trip
Week of June 11-17

Pastor Jay Stewart and St. Mark's youth are on a mission trip to work with the Oglala Lakota Nation on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota this month. Please remember them in your prayers as they spend time sharing the love of Christ and serving those in need.
KidZone Job Openings
Job openings at St. Mark's KidZone
Our childcare center is looking for team members who love to work with children and support them in all areas of development. If you, or someone you know, are interested in a career in Early Childhood Education please contact Teri Beem regarding opportunities available (administrative, teacher, or support staff) at 402-489-6051 or [email protected].
New Bible study group for young men
Wednesdays | 7:00-8:00 p.m. | Youth Center

A new Bible study group for young men is meeting each Wednesday evening. This group, Growing Young Men, is led by Jason Steele. 
Support Group
Relationship & Divorce Recovery Thursday Support Group
Thursdays | 6:30 p.m. | Lower Fellowship Hall

Join together in fellowship and support with others who have gone through divorce or relationship changes. At St. Mark's, you are not alone. Common experiences give way to a supportive community that understands, provides emotional support, and wants you to be heard—a community that surrounds you with compassion and allows you to feel comfortable in processing your journey. Please join us each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Lower Fellowship Hall.
Chapter 1 Books & Gifts open Sunday mornings
Fill your summer full of great stories, daily devotions, and self-discovery! Stop by Chapter 1 Books & Gifts in the Narthex to stock up on your summer reading and save 30 percent through June 19. And don't forget about Father's Day. We have books for dad including "Best Seat in the House; 18 Golden Lessons from a Father to His son," "Father Daughter Devotions," and "The Perfect Dad; A Totally Achievable Guide to Not Messing Up Your Kids."
VBS Postcards
Send blessings to kids in VBS
Would you like to help connect with the kids in our "Passport to Peace" Vacation Bible School? They will love to receive postcards from you that extend a blessing to them during their VBS journey. Please see Deb Dahlke at the VBS Postcard Ministry Desk on the south side of the Narthex on Sunday mornings for more information.
New procedure for check-in and pick-up of children on Sundays
Sunday School parents/caregivers: when you arrive, please bring your phone to check in at the Children's Ministry Desk OR at Door 2 by scanning the QR code. Pick-up in the gym will also require scanning a QR code. We're hoping this will be easier and faster for everyone. Thank you for your patience as we try this out!
Youth Pool Party
Cool off at Youth Pool Party
Monday, June 20 | 8:00-10:00 p.m. | Eastridge Pool

Come and cool off from the summer heat at Eastridge Pool, located at 830 Sunrise Road in Lincoln. The cost of $5/person includes admission and food. This is for all youth, PLUS children and families are welcome too!
Dana Hamm Memorial Statue being made
A bronze statue in memory of Dana Hamm, who was St. Mark's financial officer for 21 years, is being made by her stepson Carey Hosterman of Hosterman Arts in Loveland, Colo. The statue will be of a life-size heron (one of Dana’s favorite birds) and will be placed outside Door 4. The total production cost (mold, wax pouring, casting, welding, metal finishing, delivery and installation) is estimated at $18,000. If you would like to make a contribution in memory of Dana, donations can be placed in the offering plate or made online. Please choose "Other" when giving online and write "Dana Hamm Memorial Statue" as the note, or on the memo line if you are writing a check.
Register for Adult Ministry Mini-golf
Wednesday, June 22 | 6:30 p.m. | Adventure Golf Center

