Issue 202 - November 08, 2020
Master the Mind
Mind is the cause of bondage and liberation, and if one can master this mind, one can become not just a mastermind but the master Himself, says Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai. In this series of talks, ‘Master the Mind’, primarily given to the Ashram residents of Sathya Sai Grama, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai guides us step by step, to take up a 30 day sadhana to understand, analyse, master and finally merge the mind into the divine self.
Athi Rudra Maha Yagna
We invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva as we embark on a discovery to revive the spiritual heritage within each one of us. Whilst on the quest for spirituality, the hallowed time of the year is here, the Athi Rudra Maha Yagna, to be conducted in the Divine presence of our dear Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.

Eko hi rudro na dvitīyāya tasthur - The Vedas declare that there is only Rudra and none other. Rudra is the popular form of Lord Shiva. He is the supreme Lord and is the creator, protector and destroyer of the world. Sri Rudram is a hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva and is the essential and central part of the Athi Rudra Maha Yagna. Ruk means sorrow or misery and the one who destroys misery is called Rudra.

Sri Rudram is a part and the heart of Krishna Yajur Veda. It comprises Namakam and Chamakam, both with eleven anuvakas (chapters in the Veda). Namakam is derived from the Sanskrit word namaha which means ‘I bow to’. Namakam includes praising the Lord, seeking forgiveness and invoking His mercy and grace. Chamakam is derived from the words Cha and me which literally mean ‘and to me be given. On chanting the Chamakam, one seeks from the Lord, material as well as spiritual benefits to lead a fulfilled life.

Follow us here to hear more about the rituals, procedure, significance, hidden secrets and surprises of partaking in the yagna and more in the next few days. Meanwhile, we have 5 days to declutter our minds and hearts to create space for the plentiful gifts coming our way, by propitiating the Lord of the universe.

Mark your calendars from 13 November 2020 to 23 November 2020 to virtually participate in Athi Rudra Maha Yagna as well as the 95th birthday celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Inspirational Note...
In 2016 a Satsang held in the divine presence at Suffolk, UK a devotee asks Swami's on revival of traditional system and how to connect more deeply with planet Earth.
Here is what Swami said:

Because you are in a society which is using these systems, you think that they are the only systems being followed. Half the world does not have access to the science, technology and medicine you talk about. How are they taking care of themselves? They are still going with their traditional knowledge, their traditional wisdom of the earth and of nature, and they look after themselves that way. So, it is not correct to say that it is totally destroyed and you no longer have any of those old methods. They are still there in those places where science and technology have not yet reached.
What is happening on this side of the world, driven by technology and modern science and modern medicine? For everything, there are some positive and some negative aspects. Even science accepts that there will be side-effects; for particular types of medication and ways of treating patients, you accept it as being the case, because some cures might take a longer time, or may not have a definite result and you are not ready to take risks. You do not have patience and, so you want immediate cures for these things; that is where technology is giving you an answer. However, if you develop patience, if you foster a healthier lifestyle and achieve better health; there will be no need for such medicines except, maybe, in some exceptional cases. You can still lead a healthy life.
Truly, most diseases today are not physical – they are mental in their origins and it is more the lack of spirituality in people than the science of medicines, that is the reason they are suffering or unhappy. People who lead spiritual lives with contentment, do not suffer as much. In the first place, they will never need most of these things. 
Where this is not the case, is where all these things come into picture. Because you have lost the patience to wait, you want everything immediately – that leads to a lot of these issues; yet, man goes by his experience. It is a cycle, a swing of the pendulum and, at some point, more and more people will realize it to be the case.
The coming times are very critical, because there is a definite shift in people’s consciousness. They are going back to their original values, having experienced that there is not much joy or happiness in the quick fixes; they wish to return to their original order of values.
That will complete the cycle, and the next era will be better. However, those who understand this should put a little effort to keep it going, to keep it alive and promote it.
Service Updates
Annapoorna Seva in Jamshedpur, India
On October 25, 2020, as part of Navarathri Celebrations, Team Annapoorna along with Sri Sai Surya Panchajanya Trust, Jamshedpur, distributed Bhagawan’s Love in the form of Grocery Kits, New Clothes and Sweet Packets to 36 families at Sabar Tola in Lupungdih on the outskirts of Jamshedpur

Grocery Kits: 5 kg Atta, 1 kg masoor dal, 700 gm mustard oil, 250 gm salt, 1 Biscuit Packet, 2 Washing soaps and 2 Bathing soaps.
Clothing Kit: 1 Dhoti, 1 saree and 1 Gamcha (towel).

