APRIL 27 - MAY 4
Hello, Reader!

We hope this newsletter finds you well. Take some time to read through the content and implement some of these tricks into your daily life. If you have feedback or suggestions on content you would like to see, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know at hannah.foxall@alzheimerhpe.ca. We would love to hear from you.

We also invite you to keep checking and sharing the online portal http://on.alz.to/ConnectionsHastings to learn about upcoming online events and programs. You will also be able to catch up on any newsletters you may have missed.

If you don't want to receive this weekly newsletters for the time being but you want to continue to receive our monthly edition please reply to this email and let us know
Tomorrow (Tuesday April 28th 2020) on The Grapevine Show on 99.3 County FM live at 12:05pm and again at 6:05pm:

Listen to Prince Edward County area Education and Support Coordinator Lorraine Ross speak about current programming available over the phone and online, and will speak about the disease and how people in our community have been affected and can come together! Listen live online at: https://993countyfm.ca/live/
ASHPE Programming

Please know we are dedicated to being the lifeline so many need through their dementia so we are looking at ways to deliver service by phone, email and video meetings.

Our landing page is updated regularly to include all information about group meetings and times - please visit http://on.alz.to/ConnectionsHastings to learn more.

Our staff can talk with you regarding any concerns you have with the set up of zoom meetings, please also check out the Zoom Resources on our landing page.

Here's a review regarding the first online Belleville Memory Cafe:

The first virtual Memory Cafe hosted by Sharon Osvald of the Alzheimer Society was a huge success and enjoyed by all participants.
I would encourage more Memory Cafe regulars to register for the next session on Wednesday May 6th. The Zoom connection is very easy to do.
Thanks Sharon, terrific job!
If you are interested in receiving education and support please reach out to us:
Belleville & Area: Karen.Partridge@Alzheimerhpe.ca
Prince Edward County & Tyendinaga: Lorraine.Ross@Alzheimerhpe.ca
Quinte West & Brighton: Sharon.Brewster@Alzheimerhpe.ca

If you are a new client or are looking for general information please contact our
First Link Coordinators:
Want Activities to do at Home?

The Alzheimer Society Hastings - Prince Edward is now offering free in-home activity kits that can be mailed right to your door. Kits include an assortment of printed worksheet activities that are sure to delight and engage your brains! If there anything else you need during these difficult times, please reach out to us.

A Friendly Voice Phone Line for Seniors
The phone line is open seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. Anyone in Ontario 55 and older can call 613-692-9992, or outside Ottawa toll-free 1-855-892-9992

Stretch Lift or Tap (SLoT)
Click here to view the free resource guide on how older adults can stay active indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ontario Caregivers Organization (OCO)
The Ontario Caregivers Organization has some great info/offerings for caregivers, have a look at a few:

OCO is also offering the following programs:

The Brain Health Food Guide
The Brain Health Food Guide provides recommendations on daily foods and serving sizes to include in your diet, as well as foods to limit. Some recommendations include incorporating colourful fruits and vegetables at every meal; grilling, steaming and baking foods instead of deep frying; stocking up on a variety of dried or canned beans, fish, vegetables and fruits; and snacking on more nutritious items such as nuts, fresh fruit, vegetables or low fat yogurt. Click here to download the guide.

Stay entertained at home with unique virtual experiences
With outside-the-house activities temporarily closed, seniors and families alike are looking for safe ways to have fun at home.

To keep people of all ages from getting bored, restless, or agitated, we’ve put together a huge list of free virtual experiences.

These experiences include observing animals in zoos and in their natural habitats around the world, a wide variety of live music and concerts, virtual travel to amazing places across the globe, tours of the world’s top museums, and even virtual visits to top U.S. theme parks.

Click here to check them out.

Webinar: Dementia and COVID-19 – Strategies for Care Partners
This webinar will focus on providing care partners with strategies to providing care while in isolation. It will also highlight important COVID-19 precautions and guidelines along with the implications in caring for someone living with dementia.
Upcoming sessions: May 1.

Webinar: Long Distance Caregiving
This webinar will focus on providing care partners with strategies to providing care while in isolation. It will also highlight important COVID-19 precautions and guidelines along with the implications in caring for someone living with dementia.
Upcoming sessions: May 6 & June 9.

Guidance Documents from Hastings Prince Edward Public Health
Visit their website here for alerts, FAQs and additional resources.

Local IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s Events Go ONLINE: May 31st, 2020

Our local Walk events have moved online this May! Join us in walking your way and raising funds for local individuals and families affected by dementia, with nationwide participation and a live video feed on May 31st.

