Issue 131 - July 07, 2019
In 2017 a
held in the divine presence in Singapore. When asked about life, karma, enlightenment, and other things in the creation.
Here is what Swami said:
You see, it’s a very fundamental question. All of this is in place because God was lonely – all by Himself. He wanted somebody to love Him and He wanted somebody to love, just like a mother does. A mother wants to give birth to a child. When you ask why she is going to undergo suffering for nine months, going through all kinds of physical and mental issues –so much pain – and ask about the need for it, what will the mother answer? She wants to see herself in that child, wants to love the child, and wants the child to love her.
That was the whole purpose that man was created: so that he can love God and God can love man but unfortunately, when the child forgets this basic truth and gets into all kinds of things and hurts the mother, that is when the trouble begins. The purpose of our lives – why this whole Creation happened – is because God wanted to love Himself in so many forms and wanted all these forms to love Him.
When you go back to the basic, fundamental principle of pure love, and see God in yourself and in everyone else, then you start enjoying the whole game of life. When you deviate from the rules, the game becomes stressful. It becomes that which creates anxiety and difficulties. That is why I am teaching you to return to the very fundamentals of this Creation, which is love – to be able to love others as divine, as gods; love yourself and love others. That is the whole purpose, which is a very beautiful experience.
The truth is, all these complications are your creation. When you simply go by the rules, there is no complication. When you follow traffic rules, there are no complications and no accidents on the road. The moment one person starts deviating from the rules, then there is confusion, commotion and accidents. That is why Swami is putting you back on the path of love so that you can enjoy being here, enjoy loving others and enjoy being loved by others. Then all of them will be able to love God. That is the purpose.
Health on Wheels
Free Rural Medical Outreach Project by Sai Prema Foundation,
June 22, 2019 – Naitasiri Primary School, Baulevu, Fiji Islands
In just a short span of five hours, over 300 patients were served! This was a new record for the foundation for the largest ‘Health on Wheels’ rural medical outreach ever! A variety of medical services were provided to the rural villagers on that day; from general practitioners, specialist physicians, pathologists and psychiatrist to care in dental, obstetrics, gynecology, dietetics and physiotherapy, to free medicines being dispensed by the pharmacy team. A community wellness workshop was also conducted, along with women’s and men’s health advocacy and related health tests. They also had the National TB screening program team joining in from the Ministry of Health, for the first time.
Service in Australia
The Heart of Love team in Murwillumbah is continuing with their regular service activities. The daily breakfast program at the local secondary school is serving approximately 50 students who are receiving a healthy, hot breakfast before the school commences every day. The weekly food hampers are also continuing, with 20 very grateful families receiving fruits, vegetables and staple foods every Thursday.
The Health in Kind Team in Melbourne had their monthly Divine Mother and Child programme for refugee families on June 19, 2019. The doctors and pharmacist briefly spoke about keeping healthy in the winter season. Information on vitamin supplements were given. The pharmacy donated free multivitamins for children, to the group. New families who had recently arrived to Australia from Iran came to the session and were able to have free medical consultations and some dental treatment.
Once a week, volunteers from Heart of Love Foundation and Sunshine Welfare Action Mission, Australia conduct ‘Self Confidence and Life Skills’ Classes for children and youth at a community centre called Minnawarra House. Many of these children and youth come from difficult socioeconomic backgrounds and many of them have indigenous Australian backgrounds. This month they conducted four classes and in each class they had about five to ten children and youth who attended.
On June 15, 2019, the Health In Kind team in Perth conducted a free medical screening in conjunction with their partner CARAD (Center for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees).
Using CARAD’s venue, the Health in Kind medical professionals conducted six dental screenings and two medical screenings for the client families of CARAD. There were two dentists and two doctors present to conduct these screenings.
Not everyone who attended the event saw the medical professionals as some were accompanying those who needed to be screened. To make sure everyone felt welcomed, the non-medical volunteers brought food which was enjoyed by the families present. The afternoon was filled with good company, chats and laughs!
Some canned food donations were also provided to CARAD to distribute to their clients as required.
1Youth have been partnering with Pertapis Children’s Home (PCH), a protected home for children who are victims of domestic abuse from parents. In 2018, the youth group organised a health screening and mindfulness session for the children and engaged them in sports and games as well as a celebratory meal during Ramadan.
The home shared, that while the children had regular interaction with senior donors (many from corporate companies/organisations) whom they would meet every once in a while, they did not have much regular, consistent interaction with youths who they could perhaps relate to on a more personal level; the way they would with an elder sibling.
Tuition Classes for Needy Children
A group of dedicated volunteers gather every weekday evening at Sai Ananda
to conduct free tuition classes for children living in the area of Kampung Laksamana, a poverty-stricken neighbourhood rampant with various social issues.
This class, which was started with just a handful of children, now serves over 150 children daily! These children, from 6 to 15 years old, mostly come from financially needy background and broken families. Sai Ananda opens its doors to keep these children in good company so that they stay away from the negative influences of society.