Issue 86 - August 26, 2018
Inspirational Note ...
In 2015 one of the Satsangs held in the divine presence at Sunnyvale, USA. A devotee asked if miracles increase ones devotion.

And here is what Swami said:

Is it because of miracles that devotion is increasing, or is it because of devotion that miracles are happening? You must ask that question first. It is devotion that made God manifest in different ways. It is not that the manifestations increase devotion. If the members of Perambur Samithi are also as devoted as the people in Sundaram and Guindy, a lot manifestations will definitely happen there, too. That is what is required.

What is devotion? Devotion is not just singing Bhajans and engaging in all kinds of discussions. It is acting. If you do Seva in Perambur Samithi – help the school children, serve them breakfast, give them education, and offer tuition classes, then I will certainly manifest there in many, many ways; only to make it obvious to you. Otherwise, I am there, just as I am everywhere.
Service Updates
Youth on the Streets
In July, the youth group met every Sunday to serve breakfast to those who live on the streets of Buenos Aires City. After a short harmonization, they started walking and distributing breakfast, food and clothes to the homeless. Due to the fact that they had been doing this for a long time, they got to know some people and their stories. Once, a little girl and her father, who the youth had met some months ago, saw the group doing the harmonization. As a result, the little girl named them the “prayer group”. Her father told the youth that every Sunday she felt very happy because she would see the “prayer group”.
Canadian News August 2018
The youth thank Bhagawan for allowing them to be part of Him and His mission. They are so fortunate to have this opportunity to serve their needy friends in Downtown Edmonton. It gives the youth immense joy to see the people run towards them with a big smile on their faces to get their share of the nutritious food packets. Thank you, Swami for allowing the youth to be part of this sacred act!
Breakfast Seva in Berkeley California
August 2018
The City of Berkeley is very famous and known for the prestigious UC Berkeley in the State of California. On the flip side, a lot of homeless individuals who are either travelling from Oakland city or residents of Berkeley city who chose to step away from their areas in search of achieving their dreams, call this City home.
The Sai youth reached out to YEAH shelter as part of the Sai Ashraya Initiative where they serve breakfast and interact with teens who stay there. Although breakfast is much-needed for the teens, the main focus has been to interact with them to understand more about them and thereby building trust. The initiative of providing breakfast has been much appreciated and loved by the teens staying there.
Love, Kindness and Patience
in Houston, Texas
It was another hot day in Houston, Texas and the homeless youth were lined up at the Drop-in Center run by Montrose Grace Place. The volunteers were there by 6:00 PM when the doors opened. Approximately 25 youth were being served. As usual, they were served a hearty meal as the volunteers sat amongst them to engage and create a loving and joyful atmosphere. After dinner they were taken two at time to the large closet area to select from a variety of items such as clothes, diapers, snacks and other necessities.
Breakfast Seva in Huntsville, Alabama
Sai youth in Alabama are being prepared by Bhagawan to serve in Mississippi, a State where the level of despair is very high due to poor job prospects, even for younger adults. It is important that Sai devotees convey, in words and actions, how abundant the Love of Bhagawan truly is. Many in this region are reluctant to ask for help, even from Him; but also from others, because they feel that they are losing their dignity in the process. Therefore, it is important that the volunteers, as His children, make an effort to let every individual know that they are worthy of respect and that in the eyes of Bhagawan they are actually one with Him.