Join us at Adventure Golf Center (56th & Old Cheney) for fun evening of miniature golf on June 22! Meet us at 6:30 p.m. at the picnic tables in front of the payment window. The cost is $9 per person, payable online or brought the night of. Registration ends June 20.
VBS volunteers needed
St. Mark's "Passport to Peace" Vacation Bible School is coming soon! We are still looking for volunteers—especially crew leaders and snack helpers—and anyone who loves God and loves children can help. Crew leaders play an incredibly important role in VBS and we are so thankful for their time and the dedication of these volunteers. Crew leaders don't have to prepare anything; they just guide a small group of kids through activities, help facilitate discussions, and generally join in the VBS fun! VBS runs June 27-July 1, from 9 a.m.-noon, and our Crew Leaders Orientation will take place Thursday, June 23, at 6 p.m. in Upper Fellowship Hall or via Zoom. There will be many, many children waiting to learn about God through you at VBS! Please contact Steph or Kellyn at [email protected] if you are interested.
Youth Serve Day
Thursday Serve Day for Youth
Thursdays through Aug. 4 | 12:00-3:00 p.m.

There are a lot of great opportunities for youth to follow the path of how Jesus defined greatness this summer—which is by taking to serve and better others. We serve at some great organizations in the Lincoln community each Thursday, and have lunch and a brief devotion each day.

*Not meeting June 16 or July 28
Family Values Transformation Table
Sundays through July 10 | 9:00 a.m. | Upper Fellowship Hall

Parents, join us Sunday mornings to learn about values, do some self-reflection, and take action steps towards improvement, which will, in turn, transform and strengthen our families. Meet us Sundays at 9 a.m. in Upper Fellowship Hall for this 6-week long session.
Love Feast
Love Feast happening July 3
Sunday, July 3 | 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. | Upper Fellowship Hall

Join us to celebrate summer, families, and our connections with each other! We'll be catering in food and will have kid-friendly options available. The meal is free, however donations will be accepted. Please register your family in advance.
Craft Fair Application for October
Saturday, Oct. 22 | 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Family Life Center

The St. Mark's United Methodist Church Craft Fair is back. It will be a one day show on Oct. 22 from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Potential vendors are invited to submit an application to be included in the craft fair. Applications must be submitted online. Click on the link button below to complete and submit the requested information. The deadline to submit is July 21. Space is limited. Get your application in today!
Food Drive
Support St. Mark's Food Pantry
The St. Mark's Food Pantry provides food to anyone in our community who is hungry, along with a few other basic needs. Non-perishable food and other items can be placed on the table inside Door 9 on the south side of the church. These items are especially needed this week:

  • macaroni & cheese
  • canned pears
  • pancake complete mix
  • pancake syrup
  • corn muffin mix
  • tomato soup
  • canned green beans
  • canned corn
  • pasta sauce
  • spaghetti

You may also give online or write a check to St. Mark's with "Food Pantry" in the memo line to support this ministry.
Weekly Mission Offering: St. Monica's
June 12-18, 2022

St. Monica’s is one of Nebraska’s only residential substance abuse treatment programs especially for women. It was founded in 1964, and is committed to the recovery of women of all ages through empowerment, stability and self-fulfillment. Women are never turned away for their inability to pay. Please give generously.

We encourage you to give online or, if writing a check to St. Mark's, please indicate this week's mission—St. Monica's—in the memo line at the bottom.

Next week: Salvation Army
SAM Garden Boxes
How Do Our Gardens Grow?
Twelve of St. Mark's Senior Adult Ministry folks built these 12 garden boxes on the north property line of the church campus in April, and now the fruits of their labors are happening. Jenny Uglow once said, "We might think we are nurturing our garden, but of course it's our garden that is nurturing us!" To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. Believe that SAM has more great things planned. Stay tuned.
We will pray for you
Your needs are important to us. Are you facing a challenging situation at the moment and need prayer? Contact our prayer chain and let us know if you would like your request listed on our prayer list.
Prayer List
Please pray for Marge and Bill Duncan's 8 ½-year-old grandson Ethan who has a tumor on his spinal cord and will have surgery at LeBonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis on Thursday, June 23. Prayers for Ethan, his parents Heather and Todd, and the medical staff for a successful surgery and complete recovery.

Please keep the Emery's daughter Jennifer Whitney in your prayers as she her second chemo treatment this week.