Rejoice Name & Logo
Sunday Order of Worship:
Confession & Forgiveness
 Come, All You People
 Prayer for the Day
 Welcome and Announcements
 Psalm 8:1-9
 Gospel ~ John 16:12-15
 Offering/Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
 Prayer of Blessing
 The Feast
 Words of Institution
Prayers of the Church
 Lord’s Prayer
 Distribution/We Come to the Hungry Feast
Bread of Life Heaven
 Eternal Father, Strong to Save
In This Issue:
  • Note from Pastor Jim
  • June Communion
  • Looking for Lawn Helpers
  • Playground Project
  • Father's Day
  • Pork Chop Dinner
  • VBS
  • Community Garden
  • Finding YouTube
  • Online Store
  • Food Rescue
  • Rejoice Activities
  • Community Activities
  • Donate to Ukraine
  • Community Prayers and Links
Sunday Scripture Links:
John 16:12-15

[Jesus said,] 12 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14 He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15 All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”

Come and celebrate the Holy Trinity this Sunday! I say that a bit sarcastically because this Sunday is the most theological of days in the church year and therefore, not truly exciting. We have never in Christian history found language that adequately expresses how there can be one God and three persons. We have left it up to the creeds to be the end voice on the matter, and then we have essentially ignored talking about the trinity.

Recently, say in the last one hundred years, some theologians have been trying to express the nature of the trinity more adequately. Rather than use more static ways to talk about the trinity, that is, how the trinity doesn't change due to its relationship to Greek thought and language as an "unmoved mover," many theologians talk about a "dynamic" trinity of a profound and complex love relationship that spills over into creation. Many believe that this God actually feels suffering, is moved by the heartache caused by injustice, and the hopelessness many feel in this life.

If the Trinitarian is love, is existence, and is shaped and affected by the events of life, how on earth can those of us beloved by God sit silently by as preventable atrocities of mass shootings continue in rising frequency? How can we tolerate even a hint of racism knowing God is sickened by it? These are the kind of thoughts I've been entertaining as I try to better understand the trinitarian God.  

On Sunday I will try to not confuse the question of the trinity any more than it has been for the last 1700 years. I start from the statement: "God doesn't change but how we think about God does."

We pray: God of Mercy and Love, as we grow in knowledge and understanding of the material world that you have made, help us understand your very ground of being as a truth by which we live faithfully to your invitation to be your people. Amen

Pastor Jim
There will be NO Communion on June 26th due to the outdoor worship service. We will have communion June 12th and 19th this month.
Lawn Care

Can you spare a couple hours on Thursday mornings to help care for Rejoice's lawn? We are looking for people to mow lawn. Lawn mowers are gassed up and ready to go. Thank you for your help!
Youth Summer Service Project

Looking for something to do this summer that makes a difference? Do we have an opportunity for you! The swing set by the church garden needs to be stained and I am looking for volunteers to help with that project.

All grades/ages are welcome to help. Stain, brushes, rollers and lunch will be provided. Remember to wear old clothes!

  • Saturday, June 18 (weather permitting)
  • 9 a.m. until the job is done or until you need to leave
  • Please contact Jim at 952.454.6596 or if interested or have questions. This will ensure there is equipment and food for everyone.
Father’s Day Floats

Bring Dad to church for a root beer float and cookies during fellowship to celebrate Father's Day:
  • Sunday, June 19
Pork Chop Dinner

  • Sunday, June 26
  • 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
  • Tickets = $10 per person
  • Tickets available Sundays and during office hours. Greatly appreciated if you would purchase your ticket(s) ahead of time or sign up in Celebration Hall so we have an approximate count for chops.
  • Raffle and children’s games too! Raffle tickets: $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. Must be present to win.
Vacation Bible School

You can make our summer program successful by taking on:
  • story time
  • snack time
  • crafts
  • music

Watch for more information coming soon. If you are willing to help with Bible school or have questions, email Carolyn at
Community Garden

If you are interested in a space in the garden, please contact Mary Wilson at 763.228.8182. The price for a space is $20, including water.
Rejoice on YouTube
Finding Rejoice's YouTube channel is simple! Just click on the YouTube icon found at the bottom of each weekly update in the What's Happening section.
Rejoice Store

Rejoice wear is available at our online store, you can choose for a variety of items from coffee cups to sweatshirts. Orders can be shipped directly to you or can be picked up at church. Anyone can purchase and there is not a minimum purchase amount so support and promote Rejoice. Remember, it is not too early to think about Christmas presents.
Community Food Rescue

