Issue 126 - June 02, 2019
Inspirational Note...
In 2017 a Satsang held in the divine presence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. When asked how to develop unflinching devotion to God.

Here is what Swami said:

Say you go to a barber. He cuts your hair and you give him money, saying, “Thank you.” You go to a doctor because of a disease; he treats you with medicine and charges you a fee. When you pay him, you say, “Thank you.” Anybody who does little things for you, even though they charge, you say to them, “Thank you.” You develop some kind of warmth or affection towards them for their service.

With God, who has been doing everything for you without charging a penny, without asking anything in return, since the very beginning, how much affection should you have for Him, for always looking after you? If you simply rely on yourself, thinking, ‘God has done so much for me; all the time He is looking after me and caring for me, without expecting anything. He alone loves me so selflessly. Should I not automatically develop some affection and love for God?’ The more you think about this great truth, that God alone is doing everything for you, the more your love will grow for God. As you keep meditating on this truth, making it a part of your life, your devotion to God will increasingly grow. That is the easiest way to start loving God.
 Service Updates
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre
Suva, Fiji
The Sai Prema Foundation, Fiji’s Medicare mission has expanded itself into a new dimension through the establishment of a free Medical Centre in Suva; to serve the underprivileged and needy members of the country with particular emphasis on women’s and children’s health, as well as a focus on diabetes.
Be a Hero, Save Three Lives   
Blood Drive at TappooCity Plaza, Suva, Fiji
The Youth of Sai Prema Foundation embarked on yet another journey to collect some much needed “liquid love” – Blood! The youth teamed up with the Fiji National Blood Services Department from the Ministry of Health and conducted a day long blood drive on two separate occasions on Saturday, May 4, 2019 and Saturday, May 18, 2019 at Tappoo City Plaza, one of the busiest localities in Suva.
Gift of Life
Free Heart Surgeries for the Children of Fiji
The Gift of Life Heart Surgeries is a project of Sai Prema Foundation Fiji, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and Charitable Foundation formed to serve the underprivileged and needy people of Fiji through Medicare, Educare and Sociocare initiatives.
The Sai Prema Foundation Fiji undertook this initiative in association with the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services in collaboration with an international team of surgeons, doctors and medical professionals from India, Australia, USA and Oman representing the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals in India.
Health in Kind and Heart of
Love Foundation Activities - Perth
On the May 4, 2019, volunteers from Health in Kind in Perth got together to run a free medical screening for refugees and asylum seekers.
This was the first time that a big scale medical screening was conducted. Previously, monthly screenings have been with smaller groups of people and medical professionals. At this event, there were four doctors, five nurses, two physiotherapists, four dentists, one optometrist and two audiologists providing their services to the attendees.
Melbourne Update
In May, the Melbourne Team of Health in Kind volunteers conducted the Divine Mother and Child Program in Wyndham Vale. Two audiologists presented on ear health and a pharmacist with two doctors briefly spoke about the flu season. The mothers were offered free flu vaccines by the pharmacist who is accredited to administer this at her pharmacy. The dental team saw and treated eight patients. All mothers received Mother’s Day gifts to take home!

The Heart of Love Foundation team in Melbourne continued the weekly feeding at a disadvantaged caravan park on the eastern side of Melbourne, providing meals and good company to more than 30 residents. In eastern Melbourne, there was the monthly session with the refugee community, providing a warm meal and positive character building activities for the children. 
Brisbane: Toogoolawah School
As part of the new direction and indeed moving forward with Swami’s mission; a workshop was organised in the Toogoolawah School which brought together volunteers and service oriented professionals from the medical and educational fields including community care workers. The aim of the workshop was to explore the various dimensions of the “Edumedicare Gap Model”, to develop a framework for this model, to concretise ideas and to look at the expansion of this model. 
The fruit and veggies hampers continue to be made every week. Volunteers gather to pack hampers for 20 families. The Heart of Love Foundation has now collaborated with another organisation called Second bite who rescue good, excess produce from leading supermarkets and redistribute it to non-profit organisations to enable food aid.
Pooja Sai Ashram Blood Donation
On May 19, 2019 the youth and elders from Pooja Sai Ashram gathered together to prepare for their routine blood donation activity which has been in place in the Ashram for many years. The need for blood transfusion in Bali keeps increasing and supplies tend to decrease over time; that is why the event was held to help resupply the need for blood transfusions. The donation was held inside the Ashram where preparations were made the day before to ensure everything was in place.
Serving Breakfast to School
Children in Malaysia
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others “. Similarly, Swami also emphasizes on service, as it is the easiest path to self-realisation. During Swami's 93rd Birthday celebration in November 2018, Swami urged His youth to start a feeding project in their respective countries.
Following Swami's command, the youth of Malaysia embarked on a new journey of feeding breakfast to school children at a Government School in Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur.
Transformation through
Service Opportunities
I was about 15 years of age when I first heard the name, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. As a young child I had always wondered, how is it that we have so many faiths? Isn’t there only one God? I, myself, was raised a Greek Orthodox Christian and I wondered, what if I was born in a different country, I might be a Muslim or a Buddhist or a Hindu. Something I have come to understand...
It can be easy to talk about and harder to put into practice, but I hope, that day by day, little by little, the transformation is happening. May Swami bless us, with hearts and minds filled with selfless love, so that we all recognise the daily opportunities to serve!