Sweets: Each kit consisted of 8 Balusahi (local sweet) and 250 gm Namkeen.

Sri. Diamond Sinha, Head Statutory Compliance and Societies, Tata Steel and his wife Smt. Swetha Charan Sinha were the Chief Guests at the function. They were gracious enough to spend time with Annapoorna Volunteers and distribute Swami’s Love to all the beneficiaries.
Celebration of the World Food Day
Annapoorna Trust is deeply touched by the selfless gesture of Mandolin U Rajesh, Aalaap Raju, Praveen Narayan and Steven Samuel Devassy for bringing attention to the most pressing challenges of the current times namely hunger and malnutrition. They have helped take this message to thousands across the globe on this important occasion of #WorldFoodDay through their mesmerizing online concert!

This elevating musical performance can be accessed anytime by using any one of the following links:

Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
Multi-Speciality Mobile Hospital Service for Rural India - Amid COVID-19 Controls
West Bengal Seva
During the festive month of the auspicious Durga Puja, traversing in different districts of West Bengal, Love-on-Wheels offered 831 On-Ground Consultations for rural patients with medicinal support amid COVID-19 Controls! 209 rural geriatrics beneficiaries were supported. Nutritional supplements were extended to 40 needy families.

113 rural school children were supported with a malt-based protein supplement - Sai Sure, with milk packs.
On November 5, 2020, the following services
were rendered at four destinations
Reaching the third and fourth destinations of the month in the districts of North 24 Parganas and Nadia of West Bengal in two consecutive days, Dr. V. K. Pandey, Dr. Kakoli Mazumdar, Dr. Gaekwad and Dr. Nazrin spearheaded the Aarogya Vahini Medical Team to offer both formats of consultations, namely On-Ground and Tele-Health Support.
On November 6, 2020, the following services
were rendered at Six destinations
  • On-Ground Consultations: 271
  • Paediatric Consultations: 57
  • Telemedicine: 78
  • Sai Sure Nutrition: 273

98 on-ground consultations were offered for adults at two locations while 30 children went through complete screening for general, cardiac, ophthalmic and dental screening under the Divine Child Programme. Protein supplement Sai Sure was distributed to 60 children after their BMI (body-mass index) evaluation.
On November 7, 2020, the following services were rendered at seven destinations
  • On-Ground Consultations: 330
  • Paediatric Consultations under Divine Child Programme: 57
  • Telemedicine: 78
  • Sai Sure Nutrition: 273

The team has been reaching out to different destinations on a war-footing every day, with a complete On- Ground Medical Team.
The following topics were undertaken for the community:
  • Lifestyle and balanced diet for Hypertension and Diabetic Patients
  • Eye care during COVID-19 crisis
  • Healthcare guidelines for COVID -19
Middle East Seva November- 2020
The pandemic situation still continues to remind all human beings as to what they have forgotten over the ages of conditioning and the ignorance which they have allowed themselves to fall into. If they are not ready to learn the lesson now, then maybe, another chance will not be there anymore. So, may they wake up to the call of nature which demands and inspires them to heed the call of distressed hearts, be it the human race or any other living or non-living thing, for that matter.
One Meal A Day
OMAD is a venture which positively infected the flock of humanitarians over in this part of the Middle East. Following this initiative, the group has always ensured that selfless service continues without any halt, whatever the situation may be. Thanks to the inspirational guidance of Sadguru Sri Madhusudhan Sai who acts as the pole star and divine guide for millions of followers of the greatest personage, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Statistics for the month of October: 14 people shared 459 meals with fellow beings.