You are welcome to stroll to the Education Wing after Sunday worship each week and take food offerings that you and your family will enjoy. Good for you, good for the environment!
Happening at Rejoice

Yoga for All
  • Wednesday mornings
  • 9:00 a.m.
  • $10 per class or $32 per month
  • Senior discount: $9 per class or $25 per month
Stitch and Pray
  • Wednesday afternoons
  • 1:00 p.m. in the Rejoice Good News Library
  • Bring your knitting needles and crochet hooks to make prayer shawls for those that are experiencing health or spiritual challenges
  • All levels of skill are welcome
Young @ Heart
  • Thursday, June 16
  • Doors open at 10:30 a.m. for card playing and fellowship
  • Lunch at 11:30 a.m. followed by Q&A session with Sue Hix from the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
  • Mark your calendar and call Carol at 320.558.6851 to reserve your spot for a couple of hours of fun and fellowship! Don't forget to invite a friend to join you!
Women's Bible Study
  • Tuesday, June 21
  • 10:00 a.m.
Area Happenings

Annual Garage Sale
  • Thursday-Saturday, June 16-18
  • Church of St Luke
  • 17545 Huber Ave NW, Clearwater
  • Clothing, furniture, household goods, small appliances, toys, books, tools and lots more
Vacation Bible Camp
  • Monday-Thursday, July 18-21
  • Salem Lutheran Church
  • 90 Riverside Dr SE, St Cloud
  • For kids who have completed grades K-6
  • Enthusiastic and experienced Luther Crest staff members will lead the kids with worship, arts & crafts, songs & games and bible study
  • Cost is $100 with lunch and snacks provided
  • Register by Wednesday, July 13
Music in the Park
  • Thursday evenings
  • 6-9:00 p.m.
  • Eldorado Park
  • 800 Kelsey Ave, Clearwater
  • Bring your lawn chair
  • Food available to purchase
Eastern Europe Crisis Response

Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying companion churches and ecumenical partners in humanitarian responses to the Eastern Europe crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits.

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Checks or money orders can be sent to:

Lutheran Disaster Response
P.O. Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Write "Eastern Europe Crisis Response" on your check memo line.

Give by phone at 800-638-3522 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) or online.
Community Prayers
If you have a loved one or friend in need of prayer, fill out a prayer request or use one of the prayer concern requests located on the Interest table and in the sanctuary welcome pads. The star(*) in front of a name denotes a Rejoice member. This is a dynamic list. Requests will be printed for up to four weeks; call the church office at 320.558.6851 to extend listing. If a name of a friend or loved one has been omitted please resubmit the name and/or concern using one of the prayer concern forms found in the red Welcome Pads in the worship area. 
Receiving Treatment for Cancer:
Ron Parizek (friend, Linda Agre)
Beverly Johnson (sister, Brad Johnson)
Sami (neighbor's friend, Jim & Lori Lanes)
*Mike Barrett
Karen Emberton (Kari Line)
Kris (sister, Rosemary Monk)
JoAnn Stegura (wife, Jerry Stegura)
Kathy Ryan (sister, Brad Johnson)
John Swan (friend, Ron & Lynn Schneider)
Lester Dupont (father, Linda Painter)
*Pete Lidberg
Rod Grandstrand (friend, Linda Agre)
Steve (brother, Lori Lanes)
Marcia (sister, Pam Bender)
Lil Doenges (friend’s mom, Lori Lanes)
Dick Suchomel (father, Kirk Suchomel)
Jody Lanes (youngest brother, Jim Lanes)
Liam (friend, Lee & Rosemary Monk)
Kent Petersen (brother, Rhoda Senkler)
Jeff Lamb family (friend, Mark & Karie Gohman)
Cris Gears (friend, Linda Agre)
Travis Kent
*Martha Johnson
Brian and family (nephew, Scott & Doris Scharmer)
Brad Johnson (son, Darlene & Duane Johnson)
Bob Stangler (son-in-law, Dayle & Jean Meyer)
*Duane & Darlene Johnson
*Charlie Johnson
Active Duty:
Eli Mulqueen (son, Janet Moeller)
Rejoice Staff
Jim Bump Lead Pastor
Carol Eich Office Administrator
Nicole Heberling Music Coordinator
Lisa Pridgeon Office Assistant
Rejoice Name & Logo