
Slash Weekly News

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Worship at Slash Church

From Sunday - 10:00 a.m.

Worship for Slash Christian Church

January 5, 2025

Sermon Series: The Good Life

The Kingdom Has Come Near

Matthew 4:17-25


The Good Life is a series based on the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus outlined the theme of the Kingdom of God, the subject that dominated his teaching. It is the crucial piece for understanding everything about his life, death, and resurrection. It is also the key that unlocks the meaning of the entire narrative of scripture, and how the Old and New Testaments fit together. This Sunday we seek to understand Jesus statement that the Kingdom of God has come near.



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CCLI Streaming License No. 20193297


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En Agape', 

Rev. Michael Weeks

2023 Installation

2025 Installation of Officers and Ordination of New Elders

We will ordain our new Elders and install officers on Sunday, January 12th at 10 am.

The Elder Diaconate Training is scheduled to follow worship on January 12th. All our new and returning diaconate should plan to be there to learn about welcoming everyone to worship, serving communion and receiving the offering.

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Splinters from the Board

Chad Baugher, Moderator

Church on the Hill UPDATE

We are completing the final list of details to make our final payments to the contractor.

Next Board Meeting:

January 19, 2025, 11:00 a.m.

In His Love,

Chad Baugher, Moderator

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January Elder on Call

Carolyn Putnam


Nancy Farrell

Claudia Wells

Elizabeth Rafferty

Julie Moore

Mark Highfield


Leslie West

Lloyd West

Morgan Abbate

Eric Dodds

Emma Moyer


Amanda Matassa

Julie Peterman

Melissa Chouinard

Laryssa Smith

Levi Griffin

There will be no Zoom Room Meetings this week for Slash

(Instructions for Calling on the Phone instead of Video are included.)

10:00 a.m. Coffee & Prayer this week

Save this Link so you can Join in All Slash Meetings

 You can join your meeting by following this link. 




Meeting ID: 780 850 1748

Password: Slash


You may call from your home phone and join the meeting without video.

      +1 646-558-8656

 3 Steps to Join by Phone:    

1. Enter the Meeting ID when prompted: 780 850 1748#

2. You will be prompted for the participant ID. Just press #.

3. You will be asked for the Password. Enter 950320#

2025 Boxed sets of offering envelopes for those of you that use them are on the back pew in church.

If you pick up a box, please print your name on the list so that the office can give you credit for your giving.

Upcoming Platinum tour bus trip

Join the Independence Church group on May 13-16, 2025 to go to Williamstown, KY to see The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. Some money is due to reserve your spot. 

For more info or to make reservations, contact Donna Emerson 804-798-0643

Picture from 2024 Christmas Party

Mission Trip 2024

Youth Group Events

2025 Mission Trip Hurricane Relief in North Carolina

June 15-20, 2025

We will be staying at Christmount (a Disciple Camp)

New date announced as the trip will now be for Hurricane Relief in North Carolina. We are now arriving at Christmount the evening of Sunday June 15 and leaving after breakfast the morning of Friday June 20. 2025. 

Sponsors for this trip will be Meredith Baugher, Michael Peterman, and Kristen Wilton. Rev. Michael is also planning to attend with the youth.

2024 Youth Ministry Calendar

Sunday Regular Meeting times: 5-7

(subject to change)

Recreational activities / Mission activities / Regular Meetings

January 12, 2025 - 5:00 p.m.

January 24, 2025 - Regional Youth Lock-In (Lynchburg)

We will leave as soon as we can after school. Details below.

We will need to make sure that everyone gets registered right after the new year.

The Virginia Youth Council is planning a regional lock-in for Jan. 24th at Fairview Christian Church in Lynchburg, VA for middle and high school youth. The theme for this lock-in is "Be Blessed Not Stressed." The Youth Council is excited to host an event where we can fellowship, have fun, and plan for the future TOGETHER.

This means a chance to see all your camp buddies!!! There will be games, food, and plenty of time to hang out with and catch up with your friends.

Start time is Friday, 1/24 8:30pm and end time is Saturday, 1/25 at 9am. Registration fee is $10.

Follow this link to register

SEVA Food Truck ministry to the Hungry will partner with Slash in 2025

Website information

Above is the link to a website that talks about the food truck and mission. You are invited to join us in this ministry to the community. Meals will be prepared here at Slash.