Register now at www.walkforalzheimers.ca and select Ontario, then Hastings/Prince Edward/Brighton to register as an individual Walker, create or join a team, or make a direct donation. All funds raised stay here in our community.

Check out activities to do at home and materials to share on social media to show you walking at home. Who will you be walking for? #IGWalkForAlz

Call 613-962-0892 or e-mail Amelia.Huffman@Alzheimerhpe.ca for more information.

THIS WEEK: Check out some awesome activities to help show you are
taking part in the online IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s:
Tips for Care Partners: Join the Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop
Wondering what exactly Mindfulness & Meditation is?

Mindfulness means we are purposefully paying attention in a certain way to be in the present moment without judgement. Mindfulness is about focus, awareness and is a powerful tool we can all use right now. Meditation is our personal practice of focusing the mind to achieve a mentally clear and calm state. Guided meditation is a practice of relaxed concentration where you follow a narrator’s instructions relating to breath and imagery, which are very valuable to our health and wellbeing.

Caring for a loved one during the COVID-19 pandemic brings new challenges and by learning to be aware of what is transpiring in the mind & body, one can shift the quality of all experiences. By practicing mindful living, you will become more authentic in all your actions.

Would you like to learn more?
Join us for a new online program: Mindfulness and Meditation. Learn the 5 Elements of the Mindfulness Self-Care Model, mindfulness grounding techniques and supports, meditation basics and enjoy a guided secular meditation followed by a group discussion.

Sessions will run every Wednesday from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm on the following dates:
• April 29
• May 6, 13, 20 & 27
• June 3

Dementia Friendly Community Training
is now Available Online!

Let's talk about Dementia Awareness Training for your organization, service or business.
What do participants gain from the training?
  • Increased understanding and awareness of dementia
  • Strategies for how businesses and services can better meet the needs of individuals with memory loss
  • Increased skills and confidence among staff when interacting with those who have dementia

Get in touch with program coordinator Deborah Hierlihy to learn more
Phone: 613-476-2085
Those were the Days
Send us your photos so we can enjoy the nostalgia while we spend time at home.
Hi I'm Petra!

I am a First Link Care Navigator with the AHPE. I am one of two Navigators who are the first point of contact for new clients accessing services with the society. I am here to answer any questions you may have or better yet not even know you have. As a Navigator, I make referrals to resources in the community to help people age well in place as well as to connect them to internal resources such as 1:1 support from an Education and Support Coordinator or a First Link Learning series workshop. I understand how overwhelming a new diagnosis can be or how difficult it can be to navigate our healthcare system. No fear- I can make the referrals on your behalf to help you and your loved ones avoid coming to a crisis point! I have made many trusted connections with physicians, nurse practitioners and community support agencies in our geographical catchment area. I am here to serve!

You can reach out to me at Petra.Lepage@Alzheimerhpe.ca or 613-962-0892
My Hobbies
I have been painting and drawing as far back as I can remember! I have a daily meditation practice that helps keep me grounded and centred and it inspires my artwork. I enjoy CrossFit and running and try my best to do this 3-4 times/week. When I’m not busy doing this I can be found riding my sport bike around The County during warmer weather.
My Favourite Movie
Forest Gump! Life really is a box chocolates and you truly never know what you’re going to get! A heartwarming movie about love, determination and positive spirit!
What I'm Reading
I am currently reading Dr. Joe Dispenza's Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon to compliment my daily meditation practice.
My Mood Boosting Quarantine Recipe
Healthy pancakes? You betcha! Comforting and delicious when served with Prince Edward County maple syrup and fresh fruit! Click here for my favourite banana oatmeal pancake recipe.
My Favourite TV Shows
Growing up I loved the original Star Trek and later on Star Trek the Next Generation. I don’t watch a lot of tv these days (see numerous hobbies) but I enjoyed Game of Thrones immensely!
Come back next week to learn about someone else on the ASHPE Team!
Sincerely ,
The staff at Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward
Maureen Corrigan
Executive Director
Amelia Huffman
Fund Development Coordinator 
Petra Lepage
First Link Care Navigator
Deborah Hierlihy
Dementia Friendly Communities
- Program Coordinator
Karen Partridge
Education & Support Coordinator 
Sarah Krieger
Education & Support Coordinator
- Bancroft Office  
Angela Meraw
Operations & Program Manager
Hannah Foxall
Program & Fund Development Coordinator
Sharon Osvald
First Link Care Navigator
Darlene Jackson
Education & Support Coordinator
Lorraine Ross
Education & Support Coordinator
- Picton Office
Sharon Brewster
Education & Support Coordinator