*All are welcome to participate in Youth Apostolate events.

Make sure forms are signed and on file. http://bit.ly/YAforms


  • Feb. 28 (Fri.): HS Bible Study (7-8pm Library)

  • March 2: (Sun): Sunday Youth Group & CCD
  • 3:30-5pm Jr. High Youth Group—Grades 7 & 8 (Paint Night!)
  • 5-6:30pm 7-12th Grade CCD
  • 6:30-8pm HS Youth Group—Grades 9-12 (Paint Night!)

  • March 4 (Tues.): Sons of Thunder (7-8:30pm Maurer Room)

  • March 9 (Sun): Sunday Youth Group & CCD

  • March 9 (Sun): Q & A with Fr. De Celles for High School (5-6:30pm)

  • March. 15 (Sat): 9-11amTalitha Koum (Library)
  • Note: Bring a bouquet of flowers for art project

  • March. 15 (Sat): St. Joseph/Patrick Dinner
  • Dinner HS Volunteers Needed various shifts 1-8pm
  • HS Volunteer Sign Up

EVERY Friday in March 6:30am Mass & Breakfast

All 7-12th graders are invited to join us for 6:30am Mass & breakfast with Fr. Bergida & Fr. Horkan in the hall after. RSVP so we have enough food. https://bit.ly/FRIDAYRSVP RSVP by Wed. if you need a ride to school.

March 7-8th

First Friday Adoration

9am Friday - 9am Saturday

Adoration Sign-Up

Sunday 3/2: Youth Group & CCD

Youth Group meets in the Parish Hall. All are invited!

3:30-5pm Jr. High Youth Group—Grades 7 & 8 (Paint Night!)

5-6:30pm 7-12th Grade CCD

6:30-8pm HS Youth Group—Grades 9-12 (Paint Night!)


Sunday 3/9: High School Q & A with Fr. De Celles

5-6:30pm (Maurer Room) Father De Celles invites ALL high schools students to a night of Q & A. This is a great time to ask questions about the faith, or write them to ask anonymously, and get them answered. Bring your questions & invite a friend! Regular youth group to follow!


High School Youth Group families - please consider sharing your time and talent by providing one "dinner item" or dessert this semester for the approximately 30 youth that attend YG each week. The details are in the signupgenius which can be found at https://bit.ly/HSYGsnacks. Thank you for supporting the Youth Apostolate! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Hansen mary.hansen@straymonds.org

Deepen Your Prayer Life this Lent

Start your Fridays with Mass & discussion afterwards

6:30am Mass & Breakfast every Friday

All 7-12th graders are invited to join us for 6:30am Mass & breakfast with Fr. Bergida & Fr. Horkan in the hall after. RSVP so we have enough food. https://bit.ly/FRIDAYRSVP RSVP by Wed. if you need a ride to school.


Saturday, March 15: High School Volunteer Opportunity

St. Patrick/St. Joseph (various shifts from 1-8pm)

Calling all high school youth! Your time and talent is needed to help with the Feast of St. Joseph and St. Patrick dinner in the Parish Hall on Saturday, March 15th. Help is needed with set-up decorating, serving food and clean up.   Faith, family, food, and fun...can't beat that! Sign up at https://bit.ly/PatJoeDinner


Saturday, March 22 High School Swing Dance

7-9pm (Parish Hall) All high school students are invited! We have instructors so please don’t worry if you have never danced before. Most of the folks who have been attending had never swing danced before, but now are quite good! See flyer or email for more info. Please bring a completed 2024-2025 YA Info. Sheet if you do not yet have one on file for this school year and ask any friends you invite to do so as well.

FIAT & QUO VADIS Summer Camps

What is God calling you to? What is the vocation he has in store for you? Spend a week of your summer at one of these highly sought after camps where you will have a blast playing sports, praying and learning more about the vocations to the priesthood, religious life as well as married life.

Quo Vadis Days and FIAT Camps are great opportunities for current 9-12th graders to have fun while deepening their faith and exploring their vocations. Quo Vadis (for boys) is staffed by Arlington seminarians, priests and religious, and runs July 13-17. FIAT (for girls) is staffed by religious sisters and runs from July 20-24. Both are held at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. The registration lottery is open February 3-28. See pics & videos from past years, get more info. & register for the lottery by clicking below.

Quo Vadis (July 13-17) Boys
Fiat (July 20-24) Girls


Associates of John Bosco Scholarship Opportunities Applications now open!!

The Associates of St. John Bosco is pleased to offer scholarships to high school seniors through college juniors who have demonstrated an intense desire to live out their faith on their college campus and who seek to serve the Church in some capacity after graduation. We offer three general scholarships in the amount of $4,000 and one scholarship, the Vincent T. Vaccaro Education Scholarship, in the amount of $6,000 to a student who will be engaged in education or work with young adults. Freshman scholarship funding may continue into the next three years if certain criteria are met and, of course, if funding is available, for potentially $16,000 to $24,000 in total scholarship funding! Deadline: May 19, 2025

For more information and links to apply to these scholarships & to see opportunities for several others click the"Scholarship Website" button below.

Scholarship Website


for youth, adults, and/or families

  • St. Raymond's 2025 Snow Team: Your Parish needs your HELP! St. Raymond's is seeking industrious, cold weather loving, able-bodied people to join the 2025 Snow Removal Team.The Snow Team will work with the Plant Manager to clear the sidewalks and entryways in proximity of the Church during snow and/or ice events. Equipment is provided; sidewalks and aprons must be clear no less than 30 minutes before the first Mass of the day (and as needed thereafter). Snow Team members must have transportation that enables them to get to the church in inclement weather. Earn $20.00 per hour. For more information or to apply, please contact the Parish Office, at 703-440-0535 during office hours.

Youth Apostolate Website

Jeanne Sause

Director of the Youth Apostolate (Grades 7-12)

youth@straymonds.org Call/Text: 571-334-9890 

Email Jeanne to be added to the weekly email list for the most updated info on Youth Apostolate news & upcoming events!

** If you click "unsubscribe" below, you will unsubscribe yourself from ALL parish emails. If you no longer wish to receive Youth Apostolate emails, but would like to continue to get emails from the parish, please email Jeanne and ask to be removed from the Youth Apostolate email list.**