Please sign-up to help through the link below.

New dates have been added.

Sign up here to help feed the homeless.

If you have questions please contact Rev. Michael.

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sanctuary flowers

2025 Flower Chart

The Flower Chart is posted by the office. Flowers cost $27.00 with checks made payable to Slash Christian Church. Please take your flowers home with you after worship.


Please consider bringing empty aluminum cans, foil and scrap metal to the Habitat house in the parking lot.

A volunteer picks up items regularly and takes them to be recycled.


ACES is in need of the following items:

You may drop off items at ACES on Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or place them in the blue bin here in the hall by the kitchen.


Canned fruit (all types), Canned tuna, Peanut butter

Laundry detergent

Shampoo, Bar soap, Toothpaste, Adult toothbrushes

Deodorant (men's and women's)

Toilet paper


Children's Clothing:

Boy's and girl's winter coats (all sizes)

Boy's and girl's zip-up sweatshirts and fleece tops (all sizes)

Boy's winter pants and shirts (sizes 4 - 18), Boy's jeans sizes (4, 5, 6 and 7)

Girl's winter pants & shirts (sizes 7 - 18)

Boy's underwear (size 6), Girl's underwear (size 8)

Boy's undershirts (sizes 4-5, 10-12, 14-16, and 18-20)

Boy's socks sizes (L and XL), Girl's socks sizes (XS, S and L) 

Boy's winter shoes and boots (all sizes)

Diapers (sizes 4, 5 and 6), Pull-ups (size 4T/5T), Baby Wipes 


Adult Clothing:

Men's work shoes/boots (all sizes), Men's athletic shoes (all sizes)

Men's boxers and boxer briefs (all sizes), Men's white undershirts (all sizes)

Women's underwear (sizes 1X, 2X, 3X and larger)

Women's sanitary napkins


We are truly thankful for all that you have done for ACES and the vulnerable families of central Hanover County.

Please note: Because our storage facilities are limited, we prefer that clothing donations be limited to fall/winter clothing. 



The Concerns

~ All those who lost their lives in the hurricane and those in recovery

~Victims of gun violence

~All those in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel

~Prayers for those who suffered a loss

~Prayers for those dealing with depression

~Prayers for kids in unstable homes

~Prayers for those affected by substance abuse 

~All military personnel, first responders, medical personnel, and their families 


Homebound: Margaret Gentry, Don & Helen Kersey, Frank Burkett

~Barbara Stanley

~Chris King (sister of Becky Baugher, liver testing)

~Joy and Mike Spencer (friends of Ginnie Caudell)

~Steven Williams (friend of Torrie Goodman)

~Sue Goodman Franz (daughter of Barbara Jean Goodman)

~John Melling ((father of Jessica Colbert; cancer biopsy)

~Barry Lambert (nephew of Linda Slater; hospitalized again)

~Jim Slater (fall)

~Al Mullet (friend of Ed Baugher; blood clots)

~Mary Virginia Smith (cousin of Ann Bremner; home after ankle repair)

~Sarah Coleman (sister of Mary Haislip; lung cancer)

~Murph Hoeckel (grandfather of Kai Verrier Nass; tumor removed on the 15th)

~Quinton Blacks (friend of Gail Hellermann)

~Isaiah Slater (nephew of Ed Baugher; stage 5 kidney failure)

~Lauren H. (niece of Nancy Murdock; stage 4 melanoma)

~Rosemarie Soehngen (grandmother of Kristijan; home with hospice care)

~Linda Adkins (unexplained pain is an autoimmune disorder)

~Linda Locatelli (family member of Judy Pierce; radiation and chemo)

~Delialah Kliner (friend of Julie Moore)

~Chad Tinsley (son-in-law of Julie Moore)

~Max Blake and Brian Parker (friends of Lois Haines; both fighting cancer)

~Unspoken prayer concerns

Love and sympathy are extended to...

Barbara Stanley, Frances, David and their families at the death of Ralph Stanley.

Visitation and the Celebration of his life will be at Slash on Thursday, January 16.

1 p.m. Visitation and 2 p.m. Celebration of his life.

Slash Christian Church (DoC)| Email us | (804) 798-4520 www.slashcc.org