Youth ARE Engaged in Civic Affairs

A common lament among civic leaders is the low level of participation in public matters by young people. Indeed, voting turnout among people 18-24 is lower than other age groups. The problem, as described in a recent report, is that we’re using the wrong measures. In fact, young people are quite engaged, and want to make an even bigger difference, but it may not be in the manner that adults label as engagement.

Read more. 

President, National Civic League

The League Welcomes New Staff and Fellows

Making Engagement Easier for People with Disabilities

Youth Well-Being is Central for Sacramento

The National Civic League recently welcomed Benita Duran to the staff as Director of Equity and Engagement. The League also added two City Council members as Senior Fellows, bringing its total to nine senior fellows. Councilmembers Angela Lawson from Aurora, CO, and David Luna from Mesa, AZ, are the latest editions, enabling the League to provide an ever-expanding range of services. Read more.

People with disabilities are members of every community and play a valuable role as engaged members of those communities. Centering their experience is important to improving the overall civic health of our communities. To do this, it is necessary to understand how people with disabilities experience barriers to civic participation, learn how to ameliorate them, and discover promising practices from invested communities. Read more.

Not every city has a charity walk for literacy, but then, not every city is an All-America City. Sacramento was one of ten cities honored this summer as an All-America City. And, yes, the city has an upcoming Walk4Literacy, together with a culture of youth engagement that has attracted the support of a new assistance effort from the National League of Cities to help youth access quality postsecondary education and career opportunities. Read more. 

2022 Midterm Elections: Participation Guide

Sequim Residents Mobilize for Good Governance

National Civic Review Focuses on Civic Learning

With midterm elections less than three months award, it’s a priority that we ensure a safe, fair, and trustworthy election experience. To support this positive midterm election experience, Citizen Connect created a single web page that presents, clearly and simply, four essential, nonpartisan actions that every American can take to make our 2022 midterms work: Register, Vote, Work the Polls and Get Out The Vote. Access the election participation guide here. 

After their former mayor publicly embraced QAnon, a group of concerned citizens founded a nonpartisan political movement, Sequim Good Governance League, to take back their community from political extremists. The organization formed to promote good governance in Sequim by supporting transparency, reasoned dialogue, and respect for all community members. This Bloomberg City Lab podcast series tells their story.

Civic learning, a key ingredient of democracy, can take a variety of forms and ought to occur in multiple settings. In this issue of NCR, published in collaboration with the Kettering Foundation, we explore some of the successful strategies that educators, librarians, nonprofit groups, debate associations, public agencies, and collaborative partnerships are adopting to provide or encourage effective civic learning. Access Code NCL22 to read. 

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Additional Information and Upcoming Events

Job Opportunity: 

League of Oregon Cities, Executive Director

Learn more

ICMA Annual Conference- Columbus, OH

September 17-21, 2022


ABCD Unconference 2022

October 5, 2022

Save the Date

#ELGL22 Annual Conference- Phoenix, AZ

October 12-14, 2022


NLC City Summit- Kansas City, MO

November 17-19, 2022


NCDD Event Calendar

The calendar lists upcoming events related to dialogue, deliberation, and civic engagement.

Click here

Now accepting article proposals for National Civic Review

We are interested in 1,200-3,000 word articles. 

The deadline for the fall issue is September 15th. 

Contact [email protected] for more information. 

What We're Reading

Race in the workplace: The frontline experience (McKinsey&Company)

Yoga, Church and Civic Engagement (FlaglerLive)

When the People Decide (Podcast)

Democracy, the Public and the Inclusive We (PA Times)

National, State-by-State Data Show Depth of Mental Health Pandemic for Youth (Annie E. Casey Foundation)

Bringing Heart & Soul stories to life in Ambridge (pa humanities)

Thank you to National Civic League Sustaining Member Communities:

Algoma, WI
Asheboro, NC
Aurora, CO
Danville, VA
Decatur, GA
Delray Beach, FL
Denver, CO
Dublin, CA
El Paso, TX
Fort Wayne, IN
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gladstone, MO
Hayward, CA
Illinois Municipal League
Kansas City, MO
Las Vegas, NV
Morrisville, NC
Oakridge Neighborhood, IA
Pitt County, NC
Rancho Cordova, CA
Roanoke, VA
San Antonio, TX
Tallahassee, FL
Tampa Housing Authority
Tupelo, MS
Wheat Ridge, CO

Thank you to National Civic League Partner Organizations:

American Society for Public Administration

Bridge Alliance

Campaign for Grade-Level Reading

Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation

CGI Digital




Government Finance Officers Association


International City / County Management Association

Kettering Foundation

MissionSquare Retirement

Murray and Agnes Seasongood Foundation

National Academy of Public Administration

National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation

National Collaborative for Health Equity

National League of Cities

National Forum for Black Public Administrators

Next Fifty Initiative

Rawson Family Foundation


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Southwest Airlines

United States Census Bureau

United Way Worldwide

Well Being Trust

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Womble Bond Dickinson

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