Issue 89 - September 16, 2018
Inspirational Note...
In 2015 one of the Satsangs held in the divine presence at Encinitas, USA. A devotee seeks permission to write a book on His subtle form.

And here is what Swami said:

When you write about the planet, there might be a need for a book. To write about Me, there is no need for a book. Your life itself should become My book. The way you lead your life here onwards will speak volumes about Me and My existence. It will be the proof of My presence in your life. I don’t want any book. I want you to lead a life, and through your actions, words, and thoughts, you must bring forth My message of love and service for humanity. Once you have lived a life like this – really demonstrated My love in your life – once your life itself has become My book, then maybe I will permit you to write a book, too, so that long after we all are gone, the book still remains for others to seek guidance from.
Service Updates
Dedication during the Holiday Month
Summary of youth Seva over the month of August:

Youth in Cyprus:
  • Distributed 150 bags filled with dry foods to families in need.
  • Allocated 1,000 coupons to impoverished people, enabling them to acquire food from a local bakery.

Youth in Greece:
  • Narayana Seva – 2,500 meals served to homeless Greeks; many clothes were also distributed.
  • Assisted relief efforts for fire victims in Greece.
  • The youth packaged and distributed boxes filled with dry food, cleaning products and basic household items to approximately 50 impoverished families scattered around Athens.
  • The translation team are currently working on the fourth book of the Uvacha series, after having presented “The Story Divine” by Madhusudan Naidu as well as the “Uvacha Series 3” at the Divine Lotus Feet during the Guru Poornima celebrations.
Helping People
It was one year ago when I first started going to Nectar of Love, the service centre in Greece set up by the Greek youth. At the time, unfortunately, I had several bad habits. Over the last few months however, with the help, love and personal support that I...
I feel very satisfied overall with the experience at Nectar of Love. It is a creative environment where we often have new ideas and different approaches on how to help people. I also enjoy carrying out the responsibilities given to me at the centre and I have experienced that through this process of helping others, we ourselves are being helped!