Issue 104 - January 06, 2019
Inspirational Note...
In 2016 a Satsang held in the divine presence at Barcelona, Spain. A devotee asked what is the importance of forgiveness and how it removes the consequences of bad karma.

And here is what Swami said:

Love lives by giving and forgiving. Spirituality is all about love, so giving and forgiving is spirituality. It is a great virtue. Jesus said, “Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Even in that last hour of pain and suffering, He still had the heart to pray for those who had hurt him and that is why He is worshiped even today.

Have you seen the game of tug-of-war, where two people pull a rope from opposite ends? As long as they both keep pulling in opposite directions, there is a struggle – but, the moment one side lets go, peace comes and the fight ends. Forgiveness is like letting go. Continuing the fight does more harm to you than the other person. The poison of anger stays in you and poisons you, but when you forgive, you let go. It helps you first, before others. When there is no involvement between you and the other person, where is the question of karma? When you have already allowed it to go, there is no further connection, so there is no more karma. Revenge is more an enemy to you than the other person. It is like a fire that burns you first – so apply the water of love and douse the fire. Forgiving is a divine quality; forgive and forget.
 Service Updates
Health on Wheels by Sai Prema Foundation Fiji
Waidradra District School, Navua
Waidradra village consists of approximately 400 residents. The team was notified of the village by Mrs. Renu Snowsill, an active local community worker and volunteer. Many of the homes at the village did not have a toilet and she was assisting with other donors to procure building materials to get some toilets constructed to reduce the congestion and improve hygiene and sanitary conditions of the villagers. During her visits she had noticed the need for health services also and contacted Sai Prema Foundation Fiji (SPF) for help. After an initial visit by one of the trustees along with Renu, a medical screening initiative plan was mapped out.
Christmas Party for Dilkusha Home
A total of 29 children and eight staff were treated to a ride on Santa’s cart, photos with Santa, a sumptuous lunch at NYPK and play in the children’s play area. To top it off, the children who had their birthday recently cut a Birthday/Christmas cake. The visit concluded with presentation of Christmas gifts to the children. The members of Sai Prema Foundation spent quality time with the children.
Sai Prema Foundation has been working with Dilkusha Home to provide some of the needs of the children. Some recent initiatives include conducting a needs assessment followed up with medical and dental camps, installation of wall fans in the dormitory and annual Christmas parties for the last few years.
Minawarra House Christmas Party
Heart of Love Team, Perth Update
The youth from Perth and their team of volunteers held their annual Christmas Party at Minnawarra House. They had over 40 children and their families were present. A scrumptious Christmas spread was provided for all to enjoy, followed by some fun outdoor and indoor Christmas games, henna art for the girls and dancing. To top off the afternoon, the kids got their much loved ice cream and an appearance from Santa Claus who distributed sweets and gifts to all the children! There was much love felt all around. It was a wonderful way to close our Heart of Love programme for 2018. The programme will commence again in the new school year, providing hearty meals and value based interactive sessions every Sunday.
Health in Kind Medical Services and
Heart of Love Feeding Programme
Melbourne Update
The Divine Mother and Child programme was held in Dandenong on December 15, 2018, also the last session of 2018 for this community. Christmas lunch was provided, all of which was enjoyed thoroughly. There were some fun activities for the children including face painting and games. Santa also made an appearance and gave out Christmas presents which delighted the children immensely!
The youth of Murwillumbah invited indigenous elders and families in the areas surrounding the Heart of Centre Ashram for a Christmas lunch and family fun day on December 2, 2018. A lovely meal was provided. The children enjoyed running around the Ashram land playing games and sports, whilst the youth enjoyed the company of the elders, listening to their stories from their younger days which are inspiring and touching to the heart. This service continues every month as a gratitude to the indigenous people who are the traditional owners of the land!
Pooja Sai Ashram School Holiday Programme
December in Bali marks the start of school holiday for most students. Here in Pooja Sai Ashram , the youth coordinated a school holiday programme for the Balvikas students and children surrounding the Ashram on December 15-16, 2018. The programme started with Rudram prayers by the Balvikas students, who chanted beautifully throughout the session. Bhajans were performed afterwards where Balvikas students and youth sang beautifully. Finally a fire camp was held just outside the Ashram . Everyone was very excited to share their stories and have fun for the night.
Seeds of Service at Sincere
Care Home in Malaysia
Sincere Care Home is an elderly home which supports and sustains approximately 60 elders some of whom are mentally ill too. Swami had planted a seed of opportunity for the youth to cultivate and care for - and the youth wholeheartedly responded!
The youth started the day serving the elders a delicious but nutritious, home-cooked vegetarian lunch. It was wonderful to see the look of satisfaction in the elders’ faces as they fed them, for it was as if the youth saw their sweet Lord in them - enjoying the offering of a hearty meal.
Christmas Seva at Elder Care Facility
at Sagamihara City
Japanese youth along with regular devotees conducted Christmas Seva on December 24, 2018 at Elder Care Facility in Sagamihara City. 16 enthusiastic devotees with unique skills such as singers, pianist, flute players, drummer, dancer and Santa Claus gathered to serve elderly people who are lonely and in need of heartwarming communication.
For this Seva , they prepared Christmas gifts and handmade cards to be gifted to elderly people and staff of the facility, and practiced Christmas carols. As a Christmas gift, the youth selected small hand towels so the elderly people can use them in daily life. Many who could not join the Seva on Christmas Eve also helped and contributed by providing and wrapping gifts.
Service, Slowly and Steadily
On December 18, 2018, 31 of the youth from Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, India and Thailand packed their bags and headed for a three-day service trip to Baan Unrak Children’s Home. Baan Unrak Foundation was established by Donata Dolci who is lovingly called Didi (elder sister). Although born and raised in Italy, a single command from her Guru brought her to serve the rural areas by the borders of Thailand and Burma. In 1990, an abandoned wife approached Didi and handed her a child who had nowhere else to go. The mother and the child were suffering from severe malnutrition and many other illnesses. Since then there has been no turning back for Didi...