SPEAKER: Pastor Brent Title: TBA
LIVE AND ONLINE: You can watch our services from anywhere in the world live by going to bendadventist.org at 11:15 PST.
MONDAY NIGHT PRAYER: An Hour of Power Prayer Time: Monday nights in the church chapel. This community prayer time lasts from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Contact is Neil Allen at 350-601-1040 or Chris Larson at 541-749-8604.
OFFERING: The offering this week is for the Oregon Conference Youth Support.
JTB WORKBEE: Our JTB workbee will be October 13th, 9:00-12:00. Lunch will be provided.
CENTRAL OREGON CONVOCATION, October 4 and 5. Speaker is Dwight Nelson. (See the poster circulated for details.
From Juline and Linda: Journey to Bethlehem – Save the Dates! December 4, 6, 7, and 8.
To participate, please contact Linda Wilson at lindwilson@gmail.com or 360 .270.1538. We typically get to tell the story of Christ’s birth to 4,000 people that weekend. It is an amazing and fun event! Curious how we are funded? Our church budget needs about $11,500 per month to fund all utilities, ministries, insurance, etc. Of that, $500 per month is put in a fund for Journey. That totals $6,000 for the year. The event costs between $13-15,000 per year, with building costs extra during the years we need to build something or make significant repairs. The remaining funds are needed from designated donations. We currently have approximately $10,000 in the account, so have a bit to go to make this event happen in December. If you have a heart to support this ministry, please mark your tithe envelope or online giving fund accordingly. We’d be grateful for your partnership!
From Brenda: Our Central Oregon Convocation will be October 4 & 5. There will be a potluck after church on the 5th. Please bring a variety of dishes to share with the many churches and families that will be attending. Hot dishes should be brought already baked and hot, ready to place in the warmer. If you have questions, call Brenda Dederer, 541-221-490202. Please keep in mind attendance should be somewhat greater than our usual potlucks.
No new announcements.
Three Sisters School would like to have returnable pop cans and bottles to help with the student scholarship program. You may drop your bags off at the school's gym door, give them to someone in your church that can bring them to the school, or return the cans and send the money to the school. Many small donations add up to bigger amounts to help our kids. Thank you so much!