Issue 68 - April 22, 2018
Inspirational Note ...
July 2016 in Sri Lanka Swami remarked:

“Everybody must ask the question, “What have I done today? What selfless thing have I done, performed without any expectations, without any bartering?” That alone will please Me. One selfless act a day will keep your ego under control. Selfless, selfless, selfless. A bit less of self every day will, one day, make you completely selfless. Therefore, every day, you must engage in some sort of selfless action.

Don’t wait for a big project to start, don’t wait for a big institution to begin; start where you are, with what you have, with whatever effort that you can put in and, if you lead the way, more and more young people and adults will join. It only needs one Vivekananda, one Buddha, one Ramakrishna, to start and everyone else will join in. Be a good leader, lead from the front; take upon yourself, in your own limited way, whatever you can do, and you will see how goodness will attract so many better people. Then it will become a large project all by itself. Begin somewhere and I will be there to support you. Many people wait for others to join, thinking, ‘Let other people join, then I will start.’ That way nobody starts – but, if you start, everybody will join.”
Service Updates
Back to School and Happy Easter
March is a very important month in Argentina because it is the beginning of the new period of classes. The children start to get ready and most of them need school material and clothes to attend classes. Moreover, Easter was celebrated in this month and the Argentine youth prepared some surprises so as to make these dates more special. 
Youth Workshop
The Council of Citizens for Safety and Justice (Consejo Ciudadano de Seguridad y Justicia A.C.) is a non-profit organisation that decided to get involved with Praderas del Sur, last September and collaborate with René’s Gym through a Social Reinsertion Program, focusing on young people who have been consuming drugs or alcohol and want to break the addiction.
Northern California
Bhagawan declared that Sai Ashraya is not a project that is being executed in California, but Sai Ashraya is what is in your heart. Ashraya means refuge or shelter. No wonder Bhagawan had beautifully named this as Sai Ashraya several years ago even before the devotees realised what this is. The journey to Sai is a journey of Love, therefore making ones heart a Sai Ashraya is the foremost idea.
Southern California Service
This month, the group distributed approximately one hundred and sixty sandwiches and snacks. The situation at the Civic Center in Santa Ana seems to change month by month, it seems this was the case again. The homeless were again shifted from their usual place to a little further away which the group were not aware of. However, when speaking to a young man, he told us that they were moved due to rains flooding the area in which they resided.
Upon reflection on this, the group understood that water is a vital necessity and must be provided in each distribution. Another lesson learned was that the group needs to make the food more interesting and not to take easy options! Nevertheless, the homeless appreciate whatever is given and continuously express their appreciation with laughter and smiles.
A Work in Progress
Until December 2015, externally everything seemed right, I seemed to have a perfect life, a perfect career, a perfect family and many friends around. Still, there was always something missing.
I became my own observer. I know this is only the beginning, I am still a work in progress. I am grateful to Bhagawan for all the experiences and people and situations that I have been through for all these years and being ever patient with me while I continue to learn. The war is not over yet, but at least I feel I am armed with Bhagawan’s weapon to face it. The weapon of LOVE.