United Way of West Central Connecticut VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Program had a wonderful tax season. Our goal was to serve 500 VITA customers and we closed our season by serving 607customers and $871,118 back to those in our community.
VITA is a free tax preparation program available throughout the state of Connecticut and is a team effort. Thank you to HRA of New Britain, The Village for Children and Families and United Way of Central and Northeastern CT, and United Way of Meriden and Wallingford for participating VITA sites.
Locally, we saw customers from our four communities - Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, and Plymouth - and others as far as Bridgeport, Simsbury, and Winsted.
The time and dedication of volunteers, during tax season, make this program possible. All volunteers are IRS trained and certified, informed of all the available tax deductions, and prepared to answer simple tax questions.
Thank you to our United Way of West Central Connecticut volunteers for volunteering their time this tax season. Thank you to Joshua Newman, Suani Nicolas Avila, Randy Paz, Takira Brewster, Jeannette Conforti, Adiba Hossain, Anita Hamzy, Cate Pickup, Robert Sanderford, Candice Anderson, Russell Wagoner, Thomas McMilan, Andy Asensio, Norman Girard, and Paulina Morales.
Thank you to our VITA Greeters Donna Dognin and Amy Wernicki. Thank you to HRA Staff Catalina Martinez and Site Coordinator and Bryant Mercado for another successful tax season.
You can sign up NOW to learn about becoming a VITA volunteer for next tax season. Please contact Nancy Micloskey at 860 582-9559 X402 or nmicloskey@uwwestcentralct.org for more information.
Volunteers of all ages, from high school and beyond, are encouraged to sign up and receive complimentary training in tax preparation and serving as a greeter. Our flexible scheduling ensures that you can volunteer at times that suit your availability.