Issue 57 - February 4, 2018
Inspirational Note...
In California, June 2016, a devotee asked if Sai Rama Rajya will be established in the next hundred years. Swami’s reply:

Yes, everything has to come in its time. When night falls, it eventually has to end, and the day has to begin again. This is the time when the night and day are merging, and night has to give way today. Whatever name you choose to call it – Rama Rajya, Sai Rajya or the Golden Age – whatever the name, this is the time when the world will be far more peaceful, people will have more tolerance and love for each other and it will definitely be better than it has been for thousands of years.

However, I have always said, and I will continue to say that, even if everything is right, if you are not in tune with it, you will not be able to experience it. The tastiest of foods may have been prepared but, if you are sick and your tongue is bitter, you will not be able to taste the sweetness. First of all, the change has to begin within...
 Service Updates
School Holiday Programme
From the January 11, 2017 to January 24, 2018, a ten day school holiday programme was held for about 20 children at Minnawarra House in Perth, Australia. Youth and elders assisted as facilitators.

The children were between four and fourteen years of age and the aim of this holiday programme was to inculcate values such as honesty, compassion and respect in the children. Each of the ten days was allocated a value-theme and activities were conducted based around these themes. This way, there were constant reminders for the children about the theme throughout the day.
Health on Wheels Medical Camp
Father In Law Home, Labi - January 13, 2018
Blessed with bright sunny weather on the day, a small team consisting of one doctor, one dietitian, one pharmacist and a handful of volunteers made their presence felt at the Father in Law Home. From experience, the team expected the general outlook of the residents to be deteriorating and that is the reason such home visits are so vital. This was evident from the long list of medications prescribed by the doctor which prompted the need to highlight the importance of proper general upkeep of the residents and their health.
Sri Sathya Sai Asia Pacific
Medical Outreach Programme
Nine youth from Singapore participated in the Sri Sathya Sai Asia Pacific Medical Outreach programme in Belaga from January 5 to 7 2018. This is a monthly outreach programme organized by the Divine Will Society in Kuching. They were invited to participate in November last year, but could not do so as there were no direct flights to the area. Dear Swami heard their prayers and a month later, AirAsia launched the first international route from Singapore to Bintulu, allowing them to participate!
Divine Mother and Child Health Care Programme
Denpasar Distric, Bali
On January 14, 2018 the youth of Pooja Sai Ashram continued their monthly Medical care under the guidance of the Mother and Child Health Care programme. The seva was conducted at their own Ashram in Denpasar. The medical care aimed to provide general medical examinations for children and adults from around the Ashram and also members of the Ashram themselves. Preparation was conducted before hand. Medical supplies were re-checked and renewed. Examination areas were then prepared afterwards to ensure adequate examination space. All youth participated in the process, from registration until medical supply preparation.
Malaysia Seva
The youths of Malaysia along with other organisations got together to conduct a three day, free medical outreach camp under the Sri Sathya Sai Asia Pacific medical outreach programme with a team of local doctors at the premises of a mill factory at Mukah Town, Sarawak, Malaysia The entire outreach team assembled at various places and made their way to Mukah town. The medical camp was set up at the site office of the mill.
The medical team started their journey, which took approximately ten to eleven hours. The team was given accommodation at the staff quarters at Mukah Town during the duration of the medical camp. The camp commenced on the following day, December 9, 2017 and the mill workers were the first batch of patients, followed by the villagers from the area surrounding the mill. A total of eighty-five medical patients were screened and treated.
Our Transformation is all that Really Matters to Him 
How do I write in an article, about something that has possibly been going on for more than a thousand lifetimes?

The way I see it – Swami is only interested in our transformation. That’s what He came down as an Avatar for. Sometimes, our transformation takes place through moments of adversity and pain. Other times – through His presence and His showering of pure love on us.
Then, there are times when He helps us transform through facing our fears...